forum OxO TOH rp<3
Started by @FRANKtheTritoposaur group

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@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

"It's nice." Luz sat quietly for a while, listening.

(I am 100% sure I did not write noice… Notebook is weird.)

(Is it being weird for you too?)

(Yes they made a bunch of words weird for april 1st
some are


"It's nice." Luz sat quietly for a while, listening.

(I am 100% sure I did not write noice… Notebook is weird.)

(Is it being weird for you too?)

(Yes they made a bunch of words weird for april 1st
some are

(Very lovely)

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

The grass under Amity was cool and damp. The concrete under her legs was warm. The sun beat down on her. Her hair was under her head like a cushion. She kind of wanted to go home, not to her house in the demon realm, to the house here. The house she had loved at sense she stepped inside it. The house where she had not been taught to fear. She wanted to talk into the late hours of the night with her friends. Her real friends, ones she had picked for herself. "Luz?" She said, not fully knowing what she wanted to say next. Amity laid her hand on top of Luz's.

@FRANKtheTritoposaur group

Amity sat up and looked around. Willow wasn't "weak" anymore, she found the right magic for her. Hunter was now on the side of good. Gus was gus. Amity didn't know much about Vee before they came here so she couldn't really tell if there was any character development. "Your right. I'm glad I changed." The sun was setting now, the clouds were purple and the sky was warm with pinks and oranges.