(ok thats fine)
(ok thats fine)
(ok time skip! where do they meet)
(Uhm how bout a park?)
(yah! also sry i'll answer tomorrow u can post ur thing)
(hey hey)
(ok here we go)
Eric scrubbed at his face as he came out of the bathroom. The all-nighter had taken its toll on him. He tugged a bomber jacket on, grabbed his wallet, and left the house. He needed to go somewhere quiet and think about last night's events.
Grayson had snuck out of the house, hoping to avoid more questions from Devan and his parents. He pulled on a dark black hood and headed to the park. He glanced around, hoping to find a quiet spot to relax and think
Eric walked off the cemented path in the park, cutting his way through the tall grass on the sides. He kept walking until he reached a willow tree that shot up several feet above his head, branches falling around him gracefully. He sighed loudly and fell on the ground, leaning against the trunk.
Grey shoved his hood back once he had gotten to a semi empty part of the park. He ran both hands through his hair. " You're delusional Grey, it was one night, one kiss, that's it. One amazing kiss and one amazing night but still,"
Eric's mind ran a mile a minute. What a stupid saying. If his mind was at a marathon, the soles of its shoes would've caught on fire by now. Goddammit, you dumb gay shit. It was a single kiss, why are you freaking out so bad. You barely know the guy. You don't love him. That's impossible. You've known him for, what, a night? That means nothing. This isn't a stupid fairytale. This is the real world. This kind of stuff doesn't happen.
(this isn't Romeo and Juliet, geez Eric XD)
Grey sighed "your hopeless," he muttered, sitting at a bench facing a beautiful Willow tree freaking hopeless, not everyone you kiss or flirt with is the one….but that was one hell of a kiss,
(jkvkdfb lmao)
Eric suddenly sat up, shaking his head as if he was physically getting rid of the thoughts. He groaned and elbowed the tree trunk, not expecting the sharp pain that struck up his arm.
Grey tilted his head to the tree "ok, tree's don't swear…" He stood "uhm exscuze me, are you alright?" He asked, glancing at the silhouette behind the tendrils of the tree
Eric sucked a breath in through his teeth, clutching his elbow and looking behind him in the direction of the voice. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine, just hit my-"
Dark hair. Green eyes. A slender, tall frame.
You've got to be kidding me.
Greyson laughed "really? Well whatever you must have hit isn't ok, considering how loud you yelled." He shifted, not sure if he should help the person or just leave them be, fearing he'd somehow over step boundaries
Eric stopped. Maybe if he didn't respond, Grey would just leave and he'd be left alone to figure this out.
Hold on, since when am I such a coward? I'm not 12 anymore.
Eric sighed and stood up with a grunt, taking a few steps towards Grey until the light hit him. "I said I'm fine."
Greyson glanced up at Eric and smiled, not missing a beat "never said you weren't. Just that your injuries aren't." He tilted his head to the side "I came here to rid my mind of you for a day. Instead I end up finding you again. Think it's the universe telling us something?"
How is he so smooth, yet so cheesy? Eric squinted at him, smirking. "I'm sure you say that to all the guys."
Grey shook his head and brushed past him to sit under the tree "actually no, I've never said it to anyone and meant it."
Eric glanced at him, wetting his lips. He was tempted to call bullshit, but he also didn't want to be rude. Besides, maybe he wasn't lying after all. He settled for humming vaguely, reaching into his pocket and scrolling through his music just to have something to do.
"what? No snarky remark this time?" Grey laughed "I finally must be getting to you. That or you're flustered and is looking for so.ething to do besides face me."
Eric narrowed his eyes at him, smiling. "Fuck off, I'm just changing my music. David Bowie gets a little too much when you're here to blab over him."
"ah so I am getting to you, good to know." He laughed again "try some Andy black. He's pretty good." He suggested
Eric wrinkled his nose. "Not my thing."
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