“Oh- yeah, I’m sorry.” Wilhelm sat up, face slightly pink. “That was nice of them- to send the curriculum and everything, I mean.” He set down his pen, watching Connor with a small smile. “I don’t know what all we’re going to cover, so I’m trying to cram as much as possible before tomorrow.”
"I's fine." Connor replied, getting up and poking through one of his suitcases. "Yeah, it was." he replied. He chuckled softly. "Probably a good idea." he finally pulled out a notebook and a few books, sitting down beside Wilhelm again. "Here we go."
“Ah, you’re a lifesaver, Connor. Really.” Wilhelm glanced at the notebook, brows knotted and furrowed as he studied the notes. “Jesus, these notes are so much more organized that mine. No wonder I can’t tell what I wrote.” He chuckled, mentally comparing the two notebooks.
Connor smiled a little, and flipped through his notebook for a moment. "You're welcome. What did yeh need help with, exactly? An' don' say everythin'."
“Well, lucky for you, I don’t need help with everything. Just the types of phrases- participles and all that.” Wilhelm yawned, glancing at the ticking clock on the wall. 9:30.
"Alrigh'." Connor flipped through his notebook, which was filled with neat handwriting, organized carefully, until he found what he was looking for. "Righ' here." He pointed with a finger, glancing at Wilhelm.
“Jesus, it’s like you’re a typewriter or something.” Wilhelm whistled at Connor’s handwriting, shaking his head. “Nice handwriting.” He studied the words, jotting them down in his own notes as well. Wilhelm’s handwriting was essentially chicken scratch compared to Connor’s.
"Ah…thanks." Connor replied after a moment. He smiled a little. "Do yeh wan' me ta quiz you out loud? Wou' tha' help?"
“Yeah, it would. If you don’t mind.” Wilhelm gave him a small smile, setting his own notebook aside.
(you picked the one thing in English that I actually struggle with/know nothing about…so…)
"Alrigh'." Connor replied. He shifted, picking up his notebook and holding it so that Wilhelm couldn't see what he had written.
(picked the one thing in english i struggle with)
Wilhelm pulled his legs up to his chest, leaning back against the wall as he sat on his bed. “First one?”
(hahaha fuck we're doomed)
Connor read out the first question, then looked at Wilhelm with his eyebrows raised inquisitively.
(haha. shit.)
Wilhelm hesitated slightly, answering the question with a slightly upturned voice.
“Ah- no, it’s actually.. uh..” He mumbled to himself for a second, before answering the question with an air of finality. He was correct the first time.
Connor sighed softly. "Tha' was….yer first answer was correct, but no' the secon'." he said, looking at Wilhelm carefully.
“Fuck.” Wilhelm groaned, falling onto his side. “Remember when I said I was going to study? Fuck that. I’m winging it tomorrow and we’ll see where that gets me.” He sat up slightly, hair thoroughly messed up. “I’ll do just fine.”
Connor shook his head. "No, ah'm no' letting yeh give up so fast. Come on. We'll study 'til 10, alrigh'?"
“You’re so cruel to me, Connor!” Wilhelm groaned, clearly joking. “But if you insist, I suppose we can go for another few minutes.” The boy sat up fully, waiting for his next question.
Connor smiled lightly. "But of course." he replied. His eyes went back to the notebook, and he read off the next question.
This time, Wilhelm answered correctly both promptly and confidently, nodding his head almost as if to affirm himself.
Connor hesitated, checking his notebook. "Yeah. Yeh go' 't tha' time." he said with a quick smile, looking at Wilhelm.
Wilhelm punched the air in celebration. “God, I’m an effing genius.” He grinned implishly, knowing full well how much he was celebrating over just one correct answer. “Next one?”
Connor laughed, smiling. "Yeh're no' a genius yet, Wil." he replied. He was still smiling when he looked down at the notebook again and read off the next question.
“Oh, fucking hell, this one is.. uh..” Wilhelm answered correctly, although he was hesitant and way less confident than before. “That’s what it is, right?”
Connor nodded. "Yeah. Tha's it." He replied with another gentle smile. "Shall we keep goin', or do yeh want ta stop instead?"
“We can keep going for a few more questions.” Wilhelm was bursting with a puppy-like energy, now much more confident than he was before. “Until… yeah, 22:00 still. We have 10 minutes or so, that’s enough, right?”