@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
Take your time! Oh- and could we do a BxG romance? I'd prefer it actually…
Take your time! Oh- and could we do a BxG romance? I'd prefer it actually…
Sure, I mean, I prefer bxb, but I need practice with straight ones anyway. Do you wanna be the boy or the girl?
Either is fine with me XD
Cool, Imma pull out a female character then if you don't mind, (I seriously need to work on those)
It's fine with me! I need some guy characters XD
XD, Coolio then! I'll finish with the temp later then.
Okie dokie! I actually have to wait too… I'm sorry it'll be kinda late.
No worries! (We just be in mutual agreement here)
~Must Fill out~
First Name: Blazara
Middle Name: N/A
Last Name: Wolfheart
Age: 21ish
Gender: female
Species: Half Solaris wolf, half Human
Power: Fire elemental, minor earth element, shift between wolf and human forms
Personality:Like her element, she has a firey personality. A no-nonsense person she loves music and dance, and is easy to blow up if you annoy her. She's also very loyal, so if you mess with those she loves, she'll be right alongside her twin brothers beating up the culprit.
Hair: Firey red hair, streaked with gold undertones.
Face: High cheekbones and delicate features.
Body: Slim, hourglass shape, overly fit and athletic.
Clothing: Thin cargo pants, minimal jewelry, lighter colored t-shirt with either a jean or leather jacket, thigh-high lace up boots, and a small leather satchel that looks like its been to the moon and back. She does also have a bronze amulet inset with what looks like a ruby.
Favorites: Sunny days, spicy foods,
Least Favorites: Fighting, her brother's antics,
Hobbies/Talents: Dancing, Archery.
Weakness: Magically, that is a few things, her amulet; for one, along with cold, and black iron. If we're talking emotionally, that would be her ability to run free, and her family.
Strength: Magically, that would be any enchantment or incantation that involves music or dance. Emotionally, that would be when she has those she loves by her side.
Family: She has 4 brothers. Two older half brothers, and two twins (One older, one younger) her older twin is kinda estranged, but she and the younger are close. Their names are, (In age order) Skye, Sirus, Arthur (The estranged one) and Alexander. She also has an adopted brother, Morrocano.
(Oh gosh- I'll have to get mine up…. though I can't RN… AHG I'm so sorry.)
Don't worry about it!! I can wait forever!
Though I will be changing the title of the thread FYI
You shouldn't have to- again I'm just gonna keep saying I'm sorry, but I'll get it up soon-ish!
Seriously don't worry about it, I know that life doesn't always allow for RPing. So seriously, don't worry about it!
Also I switched the board and thread name.
XD I noticed- I was kinda like- What the heck is that- oh nvm lol
Do you like the title?
I do!
So, since you can't get your character up yet, do you maybe wanna plan out plot points? Like, how many dreamscapes do we wann do before pulling them into another dimension, (& why they were pulled into said dimension?)
Sounds good- though at some point I'm gonna have
To disappear completely.
Cool, So, how many dreamscapes do we wanna aim for? And are they the classic whispy unrealistic pocket dimension, or are they like someplace different, like a mountain top in one dream and an enchanted forest the next?
Maybe moving to different locations each time. Depending on what the one person remembers most from their day. It switches off whoever falls asleep first? And maybe like 10-11?
Sounds good to me!
Ehat universe are they going to end up in?
Probably a new one we make up… I think…
Maybe have them wake up there side by side after a dreamscape? Middle of the wilderness type thing? Need an artifact to get home?
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