forum Pheasant Brook (O/O with Icarus!)
Started by @GoblinKing

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Connor smiled again. He's adorable… He cleared his throat and ducked his head to look at the book, trying to hide his blush. "Yeah. Tha's enough." He replied. He read off the next question.


Wilhelm answered swiftly and correctly, a sparkle in his deep brown eyes. “That’s right, right?” He smiled, rocking side to side on his bed. The boy was seemingly unable to sit still, continuously making some kind of movement, whether it be rocking back and forth or just fidgeting.


“Well geez, Connor, you don’t have to wait so long!” Wilhelm huffed, although he couldn’t resist giving Connor a stupid smile. “I mean-!” He laughed, shaking his head.


“Ah, of course, of course.” Wilhelm repeated the correct answer to himself a couple times, then checked his watch. “It’s about 2200 hours, should we be wrapping this up?” He yawned, rubbing his eyes.


"If yeh want to." Connor replied with a faint smile. He wasn't really looking forward to changing again. He didn't want Wilhelm asking him questions about the bruises.


“I think I will. I’m changing, at the least.” Wilhelm stood up, going to rustle through his clothes. He pulled out his pajamas, slipping off his shirt and throwing it over his shoulder before actually committing to his choice. The boy changed incredibly quickly, pacing as he did so.

“Classes.. uh- right. What’re your classes like? You said you had a copy of your schedule somewhere, didn’t you?”


"Alrigh'." Connor put his notebook away. "Oh, righ'." He dug around in his bag, and finally pulled out a schedule. "Here." he held it out to Wilhelm, and dug out his own pajamas.


Wilhelm studied Connor’s schedule, mentally comparing it with his own. “We have English together, funny enough- that’s good to know.” He set the paper down on Connor’s nightstand, walking back to sit on his own bed. He studied the drawings on his wall, mentally naming each plant pictured.


Connor chuckled softly, and nodded. He changed into his pajamas, pulling the shirt over his head rather quickly, hoping Wilhelm wouldn't see the bruises.


Wilhelm fell onto his back, his head falling back onto the pillow as he stared at the ceiling. He didn’t look at Connor much- if at all- he tried not to make him uncomfortable. The bruises were fresh on his mind, and he bit his tongue before he asked something he regretted.


Wilhelm’s alarm clock chattered and squealed, waking the boy up almost immediately. He felt around for it, shutting it off as he stumbled out of bed.



Wilhelm shuffled to his wardrobe, digging through it to pull out his uniform and sweater. He didn’t bother turning on the light- he knew where everything was by heart.


(I'm back for a bit!)

Connor blinked, and let out a soft groan. He rolled onto his side, grumbling under his breath. He was not a morning person. He really, really wasn't.


“You awake, Connor?” Wilhelm was clearly a morning person. His voice was soft, just in case his roommate was still asleep, although any grogginess in his tonality was long gone. Wilhelm tried to put on his necktie, although it was hard to tell how we was doing without a reflection to look at. “I’d say you have.. an hour to get ready and get to breakfast, yeah?”