forum MLM Romeo And Juliet #2
Started by @hollow-boned

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Eric's eyebrows twitched. "See, being the center of attention isn't the best thing when your parents loom over you constantly as if you were a particularly sensitive newborn from a species about to be extinct."


Grey blinked "ok so maybe not such a good thing. But I get why they fuss over you. You're their only child, it's natural that they'd want the best for your survival and well-being."


"I mean…yeah…I guess." Eric breathed in sharply. "Anyway, here's a question. How many relationships have you been in?" he prompted, smirking.


Grey choked on a laugh "wow, laying it on thick arentcha? Well if you must know, one. And that didn't last long."


He nodded slowly "yeah, just one. To sound surprised, I'm not sure if that's in pleasenty surprise or worry. How many did you have?"


"Oh, just two when I was in highschool. Never made it past 6 months with any of them. Turns out teen boys scare easy," he said, chuckling. "And really? You, grand fuckboy, only one relationship? Huh."


Grey glared at him and rolled his eyes "stop calling me that, I haven't gone that far with anyone in my life. Probably why she left me now that I think about it." He shrugged and continued walking


Eric's smirk vanished, a deep, instantaneous sense of dread pooling in his chest. "Sorry. Fuck. Are you mad at me? I'm sorry, I was just kidding." He rubbed his hand over his forehead anxiously as he walked.


He glanced back at him and shook his head "no, I'm not mad. I'm just not what you claim I am, that being a joke or not." he said simply. "Don't look so worried, I've been through worse,"


Eric wet his lips, carefully plastering on a calm look. "Okay, that's fine." He was quiet, drinking in the golden light, the way it hit the trees at their sides.


"Lost for words, dear?" Grey asked, glancing over at him and smirking "you seem lost in thought."


(how bout they get to Greyson's place and before he introduces Eric to his parents he "proposes"?