Cas sighed softly and closed his eyes, holding Fennekin close to himself. He knew the heat emanating from the fire pokemon probably wasn't helpful, but Fennekin comforted him anyways. Vulpix and Rockruff played with the other Pokemon, seeming to be enjoying themselves.
Mystic smiled lightly at Cas before gently waking Duskull, "Hello little one, wakey wakey. We're almost there, let's play shall we?" Duskull blinked a couple times and then floated into the air, nodding. The two began to run around the large boat and play, Chingling soon joining in. Before too long Charmander began to excitedly yell at Leon as if to say, let's play with them!
Cas watched them for a bit before laying his head down on the table, hoping it would help. I'll probably feel better when we're on solid ground again…
A Skiddo and a Houndour wandered around the port, both wearing worried expressions. The crowds had died down for the time being, but their Trainer was nowhere in sight. As another boat came in, the Skiddo shifted on her hooves nervously.
Jace shook his head lightly and pulled his hood off, waking a sleepy Clem. "Same goes for you," he said softly. "Do you want to go play with the other pokemon?" Clem nodded and floated happily towards the others, leaving Jaciel's hair a mess. Leon was hiding beneath a picnic table a few feet away from Charmander, creeping forward almost silently until, with a happy growl and shower of sparks, he leapt in front of Charmander and batted at him playfully. Grace gave Jace a look that he took to mean she wanted to play, too, and he gave her a nod. "Of course," he told her, smiling at her excitement. With his team off playing with Mystic and her pokemon, he glanced to Cas to make sure he was doing alright, trying to keep the action discrete.
Cas was still hiding his face in his arms, not feeling any better. Fennekin stayed by his side, not seeming to have any interest in playing with the other Pokemon. Rockruff and Vulpix were still oblivious, prancing about with the other trainers' Pokemon.
Mystic laughed as they all ran around the boat. People smiled at her as she ran past them with a trail of Pokémon excitedly playing and trailing behind her. Once reaching the same side of the boat again she ran to the edge and looked out to the ocean. Alola was fully in view, they were almost there, “So cool!” Mystic cheered, her own Pokémon cheering with her, “A whole new adventure awaits us!” Chingling excitedly chattered and sat on her head. This was the third region they would be traveling together. Sure Mystic had gotten Charmander in Kanto but she never explored there with it. The bond between Chingling and Mystic was strong, just like Charmander, Chingling was close to evolving. Duskull, the cute little guy had a long way to go before evolving but that didn’t matter to Mystic. She loved her Pokémon, that’s all that matters, right?
“What should I catch guys? A Mimikyu or a Mareanie or Stufful or…Gosh there are so many choices!”
(Oop that was long, sorry I got excited. This character of Mystic is practically me just with different hair and eyes, but she had the same personality, backstory, and just about everything else as me. Though the backstory is obviously altered for this.)
(lol makes sense. Cady's similar to me, but I try and make my characters at least a little different XD. Also, if you couldn't pick up, I was planning on having Cady introduced by someone bumping into Katie and Roy and going "Oh! Lost Pokemon! We should probably find your owner!")
"No idea…" Cas mumbled, getting up unsteadily. He still seemed quite pale and was definitely holding his breath, clutching Fennekin close to his chest. He put Vulpix and Rockruff back into their pokeballs so he wouldn't lose them and followed Mystic and Jace off of the boat. He was glad to be back on solid ground for sure, but he didn't feel much more settled.
It took Jace a moment to fumble for his crutches, but then he was up and moving, trying to catch up to his team without being overly obvious about it. It didn't help that the swaying of the boat threw off his already poor balance, threatening to send him toppling with a couple of rougher waves. Grace seemed to notice, however, lagging behind and watching him with a look akin to protectiveness in her eyes. With Cas right behind, he finally stepped off the boat onto solid ground, although he was sure the younger boy was probably the happiest with that development. Jaciel took a moment to appreciate the warm breeze, eyeing the crowd of people hustling past some stands full of berries, pamphlets and other souvenirs. If he looked closely, he could almost make out the hundreds of Tapu-themed trinkets and postcards. Despite his apprehension towards the mass of people, he was glad to be back in Alola. "Finally made it, huh?" he remarked, looking to his new companions. Leon darted forward as if to enter the crowd, but seemingly thought better of it, instead deciding to check on his trainer. Clementine trilled happily upon seeing another Comfy, but refrained herself from wandering too far in case she lost sight of Jace.
(Ha…haha… I'm nothing like Jaciel, except for the whole socially awkward part. But no problem lol—I got a bit carried away, as well, with my response.)
"Mhmm…" Cas blinked a bit, dizzy from the ship and the sheer amount of people here. He didn't have any particular aversion to crowds, but the loud clamor wasn't making him feel any better. I think I'm gonna be sick… He thought to himself, Fennekin seeming to notice. The pokemon let Cas hold it tight, hoping to comfort him.
Mystic's Pokémon quickly grouped back up with her, Charmander on her shoulder and the other two floating close behind. Mystic took off ahead, eager to explore and ended up running into a Houndour and a Skiddo. They both seemed worried, "Hello! You two look a little lost…I'm guessing you have a trainer right?"
The Skiddo looked to the Houndour and then back to Mystic, but before it could respond in any way an announcement was heard over the pier's PA. "A Trainer has reported two Pokemon missing. They are a Skiddo and a Houndour that respond to the names Katie and Roy. If you find them, please make sure they get to their Trainer, who is waiting by the ticket booth. Thank you and have a wonderful day!"
The two Pokemon's ears both perked up when they heard their names.
Mystic listened to the announcement and then looked back down at the Pokémon, “I’m guessing that’s you guys then? Let’s go find the ticket booth!” She waved to Jace and Cas, “I’ll be back guys!” She exclaimed and walked off, looking for the booth.
At the ticket booth, Cady was a pacing mess, muttering to herself and gesturing wildly to herself, occasionally smacking her forehead with her palm and exclaiming, "Stupid!" Edward was back in his pokeball, since she didn't want to risk losing him too. She had never really dealt with huge crowds before–peak tourist season in Mahogany town was nothing like Alola at all–and hadn't even thought of putting her Pokemon in their balls until it was too late.
“Chingling, Duskull! Go scout ahead for the booth and the trainer!” Mystic commanded you her Pokémon. The two nodded and flew off. Charmander hopped from her shoulder and tried conversing with the Skiddo and Houndour as they walked along, searching.
Katie and Roy made conversation with Charmander. They were both scared because of this occurrence, but Katie, at least, seemed to view it as a new adventure. Everything was new and strange here in Alola–which was incredible. Roy was mostly worried about being lost or grabbed by some hunter looking for some quick money, but was glad that Mystic had found them and seemed to genuinely want to find Cady as much as they did.
Chingling and Duskull noticed a worried looking trainer near the ticket booth. Chingling spoke to Duskull and flew back towards Mystic. Duskull stayed put, watching the trainer and making sure she didn’t leave. Duskull was a quite rare Pokémon, here in Alola and in its home region of Hoenn. Several people noticed it and walked on, confused though Duskull paid no attention.
Chingling was rare only in Alola but could be found easily in Kalos and Sinnoh, it flew back to Mystic and began guiding her and the others towards the booth. “Great job Chingling, this is great.” She looked behind her at the others, “Keep up guys! We found your trainers!”
Jaciel looked between the new pokemon and Mystic, shuffling uncomfortably since he didn't have anything to contribute. When Mystic and her team took off, he quickly made to follow her, hesitating to make sure Cas was following. He was worried about becoming separated from his new friends and, seeing as he had no way to contact them, being unable to find them. On the same token, he didn't want his team to get lost, either. "Clem, keep an eye out for Mystic, please," he asked meaningfully, to which the Comfy respond by nodding determindley. Jace shifted his weight again, this time to one of his crutches so that he could shoulder off his backpack and open it. After a moment of struggle, Grace happily hopped into the bag, her weight unbalancing Jace for a dangerous second until he could readjust. Jace glanced at Leon, eyebrows raised just slightly. "Stay close, okay? Otherwise you'll have to go in your pokeball. I don't want to lose sight of you," he explained to the shinx empathetically.
Cas stayed very close to Jace, still holding Fennekin and seeming very nervous. He'd already put his other Pokemon in their Pokeballs for safety reasons, and so he wouldn't be in the same situation as Cady. He was still pretty nauseous and woozy, not to mention unsteady, but he was doing his best to keep up and not vomit.
(That moment when you realize that Katie, Cady, and Cloudy are all very similar lmao)
Katie and Roy had no problems keeping up, and when Cady was finally in sight, rushed over to her. Cady saw them and ran, hugging both of them. "Oh my gosh, I was so worried! I'm so sorry, I should have put you guys back in your Pokeballs, I promise this won't ever happen again, I'm so glad you're okay!"
Mystic smiled an ran up to the trainer as Duskull quickly floated back to her arms, “Hello! So you’re the trainer of these two?” She asked after her Pokémon had got resituated, Charmander next to her leg, Duskull in her arms and Chinglijg on her shoulder.
Cady looked up at the girl who had approached her and tried to re-compose herself. "Yeah, we managed to get separated in the crowd. Lesson learned, huh? Speaking of," she said, then took out two Pokeballs. "I don't want to lose you guys again, so it's better if you go inside these," she explained, then returned them to the capsules. "You're the one who found them, right? Thanks for taking care of them and making sure they were able to find me. I'm Cadence, by the way–but call me Cady. If you want to, I mean."