forum Not What You Signed Up For (Reboot)|| Mature || CLOSED
Started by @The-Magician group

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@The-Magician group

"Don't look to him for confirmation." Harrison waved his hand in front of Emi to get her attention back to him. "You two are as bad as each other. Anyway, there is nothing saying you can't have fun within reason. While I will admit that my grandfather didn't have the best taste in decor, you can't just break it. I'm not made of money and I've already lost a lot due to your shenanigans."

Upon Eskja's entrance, Harrison couldn't help but feel slightly calmer. The dragon always had been once of the most peaceful inhabitants of his house, and for that he would always be grateful. "Good morning Eskja, sorry you had to hear that." he averted his gaze from everyone in the kitchen, picking up his sketchbook, it was one of the only things that kept him calm nowadays, and he didn't feel like triggering an asthma attack right now. "I'll sort it out Vix, I promise…"


"You're definition of 'within reason' and mine are very different," Emi said, turning to him and mock pouting, sticking her bottom lip out and looking at him with large, innocent eyes, although the effect was lost with her red eyes and fearsome scar on the side of her face. "What if we stole some money for you? Or killed for it? Then you could get a better decor, and Vix would stop complaining." She shook her head. "And I take offense to being compared to Aster. I'm obviously way more attractive than he is."


With his life being tied to Harrison, Eidus spent most of the day sleeping on the floor. He enjoys sleeping on floors. The colder the better. Where he sleeps always change, and today he is asleep in the laundry room. His head lied on a small pile of unwashed but not dirty clothes he set up. It acted as a pillow for him to support his head from hitting the hard floor. The laundry room was small and quiet, and it was far from where everyone was gathered.

@The-Magician group

"I will not have anyone doing anything to break the law again, not after last time." Harrison still remembered all the blood, thankfully he was able to get the police off his scent after he'd covered for his housemates. It wasn't a pleasant experience, one he definitely didn't intend to be part of again, but anything could happen with this lot around. He kept his eyes on his sketchbook, taking the pencil from his ear so he could add to the current sketch of Emi—not that he could focus. That particular topic of conversation was touchy for him, and reminded him how much he wanted to just be a normal person living a normal life.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Not literally, Emi." Vix said as she raised her head up off the table to glare at the Langsuir. "If you really want to kill something, go deal with the mice. Their are plenty of them and I know I wouldn't miss any of them."


"But they taste like rot," Emi said, rolling her eyes, looking sour. "And sadness. I'll bet you didn't know that sadness was a taste, did you?" She shook her head with a mock sigh. "Young one, you have much to learn about the taste of death. I can teach you, if you want," she said, smiling menacingly, twirling a strand of her hair between her fingers.

She turned to Harrison. "It wasn't as bad as you said it was. I could have taken the police officers out easily. I don't see why it was such a big deal. There were no cameras around."

@Mojack group

“It doesn’t bother me too much,” Eskja responded to Harrison as she prepared to heat the water for her tea. She wasn’t too upset by the other’s conversations - especially what Emi had said, but to live in this house you really just had to deal with it sometimes.
Eskja turned herself to the tea packets and studied what was available. Green tea would probably be good for the morning to help her wake up a bit more. Once she had decided on that, she’d taken the tea bag and put it in a light orange mug she’d acquired.

Although her main focus was on the tea, as she’d told herself before, Eskja was still listening in on the ongoing conversation. It was hard not to.

@The-Magician group

"That's not the point!" Harrison slammed his fist onto the counter beside him, snapping his pencil in the process as the graphite stabbed into his thumb. It had been quite some time since he had raised his voice like that… So much for keeping calm. Calm was never on the table when Emi was around, he should have learned that by now. "In this type of society you can't just kill people and think that there aren't any consequences. The consequences always befall me, me, the only person who is keeping a roof over your head. I understand who you are, and what you are, Emi'annasa, but it's time you started to think about others!"

Harrison froze for a moment, he hadn't meant to go off on one, but it was too late at this point and he could't take any of it back. Though he knew it wouldn't affect Emi as much as he wanted it to—his words were always in vain where she was involved.

@Shadow_Knight group

"Don't 'young one' me!" Vix snapped Emi. "I don't care about what feelings or death taste like." She said as she scooted away from Emi.
Vix let out a long sigh. "I need some coffee if I'm going to make it through today." She mumbled.

@CasiCasino group

Aster was listening to everything. Honestly, he didn’t really care. He went over to the sink and put his empty cup of coffee there before moving over to stand beside Emi.
“I mean, you are kinda young compared to us. It’s not that we’re going to treat you the same as we do each other my dear,” Aster said in a slightly teasing voice with his scleras turning black, signaling that he was turning to his demon form, or that at least part of him was.
“Speaking of which—“ he turned to Emi to give her one hell of a glare “—if you’re gonna commit some crimes later, invite me,”


Gavin has just come down from upstairs and was concerned as to what was happening. Though, if Aster and Emi were the ones causing the havoc or whatever, he couldn’t care less. He turned to his butterfly form and flew past everyone and to the backyard where he turned back into human and started inspecting the flowers and how much they’ve grown.
He glanced around for potentially new creatures in the yard as well. Upon finding a white butterfly-like creature, he stood up and began running in circle, attempting to catch it.

@The-Magician group

Harrison shook his head slowly, his eyes sharp in disbelief. "It's like talking to a brick wall." he threw his sketchbook somewhere onto the side, noticing that it hit Aster. He didn't care. With a frustrated sigh, rubbing the back of his head, Harrison made his way out of the kitchen and into the garden—slamming the backdoor behind him. Hopefully he would get a bit of peace and quiet out there. He couldn't stand the attitude that some of them had, it honestly made it very difficult to cope most of the time. Too many times they had caused him to have a panic attack and break down because of something they had said or done, and they never listened. Too many times he had told himself he had given up because he just couldn't handle all of them. Why did he continue to put himself through it when he knew it would only cause him pain?

@Shadow_Knight group

Vix growled at them. "Oh fuck off, boomers!" She snapped as she stood up and walked over to the coffee pot. She grabbed herself a cup and poured herself a cup. She grabbed the sugar and dumped a good amount into the coffee.
She noticed Harrison leaving and slowly followed him outside, not wanting to get snapped at as well. Though Vix hated almost everyone on the house, Harrison was on of the exceptions. He was the only one that wouldn't piss her off almost 24/7.

@Mojack group

Eskja glanced away from the counter upon the yell, and then later on when Harrison had left. Although she said nothing at the moment, her lips thinned into some sort of frown as she poured the hot water into the mug, letting it sit for a while.
She begun to consider what she would do today. Something would probably show up. Eskja knew she couldn’t spend her day sleeping - she did enough of that during the Winter months, when Icelandic Dragons normally hibernated.

Taking out the tea bag, Eskja walked over to the garbage bin and set the now-used bag in there. She walked back over to her tea and didn’t quite pick it up just yet, settling to wait by it for the time being.


"Of course I'll invite you, love," Emi purred, smiling at Aster with murder in her eyes. "The more the merrier."

She stiffened when he called her by her real name. The real names of Langsuir held were powerful, and whoever held their true name had some authority over them. She composed herself and raised an eyebrow at Harrison. "Harry, honey, you should know by now that I don't think about others. Everyone is beneath me. Why should I care about other people when they don't care about me?" She rolled her eyes. "Plus, it's no fun to be selfless and loving. I'm sure you've figured that out by now. I don't see why you still do it, though." Her eyes glittered. "I take offense to be called a brick wall, you know."

She clucked her tongue at Vix. "Dear, death is one of the most delicious things there is out there. You should try it sometime."

@CasiCasino group

Aster almost cursed when Harry threw his sketchbook towards him. It hit his elbow, at least not as hard as that time when Harrison threw a rock at him. Thankfully.
Out of curiosity, Aster picked up the sketchbook and opened through. Noticing how much time and effort Harrison actually put into each sketch, he smirked. Part of him wanted to basically break Harrison’s soul, another part pitied him. Maybe he’ll make that decision later.
Closing the sketchbook, Aster threw the sketchbook to the other side of the counter.

“I mean, I don’t know if it’s delicious but boy do I know if it’s fun,” Aster added to what Emi said, giving her a small wink after.


In the garden, Gavin was seen to be chasing some insects with some disappointed sighs coming from him. He managed to catch some, yes, but most of what he wanted ran or flew away. He noticed that both Harrison and Vix came outside. Seemed like the demon and vampire were making them mad again. To be perfectly and brutally honest, they make everyone mad just to different levels.
Gavin turned to the two who came out, gave them a warm smile then proceeded to fly after another monarch butterfly he found.

@Mojack group

Eskja took a sip of her tea, holding the mug in her hands. She savoured the hotness of it while it lasted. Anybody focusing on the cup could easily see the steam quickly stop rising from the top of the mug as it adjusted to her cool body temperature. Normally, things didn’t cool down this much, but Eskja just supposed it was all of the yelling that had occurred so far this morning which had stressed her out. How eventful it had been this morning, Eskja dreaded what sort of things would occur in the rest of the day.

Eskja was normally not a confrontational person, as she glanced at those that were left in the kitchen. But she felt as though she needed to say something.

“That wasn’t very reasonable or nice at all.” Although she meant to actually say it loudly, a statement, it came out more as a mumble if anything. She almost regretted that immediately, given she didn’t really speak to too many people in the house. Eskja was sure she could hold her ground - handle herself in a conversation, she just rarely ever saw the opportunity. If they even acknowledged her, that was - which Eskja slightly hoped that they did not, at least not right now.
She settled to drinking her tea, turning away for the time being.

@The-Magician group

The vast garden was peaceful, save Gavin chasing after insects, so Harrison found himself declining against one of the large oak trees that provided a great amount of shade. It was one of his favourite places to sit and think, often he drew or read a book out there, but he wasn’t in the mood to do anything other than think. He noticed Vix had followed him out, and gestured for her to join him. “I could use a little friendly company, would you mind sitting with me?”

@Shadow_Knight group

Vix slumped down down the tree next to Harrison. "I know it can be hard to tune those pricks out, but you know yelling probably wasn't the best thing it do in that situation." She said as she drank her coffee. "I think you need to get out of the house, go do something, make a friend, I don't care. You just need to get away from them."

@The-Magician group

“Yelling is never the best thing to do in any situation.” Harrison sighed, leaning his head back against the trunk, looking up at the sun that poked through gaps between the leaves. “I just want to try and make them see that I care for them, and that I don’t want them doing anything that will get any of us into trouble. It’s a cruel world out there, and it doesn’t need any more violence and suffering.” he took a deep breath, smiling gently at the fox. “It might be nice to leave the house for a bit, if only to go for a walk and clear my head. Thank you.”

@Shadow_Knight group

Vix made a strange yipping noise, her version of a laugh. "My opinion here, I don't think they could care less if you cared about them. I know Emi would be happier if she wasn't here and I honestly don't think that Aster would care if you were here." She explained, before taking a long sip of coffee to let her words sink in.
"But again, my opinion. I could be wrong."

@The-Magician group

“It doesn’t matter if they don’t care.” Harrison’s expression fell slightly, his eyes softened to the point where they looked almost sad. “Those two have been with me the longest, save Eskja, and they’ve become something like family now. I’m not the type of man to leave family behind just because they’re different.” He gently poked Vix’s leg with a slight smile. “If I was then you wouldn’t be here.”

@Shadow_Knight group

"Hey!" Vix said as she sat up a bit staighter, shooting a playful glare at Harrison. "I'm not that bad! I could at least pass for human." She flipped a price of hair out of her face. "Not that I'd want to, but I could!"

@The-Magician group

"That wasn't what I meant and you know it." The man let out a soft laugh, shaking his head while his hands found clumps off grass to tear out of the ground. "I'm saying that if I was the type to leave family behind, none of you would be living here right now. I'd have turned you all away, left you to fend for yourselves." he glanced up at Vix, tilting his head. "But what kind of person would that make me? Not a good one, that's certain."