Jax was bandaging her up quietly, just trying to get her stable.
Jax was bandaging her up quietly, just trying to get her stable.
She was still feeling woozy from blood loss, swaying slightly as her head spun like a top.
“You. Get some rest. If you try and move, I’m gonna be pissed off.”
She scoffed weakly. "Like you actually care." She mumbled. It wasn't just physical abuse that she went through the night before.
“Ma’am I don’t commit the crime of breaking and entering for just anyone.”
"Oh yeah? And why should I believe anything you say?" She shrank back, doubt and fear clouding her thoughts, making her eyes dull in color.
“Because I kinda saved you? Why’re you acting so weird?”
"Because he doesn't just leave physical scars…" She mumbled, pulling her knees to her chest, wincing as she did.
He sighed. “Figures. We’re having deep talks later. For now, rest.”
She shook her head slowly. "Can't. I'll just have nightmares."
“Well what are gonna do then.”
"I don't know…talk? Might help the bleeding stop if I'm not stressed out of my mind…"
“Fine. Well what should we talk about?” He asked, sitting down on the bed.
"Anything that's not what just happened. Explaining what he does to me is a conversation for stable minded me to do."
“Okaaaaaaaay. Well basic stuff I guess. Favorite color, favorite animal, favoriiiiiiite…..season?”
((Sorry I legit died for a bit lol
"Favorite color is scarlet, favorite animal are foxes, favorite season is winter."
“All very good choices. Those answers are acceptable. Okay I sound like a nerd but snakes are FUCKING AWESOME. And just reptiles in general…”
She smiled slightly. "Yeah, you're right, you do sound like a nerd."
“Shut up you’re probably a bigger nerd”
"I never said I wasn't."
“Okay. You got me on a technicality. But I’m not a nerd!”
"You're talking to me. You're automatically a nerd."
He gasped dramatically. “Rude”
"I'm aware I'm a rude bitch, you don't have to tell me."
“Well I did so there” he said sassily
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