@Imperfect_Autumn group
(Ehhhhh. I'd rather not…)
"Not yet," Autumn teased, nudging him gently.
(Ehhhhh. I'd rather not…)
"Not yet," Autumn teased, nudging him gently.
(Hmmmmmmm I think you should but okayyy…)
Alex laughed. “Not yet. Good signs.”
(I just… don't like bothering people?)
Autumn winked and chuckled again. "Anyway… How much longer?"
(But that could be a serious problem!)
“Jeez are you going to ask that all the time?” Alex put on a joking tone. “Probably like, nine minutes.” He laughed.
(Yeah, but… Meh…)
"It has definitely been more than one minute!" Autumn laughed.
“Sorry, sorry, eight mintues.” Alex laughed.
(Plus, it's gone now.)
"Ugh. Okay, I'm estimating five tops," Autumn declared.
Alex laughed and raised a hand at her. “Nonsense.”
(Also I had a dream last night about this RP it was so odd. You sent a response to me and all it said was, ‘We can’t roleplay anymore, but maybe you could stalk one of my other ones’. And I remember feeling so confused…)
(Oh no! That's terrible! I swear, I won't do that.)
Autumn poked him in the side.
"It is not. We've been talking for a while."
(I woke up and I was like WHY AUTUMN)
Alex waved his hand again. “No we haven’t. It’s only been three-“
“We’re here!”
(Oof… Sorry for what I did in your dream.)
Autumn laughed. "You see? I was right!"
(it was so clear, too that’s okay!)
Alex threw his hands out in a gesture of anger. “Darn it!”
Autumn laughed again and stepped out of the car. "C'mon, let's go look for your tie."
Alex stepped out of the car, stretching. “Yes, ties. I looove ties.”
"Was that sarcasm, or…?" Autumn looked at him as she paid the driver.
Alex nodded and joined her on the sidewalk. “I hate ties.”
"Why?" Autumn chuckled.
“They’re so restricting. I hate it.”
(Gtg. School.)
"Huh. I suppose," Autumn said with a shrug.
Alex looked at her. “What, you like ties?”
"Me? Not wearing them, no. But I like them on most guys," Autumn said.
Alex chuckled. “Then I’ll wear a tie just for you.” He laughed and nudged her.
Autumn rolled her eyes. "Thanks," she said sarcastically.
“I mean it!” Alex exclaimed as they walked.
"Okay… I mean, I don't mind if you do or don't, but I think it's a good idea to for your meeting," Autumn said with a small smile.
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