He sighed in content and pulled her to his chest "my trouble maker," he teased
He sighed in content and pulled her to his chest "my trouble maker," he teased
"I've never been called that before," she laughed softly.
"consider me the first then." He kissed the corner of her mouth and smiled
She blushed. "You missed."
"did I?" He pulled her Into a tender kiss, drawing it out and then pulling her closer
She smiled against his lips. "That's better," she murmured into his mouth.
"hm," he hummed in content and deepened the kiss by leaning back into the couch and pulling her to him
She readjusted so that she was in a more comfortable position and felt Gabriel pulling her closer.
He pulled away "is this how we're going to settle things from now on? Kissing?" He asked with a smile
She blushed. "If you want…"
He smiled "we should argue more often then."
Her blushed deepened, but a smile grew slowly. "Oh…"
He smiled against her lips "what was that my love?" He muttered
"Nothing," she murmured quietly.
"somehow I don't think that was nothing." He smiled and tilted his head so he could continue to kiss her
She smiled a little into the kiss. I love him…
He wrapped his arms around her protectively
She tilted her head a bit to deepen the kiss just slightly.
He pulled away slightly and looked at her in confusion "how can you love me? Knowing what I am, what I do. How?"
"Because I know that you're doing it for a purpose," she said softly. "If you were doing it just to cause harm, then… maybe it would be different. But I know your purpose, and I will support you until I no longer can."
"That won't last long," he laughed slid his hand around her neck to pull her closer to him
"Oh…" she said softly in surprise. Their faces were so close.
He smiled as he watched her.the way her eyes filled with right determination, the way her brow creased ever so slightly when his hands brushed her skin. "My love."
She blushed faintly. "Why do you love me?" she asked quietly.
He smiled "Cuz I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who can put up with your stubbornness." he said
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