forum Not What You Signed Up For (Reboot)|| Mature || CLOSED
Started by @The-Magician group

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@The-Magician group

Alright ladies and gents! After the last character sheets have been added we will be setting this thing into motion!
You guys know the drill by now, surely:

  • Grammar. As a Brit, grammar and spelling is important to me. I don’t expect it to be 100% accurate, but please try to make it correct.
  • Sentence lengths. I would prefer for there to be at least 3-4 lines to your responses. Obviously I understand that not every situation will allow more than 2 lines, however try not to make it too frequent.
  • Don’t just respond, react. Get your characters to do something! (Remember that note about causing Drama among characters?)
  • If you have any questions or major ideas, feel free to message me about it, especially if you think it will have a massive effect on the rp.

Just have fun guys!

Deleted user

Name: Klaine Roya
Age (16-28 human years): 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Shapeshifter
Hair: Long wavey , blond with blue highlights.
Eyes: Dark Purple with green streaks.
Skin is dark , almost like caramel colored.

Personality:Very optimistic and loves attention
Antagonist?: definitly Not
Backstory (For the beings, what was their life like before, and how did they become tied to B?): She was living with a local "freak Show". Ran away and bumped into them on the street, and asked for help from them.
Other: None

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Name: Kat
Age (16-28 human years): 25
Gender: Female
Sexuality: bi, mainly into girls though
Personality:Very secluded, not really much of a people person.
Antagonist?: Can be sometimes, just don't piss her off.
Backstory (For the beings, what was their life like before, and how did they become tied to B?): She was chasing after her nemisis and ended up traveling to their House by accident, by landing in their front lawn
Other: obsessed with making black ooze creatures to help her fight off enemies, (can also change into animals at any given time)

Deleted user

(does that help in any way? since she is a witch after all)

@CasiCasino group

(If that’s a bit confusing, take Vix and Gavin as an example as they can only transform into a red fox and a blue monarch butterfly respectively. Gavin even has features of his species (a butterfly) in his human form (the antennas). Maybe you can be a shapeshifter of one of the animals Coffee gave as an example at first?)

@Mojack group

Name: Eskja Ernstdóttir
Age (16-28 human years): 26
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Asexual
Species: Icelandic Dragon
Appearance: Eskja stands at around 5’9” human form, with pale skin, and very light blue eyes. Her hair, which she loosely braids, could almost be described as white, but it is more of a blonde. One small faint scar marks the bridge of her nose. Her hair, when not done, is lightly curled, though mostly comes off as being straight. However, when wet, it does curl naturally. Her build could be described as lean, although she’s most definitely more athletic than an average human.
In her Dragon form, she does not differ much from the average Icelandic Dragon when it comes to body shape, size, colour and style although she may be a bit smaller than most of her species due to her age. Her eyes are a much brighter blue than before, however.
Clothing wise, Eskja prefers flowing dresses, often light in colour. Usually a white. Sometimes she wears a blue jacket overtop a dress. Shoes for her are whatever suits the situation. She’s not too picky about what she wears, as long as it’s comfortable to her.
Personality: Eskja tends to be a stay by the sidelines type of person, though over the years she’s become more open. She’s observant, not as much acting out though. Could be described as shy, but if she has something to say, she will say it (after…a lot of consideration.) Considerate towards others. Takes her a little amount of time to warm up, however, and even by that time there’s no guarantee she’ll hold a long conversation, which may make her come off as distant or even cold. However, at the heart, she does enjoy talking and learning about the world around her.
Antagonist?: I wouldn’t say yes, more so a being that takes a while to thaw. As long as you stay out of her boundaries and don’t force anything upon her, she’ll be fine. She doesn’t actively go out of her way to annoy anybody, but she will go out of her way to ensure that she can stay safe in her own little space, by any means required. Although she can be somewhat a gentle giant, that doesn’t mean she can’t be vicious.
Backstory (For the beings, what was their life like before, and how did they become tied to B?): Eskja was a bit difficult in her past. She had trouble with her emotional state, and often let her emotions control how she acted - quite different from now. She grew up alongside two other siblings, both of which she wasn’t extremely close to due to the changes she made later in life - becoming closer to humans. Eventually, when her wings became injured after a dangerous scuffle with a different species of Dragon, she sought out shelter. However while she would eventually heal from the injuries she’d sustained that night, it would take time, and she would be at a disadvantage until then. This sooner or later led her to B. It took her a while to warm up, but eventually, she stayed with B. Even though she’s been around, she hasn’t gotten used to everything just yet. Time will tell if or when that’ll happen.
Other: Although her wings are mainly healed, they impact her flying skills. E.G. the amount of time she can fly for in certain types of weather. While she lacks a fire breath, Eskja can breathe a cool mist of some sorts, varying intensity, but usually just cold enough to leave some frost on the ground. Generally, she retains a cooler body temperature.
Eskja also loves tea of any type. She’s fond of swimming.


Name: Emi'annasa

Age: Appears to be around 20

Gender: Female

Sexuality: Bisexual

Species: Langsuir


  • Hair: A multitude of nuetral colors, combined so close that it seems dark gray. A mix of black and white and silver and brown and gray, of all different shades. It's down to her waist, and can appear oily or sleek and well cared for, depending upon how she is feeling at the moment. She rarely puts it up, if ever.
  • Face: Beautiful and intimidating. Her skin is deathly pale, the color of death, without any creases. Her lips are the color of dried blood, and her eyes are a glowing crimson. She has sharp, eerie blood-stained fangs, as well.She has lines of red blood-like marks along the left side of her face, and large bags under her eyes. She is almost always smiling in an amused, cruel way, and she can make anyone feel like an ant with the slight lifting of an eyebrow.
  • Body: Slender and curvy, meant to entice and seduce. She's about 5'6'', and moves with an unearthly grace. She is muscular and alluring, with long claws permanently stained with blood, and slender, nimble fingers.
  • Picture: Emi

Personality: Emi is arrogant and cruel. She has no kindness in her heart, no good virtues. She is not a wall of thorns, behind which is a rose. There is nothing good about her. She exists to cause pain and horror and death, and takes delight in it. She is cunning, and seems to be permanently amused. She hates every single being with all of her heart, if she even has one. She is a seductress, and loves to use someone, before throwing them away easily. She cannot be swayed by fear or lust, but chooses to kill or take on her own terms.

Antagonist?: Absolutely. She loves making everyone as miserable as possible.

Backstory: Emi was considered the most dangerous young Langsuir in her generation. She killed for the fun of it, and had a greater power than any of her other kin. She was a harbinger of death, and wherever she went, death followed. She was going after one of her greatest enemies, the demon king Az'garon, when she fell through one of the tears in her world. She was enslaved to the first person she saw, which so happened to be B.

Other: N/A

(Is she okay?)

@CasiCasino group

(We’re getting closer to starting now are we? I’m excited :DDD. And yo, I love Emi. I feel like she’s gonna be a great pair with my demon boi messing up other people’s lives)

@The-Magician group

Name: Harrison Dale
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Human
Appearance: Just an average looking guy. Average height, average build. He has a slight heart-shaped face with a soft jawline and cheekbones, quite wide blue eyes, a fair complexion, and messy brown hair with a fringe that sweeps over to the left. He wears typical nerdy glasses and is often seen with paint or graphite smudges on his cheeks.
Personality: Harrison is a sweet person, one could almost call him wholesome. But that's what he wants people to believe. You need to be tough, firm even, if you're going to survive in a house of otherworldy beings—he knows when it's time to stop playing the nice guy.
Antagonist?: Not in the slightest
Backstory: Harrison had a fairly normal upbringing and his graduated college as an art student. The house he lives in now is the one that his grandfather, and his grandfather before him, had lived in, and it wasn't until a few years after moving in that he realised his life was going to be turned upside down.
Other: He just really wants some peace and quiet, and he has asthma.

Name: Lock
Age: 18 human years
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Questioning
Species: Drus
Appearance: Lock is quite a petit child with a elvish face, and thin arms and legs. He has light green eyes, and his light blonde, almost white hair is down to his pointed ears and the fringe is long enough to cover his eyes. He is seen wearing khaki printed cargo pants and a white tee. In his natural form he is a hemlock plant found in Harrison's back garden.
Personality: Lock is a very timid boy, he's constantly worried that he will do something wrong and end up hurting someone. He already knows by now that the rest of the beings in the house, apart from Harrison, aren't that fond of him being there, so he tends to just stay outside with the plants. Though Harrison believes Lock is a social butterfly, he just needs the right person/people to talk to. He seems to be rather knowledgeable on medicine and poisons.
Antagonist?: He won't intentionally do anything to harm anyone, however he can be quite jealous.
Backstory: Lock was planted by Harrison's great-great-great grandfather when he bought the house, and has slowly been growing ever since. The house is located near cultivated land, which is also owned now by Harrison, and so Lock's plant is able to continue to flourish. He made made friends with the previous generations of Dale's and was eager to finally meet Harrison when the day came for him to take ownership of the property. Despite being loved by the Dale generations, he was still a lonely being.
Other: Will not hesitate to poison someone if he feels attacked.

Deleted user

( i just wanted to make sure, in case you wanted me to make a totally different Character.)