@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
"Make a deal with me, we both look for a sign of a rift in the universe. If we find one, we tell the other."
"Make a deal with me, we both look for a sign of a rift in the universe. If we find one, we tell the other."
Blaze nodded, "I will if you will" she said softly, "Though… how will we know it leads to the other's world?"
"I feel it's something you'd just know and recognize." He chuckled a little.
Blaze hummed, "True.." she said softly, pressing closer to him.
(SORRY, this fell to the bottom of my notif's and I didn't see it!!)
(It's cool!)
"What is your favorite season?" He asked rubbing her shoulder.
"Summer" she said softly, "Nice and warm.."
"I like fall. Crisp and cool." He smiled too. "Especially since that's when I was born."
"Nice" she said softly, hugging him.
(Hey- gtg, Night friend! <3)
"When's yours? So we can celebrate." He asked leaning into her arms.
"I'm not actually sure when it is.." she said softly, "I've always celebrated it in summer… but I don't know the true date.."
"Oh, that's too bad. I guess I'll just have to guess." He smiled nuzzling his nose in her hair.
(K, for reals gtg, night!)
Blaze nodded, "I guess you will" she said, relishing in his grasp.
(Morning!)(or almost afternoon lol)
"So can I celebrate it whenever?" He asked with a grin.
"If you really wanted to, I guess…" she said softly, watching him.
"Then let's right now!" He exclaimed sitting up.
Blaze gave, him a look of surprise, before grinning.
"Come on! Let's go look for something new." He grinned standing.
Blaze hummed, "And what exactly are we looking for?" she asked,getting to her feet.
(I'm so sorry, I needed a bit of a break and only focused on certain RPs over the weekend… I didn't realize I hadn't told you until now.. :(
(It's cool! I was honestly grateful, I was super busy over the weekend.)
"Everything and nothing at the same time." He giggled some (Yes, literally giggled) and took her hand pulling her along.
(Thank god… Honestly if I ever vanish for more than 24 hours, feel free to bump… if I'm just ignoring it, I'll usually say something if it suddenly goes to the top of the list)
Blaze smiled, letting him lead the way as te walked along.
(Alrighty!! XD)
"So much sand- is there somewhere in your world with sand?" He asked slipping in the sand.
"I used to live in the desert." said Blaze softly, seeming to be quite comfortabe walking on sand.
"Really? It's Lovely." He smiled looking around.
Blaze smiled, "Normally it'd be much colder," she said softly.
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