@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Sounds good! What kind of artifact?
Sounds good! What kind of artifact?
Maybe a mixture of artifacts? Something from your chara's universe, mixed with something from mine?
(Sorry- I just got answered idea- and now I got too excited)
I have not seen that movie/play, but please, do enlighten me on thy train of thought!
Well- ok ignore the child part- This couple isn't able to have a baby because a witch cursed the family never to be able to. So the witch comes and tells them that the only way to break the curse is to find four items from classic fairy tale characters. Items like: Red Roding Hood's cape, Cinderella's glass/gold slipper etc. So they go out and look for the items, they had three days to retrieve them so they could break the curse. Would you want to do something similar?
Ooooo! I like that idea, but again, maybe combine it with magical artifacts from our worlds?
(I've got a few I can pull out, what about you?)
Yeah- I was just thinking it'd be cool lol
So, I got a few artifacts in mind from my realm, do you have any?
(I'm not sure- I actually gotta go like now- but I will double check once I get back)
KK, see ya!!
ALRIGHTY! BACK! TIME TO fill out that Temp!
~Must Fill out~
First Name: Apollo
Middle Name: Richard
Last Name: InDiego
Age: 19-21?
Gender: Male
Species: Animagus of a doe
Power: Transformation into a doe. I guess that's it Shrug
Personality: Sweet and quiet, super gentle and caring. Loving, and kind. Basically anything positive and you get Ari!
Hair: Curly black short ear length hair. (He has ears of a doe poking out of his curls)
Face: High defined green-blue eyes that stand out against his pale face and rosy cheeks. Soft features, but a sharper jaw line. Lighter brows.
Body: A decent muscular body as he stands at 5'4'', and pear shaped.
Clothing: Like This Or this
Favorites: The woods, any wind or string instruments, herbal teas, writing/poetry
Least Favorites: Violence, spicy foods, wolves
Hobbies/Talents: Wood carving, playing the Mandolin, archery
Family: An older brother.
(This is taking me way too long. I'm sorry.)
It's alright, try and get it up eventually though!
I will, but I can't RN ahgggg I'm so so so so sorry!
Chill! It's fine! (I'm gonna assume you're just sporadic, or in the middle of a brain burn out, and that's fine!!)
Just make sure it doesn't take a week.
(Nah, I'm back now XDD)
It'll be done by tomorrow for sure if not tonight,
Cool! but seriously, don't stress!
It's cool, I'm working on it RN
\ >w</
(Done ish?)
I can already see that their dynamic is gonna be really interesting, (Badass Blaze and sweet caring Apollo, wolf and doe)
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