"and it'll give us time to talk…" He trailed off, hating himself for doing this
"and it'll give us time to talk…" He trailed off, hating himself for doing this
She looked up at him. "To talk about what?"
He glanced down at her and sighed "the miraculous."
She averted her gaze. "What about it?"
"do you plan to use her or is it just an influence on the design?" He asked tilting her head back so she was forced to look him in the eyes
Nathalie hesitated. "For the design."
He nodded "for nothing else? Your sure?"
"Yes," she answered quietly.
He nodded "ok." He sighed in relief, though some doubt still hung in his consciousness "I just want you to be safe," he muttered
"I will be. I promise." A weight settled in her heart.
(hey good to see your back!)
he closed his eyes and leaned his head on hers, "Movie and some popcorn?" he asked
(Yeah! Just been super busy and super sick -_-)
"If that's what you want," she replied quietly.
(aw that sucks, hope your feeling better!)
He stood and put some popcorn in the microwave, walking back and handing her the remote
(I hope so too XD)
She quickly gave it back to him. "I don't want to pick."
He glanced at her and sat down "are you sure your alright…?" He clicked the TV on and ran through some channels
"I'm fine," she replied simply, looking at the glimpses of shows he clicked through.
He decided not to respond, not wanting to remind her that he hated the word. Standing, he grabbed the popcorn from the microwave and passed some to her
She only took a few pieces and smiled reassuringly.
He sat down in silence, lost in thought
"Is something wrong?" she asked gently.
he snapped out of thought and shook his head "no love, nothing's wrong." he leaned back and took of his glasses, squeezing his eyes tight
She reached out and touched his arm softly. "If nothing was wrong, you wouldn't be doing that."
He sighed "just tired all of a sudden." He muttered
She frowned a little. "Please don't lie to me."
"it's not a lie, it's just not the whole truth." he said, not opening his eyes
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