forum MLM Romeo And Juliet #2
Started by @hollow-boned

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(it's okie)
Grey guided Eric through the streets to his home on the outskirts of town. He climbed the stairs but before they went in, grey pulled the other to the side where the porch cut off to form a private section.


" I kinda wanted to ask you something then let you meet my cousin. Mom and dad won't be here till later." He said, leaning against the railing


Grey took a nervous breath and took Eric's hand in his. "Will you be mine? And I yours?" He asked softly, gazing into his eyes, searching for some reaction


Eric looked at him with wide eyes, a blush spreading over his face. "I. Oh." He blinked. "Yeah," he breathed out finally, letting out a small nervous chuckle.


Grey smiled and pulled the other into a tender kiss "what was that dear? I didn't quite catch that over the wind." He teased against his lips


"I'm fairly certain that's not what you said." He laughed and kissed him again, trapping the other against the railing


Grey savored the kiss before forcing himself to pull away. He lightly touched Eric's lips "where that come from, angel?" He muttered softly with a smile



Eric's eyebrows raised. "Well, I did alright with you, I'm sure I can handle him."


(lol I was about to find this and bump it XD it's ok)
"that's what they all say." He laughed and pulled him to the door. "Devan! Where are ya?" He called, watching as his cousin hopped down the stairs "sup cus, oooooh who's this?"


Devan eyed him suspiciously before taking his hand and shaking it "you're far too cute for my cousin…." He muttered with a wink towards Greyson, holding onto Eric's hand for a second too long to be polite "So you're the guy who caught my dear cousin's eye at the party?"


Eric hooked his thumb in his belt loop, straightening his posture slightly. "Perhaps. What happened with the guy you were dragging around? He seemed a little too cute for any of us."


Devan laughed and shook his head "he wasn't interested." He made his way up the stairs and waved them up "come in, mom won't be home until later."