forum OxO TOH rp<3
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Amity picked her foot off the ground and tried to float. Her legs fell back down but her top half stayed a float, thanks to the floaties. She tried again repeating the steps. Lean back. Legs up. Breathe. After a few tries she got it and floated on top of the water.


Luz watched in silence for a bit, then decided that it would be a good idea to glance around and see how the others were doing. Vee was doing okay, she had been in the human realm for much longer than the others. Gus was completely ignoring the no illusions rule, and was making it look like different parts of the water were neon green, orange, or blue. Hunter and Willow were close to Gus, watching him confuse the heck out of the other humans.


Nothing happens, and Luz tries harder to telepathically communicate with them, knowing that it won't work. Eventually, she gives up. "We just need to nudge them in the right direction." She smirked

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

"I've got it" She started doing a messed up doggy paddle toward Hunter and Willow. She pops out of the water next to Willow, who jumps back into Hunter. After making a phony conversation she paddled back to Luz. Leaving a flustered pair behind.


Luz smirked and continued to watch the others. Willow was only blushing a bit, but she was still composed. Hunter, on the other hand… Let's just say he's flustered.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Amity beamed with excitement and grabbed ahold of Luz's hand. She rushed out of the pool, definitely not using magic. She joined the line and did a little hand-shakey-thing.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Amity continued to stim and chirp as she walked up the stairs. Until she got to the top and peered down. The rushing water made a loud shh-ing sound. Before she could get onto the slide the life guard stopped her. "No floaties permitted on the slide." he said.