forum Pokemon Roleplay Anyone? (Open, maybe?? Trying for a revive)
Started by Deleted user
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Deleted user

“Makes since,” Mystic said glancing around, “There sure are a lot of people here, maybe even more than in Lumiose City!” She exclaimed, “Anyways, it’s nice to meet you, Cady. I’m Mystic! And this is Duskull, Chingling, and Charmander!”


"Oh wow, you've been to Lumiose City? I've heard it's awesome!" she exclaimed, getting excited. "It's nice to meet you, too! You already met Katie and Roy, my Skiddo and Houndour. My Sylveon, Edward, is in his Pokeball too."

Deleted user

Hi…how y'all doin'?

I know it's been months and I feel terrible for abandoning this, but do any of you want to revive this? We can start completely over and do whatever the heck we want, even involve Galar if we'd like. I just figured it'd be fun since we're all quarantined and stuff…

Deleted user

Cool, sorry I haven't been on in the last few days. Are you guys still down? Just making sure, stuff can change in three days lol.

Deleted user

Name :
Age :
Gender :
Sexuality :
Looks :
Attire :
Personality :
Likes :
Dislikes :
Ambitions :
Pokémon Crew :
Hometown/Region :
Background :
Other :

Awesome! Here's the template, same one we used before.

Deleted user

Name : Mystic

Age : 14

Gender : Female

Sexuality : Biromantic

Looks : Mystic is tall to herself but being 5'4 isn't much of an achievement; she's got short blue hair swept to the left; Large emerald green eyes; thin with like no muscle, but has a bit of curve to her body, though it's barely noticeable with the clothes she wears; Tannish skin tone that gets paler in the winter months

Attire : Black framed glasses; gray t-shirt with a white jacket over it, the jacket has multi colored stripes in this order, red, blue, yellow, green, purple; blue jeans; tall black boots with blue laces, wears several bracelets on both wrists

Personality : Mystic is a pretty friendly person but tends to anger easily and really likes to fight when she’s angered; shares really close bonds with her Pokémon; gets confused really easily; has a knack for heading straight into danger, usually on purpose; will argue on a lot of topics but can be neutral on a great amount of topics as well; loves to train her Pokémon; mainly a follower as she isn’t good at giving directions or explaining things.

Likes : Pokémon, exploring the tall grass and fighting trainers, competing in both contests and gym battles, training, having fun with her Pokémon and friends

Dislikes : Bad guys, most steel/rock type Pokémon, being corrected, losing battles

Ambitions : To become a top coordinator and become Champion of one region

Pokémon Crew : Solosis(Lvl 26), Charmeleon(Lvl 27) and Azumarill(Lvl 24)
(Levels aren’t required to be added but I wanted to add it)

Hometown/Region : Camphrier Town in the Kalos region, but she travels a lot

Background : Traveled a lot when she was little; met Charmander in Pallet Town(Kanto); Solosis in Reflection Cave(Kalos), and Marill in the Great Marsh(Sinnoh)
Her mother is a Pokémon Doctor and her father is a chef at Restaurant Le Yeah in Lumiose City

Other : Used to play with her parents Maractus and Noibat a lot; has 1 Contest ribbon and 2 gym badges(Beat Grant and Viola)

Deleted user

Also as you guys can see from my Azumarill and Charmeleon, you don't have to stay within my original limitation that I had before. Now you can have second or third stage Pokemon in your party!

Deleted user

(This looks nice! I wish I came earlier =/ Ill stalk!)

Deleted user

(I'll give it a couple hours, people could be busy.)

Deleted user

(Alright, If you make a reboot, tho can you @ me? I'm still interested just forgot to get my character in.)


(would you mind terribly if i joined this, too? it's cool if you already have a cap on people, but i figured there was no harm in asking)

Deleted user

(Yes feel free to join. I'm actually going to make a reboot and I'll @ you in it!)