@StarryWolfy flash_onCrazy Procrastinator
(Sorry! I keep getting longstanding RP's that come back to activity, and I keep getting distracted by them. (These are RP's that I've had going since my original account, (Almost a year now))
(Sorry! I keep getting longstanding RP's that come back to activity, and I keep getting distracted by them. (These are RP's that I've had going since my original account, (Almost a year now))
"Because it was the only way." He smiled petting her.
(lol it's cool! I gtg anyways!)
"Yeah… I mean, we have to be in separate universes…" she said wistfully.
He nodded and kissed her forehead. "It isn't our fault- it's the universes'." He smiled.
"the universe is responsible for a lot of bad luck in my life.." she sighed. "I guess I can just add the love of my life to the list."
"Hey, one day we'll figure out how to escape. Trust me on that." He smiled holding her close.
"Together?" she asked, not wanting to lose him.
"Of course. One day I'll meet you on the other side." He hummed.
Blaze nodded, "Someday, I hope." she said, before yawning, her smile turning into a frown. "No… not now.." she whined.
"It's alright, I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled kissing her forehead.
Blaze nodded wistfully as everything faded around her, and she woke up in her sleeping bag back in Silver valley with a sigh, before sitting up to look at her hair, which was still braided, which made her smile softly.
Apollo woke up as well seeing the sun rise. He smiled and looked at the flowers in his hand. "She's still real." He smiled softly.
(Shall we skip to the next dreamscape? Want me to start? (Also FYI I'm incorporating snippets of my storyline into this as Blaze's IRL problems.)
(Good with me! And if young wouldn't mind!)
When Blaze next entered dreamland she found herself in the middle of the desert on a dark night. She wasn't cold, and it was dead silent as sand washed over the dunes. Carefully she walked forwards, smiling when she saw the usual flower patch, and ran for it, hoping to find Apollo.
Apollo couldn't find sleep. He had been trying for hours tossing and turning. He desperately wanted to see Blaze. "Come-" he yawned. "On! I just want to sleep!" He cried sighing in exasperation.
Blaze found a spot in the middle of the feild and waited, pushing away her worries over her younger twin, hoping to see Apollo. "Where are you love?" she spoke aloud.
Apollo felt his eyes get heavy and slowly started to fall into a deep sleep. When he opened his eyes to see the sky he smiled sitting up looking around. "Blaze?" He called out and ran towards the flower field.
(Gtg friendo, night!)
Blaze loooked up when she heard her name, grinning and getting to her feet when she saw Apollo. "Apollo!" she called happily.
"Blaze!" He shouted running faster towards her. The grin reached across his face as he made his way to her.
Blaze smiled, embracing him as soon as he reached her, hugging him tightly. "I was starting to worry…" she murmured.
"I'm so sorry, I couldn't sleep. I was too anxious to see you." He smiled hugging her just as tightly.
Blaze smiled, "Well at least you're just as distracted as me…" she said softly, resting her head on his chest.
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