forum Ineffable Bureaucracy rp? (One on one/limited, Closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @Oakiin

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"I never said I blamed you. But I'm also not saying it wasn't partly your fault. You directly disobeyed God. You hated what he created and saught to destroy it. Sure, humans aren't perfect but they were never meant to be that way in the first place." He sighed and glared away. Gabriel wasn't sure why he was defending the humans, knowing they were as much of a screw up as everyone claimed.


"Not all of us wanted to destroy humans," she muttered. "Some of us just wanted answers. Why is that so treasonous? It's stupid to expect anyone to follow a plan when they have no idea what it is. Those in Lucifer's ring, we never wanted any trouble. Sure it, was a bit of a rebellion, but it as peaceful. We were peaceful."
She said the last word with a hint of scorn in her tone, as if things would be much different now if she was still part of Lucifer's uprise.


"Right, sure it was," gabriel murmered under his breath, not being able to fathom the thought of the wars he's been and faught in as being anything other than being violent, far from peaceful. "Why couldn't you just trust Him? you knew what He had in place was for good, never for evil, never for destruction, only for good. Why question that?" Gabriel asked, slight desparation in his voice


"Why do you put such unfaltered trust in Him?" Beelzebub shot back. "I tried. I wanted to believe in the Word of God, but Lucifer made more sense. He talked about things concretely, like he trusted us, unlike Him. We were always expected to follow Him, and we never got any trust placed in us. How can you stay so faithful to someone who won't even tell you what's going to happen?"


"Just because he makes sense doesn't make it right, but I guess that doesn't matter to you, now does it?" He shook his head, not being able to believe that he ever teamed up with a Demon, "I don't care if He tells me or not, all i have to believe in is that He'll make thing better, unlike your leader who seems to think to destroy things will fix anything. I believe in him because that's all I've known," his glowed bright blue as his temper rose. He glared away from her and tried to calm down


Beelzebub, like so many times before, had a fiery retort ready and waiting, but something made her stop. It wasn't just the painful sting she felt as his aura increased in strength, although that was enough to make her shift away in discomfort, it was a desire to not fight him.
Stupid, she told herself sternly, but she did nothing more to provoke him.
"It's not worth arguing about though, is it?" she muttered, glancing at him only briefly before looking away. "It's not like we can change what happened. I Fell, you didn't, and that's all there is to it."


Not ready for the response, thinking it was going to be a Jab, Gabriel opened his mouth to retort. He then shut it multiple times. He then fell silent. Great, now you're feeling guilty…damnit. he glanced up at the sky, hoping for some assistance but knowing he'd receive none. "I've fallen so far, there's no telling which way is up anymore." He said softly


"You're confused," she said quietly. "So am I. I think anyone in their right mind is. Confused, worried…scared."
She dropped her voice on the last word, making it barely audible. The following shudder, which she failed to suppress, had less to do with the cold than she would ever admit.


He nodded "No one is in their right minds these days, not angels, not demons, not humans." He glanced at her, his eyes a bright blue " we're all scared, Bee. Each and every angel, demon, and being is scared. We all know what lies ahead of us if things don't change."


Beelzebub grimaced, realizing the truth to his words.
"So what do we do?" she asked. "The apocalypse didn't work, what now? What else is there? We're supposed to lead, and we're both as stuck as any common demon or angel. Why can't anything be easy? Why does the blasted plan have to be so blasted unknowable?"
She made an angry gesture, the air snapping with sparks of frustration. "It's stupid," she muttered.


He laughed softly "amused by her short temperedness "Onwards I guess. The unknown. Not knowing what'll happen yet knowing at the same time." he leaned back casually on the bench and sighed "any plans for the future?"


She grumbled under her breath, but mimicked his motion, leaning back into his wing. "No," she admitted. "I never planned much for what was to happen after the end of the world."
She glanced up at him, cocking an eyebrow.
"What about the great archangel Gabriel?" she drawled. "Does he have some great plan?"


He chuckled at the title and shook his head. "No. I always thought I'd end up with a better job than front desk managing after the apacolypse." He shrugged "guess not. Maybe I'll take a break from all the planning and expectations."


(I'm back! ^^ Thanks for waiting <3)

Beelzebub snorted a laugh. "Take a break and do what?" she asked. "What else is there besides planning and expectations? It's all anyone else seems to want to do."


(glad to see you back and no problem! XD)
"annoyingly so, that is sadly true." He shifted slightly so that he was facing her. "I'm not sure, maybe explore the cosmos, vacation a bit as people here call it." He shrugged. "Do things I've never thought I'd do in my life."


(Thanks!! ^^)
(Do you think they should maybe feel come disturbance while they're together and go to figure out what it is, only to find their two sides gearing up for a fight? That's just one idea i had maybe ^^ I've been re-reading, and am trying to figure how to implement our earlier ideas xD)

"Good luck," Beelzebub said, almost jokingly. "Will your side let you? Mine would riot if I tried to leave."


(I like the idea of together so that they maybe can build a bit more trust in each other)
"They wouldn't like it but I've never cared about what others think unless from the Almighty of course." And recently other company. He shook his head of the thought. "What are they going to do if I do leave anyways?"


(Sure! I like that idea too ^^ I can narrate the disturbance, if you want, I got a couple ideas >w<)

"Take over in your absence?" suggested Beelzebub, thinking about all the terrible things that would happen if she left her post. "Lay traps in your office to kill you when you get back? Go through your things? Completely break whatever systems you'd put into place?"
She glanced up at him with a faint smile toying at her lips. "I can keep going if you like," she said.


(yeah! Go ahead! I might add in a few things if that's okay,)
"They can try, I'd actually quite enjoy watching them try to take over my job. They'd most definatly screw the system up" he chuckled at the thought. He glanced down at her when she suggested she kept going "you can write a list and leave it in their office, I'm sure they'd delight in any suggestions to mess with me."


(Okay! And go on ahead! :D)
"Don't tempt me," Beelzebub muttered good naturedly. But before she could continue, a thrum passed through the air, something entirely unnoticeable to any who possessed no supernatural abilities. But to the pair on the bench, it would be blindingly obvious, a change in the atmosphere that clearly meant something bad was about to happen.
Beelzebub stiffened, jerking up from here she'd been reclining comfortably against Gabriel's wing. She looked sharply at him, trying to read his face.
"Did you feel that?" she asked, quite set on edge. She felt an urge to stop whatever was about to happen, though he had no idea what it might be. Had they been found out? Were her demons setting their secret plan in motion? Neither option seemed good.


Gabriel stood when Beezlebub did, feeling the thrum in the air as if he were shot with an arrow. He glanced around for anything that seemed different, anything out of place, anything odd but saw nothing. He glanced over at Beezlebub and took a step away from her, slightly suspicious. "It can't be anything good…have any ideas, demon?"


"Don't look at me," she said, scanning the area anxiously. "I have no idea what that was. But I think it came from that way." She leaned forward, squinting through the trees.
"We need to figure it out," she said after a moment. She took a step back to be next to Gabriel, frowning. "I can't see anything. It seemed pretty far off, don't you think?"


She's your only ally, trust her as far as you can throw her. He relaxed slightly and glanced around once more in case he had missed something the first time he had done a sweep over of the area. He focused on where Bee was looking and sighed with a shake of his head, his wings fluttered in annoyance. "It's not anything we'll be able to see, whoever's done this, angel or demon wants us to know it's out there with the added bonus of not being able to actually see it."


(Aw, that's adorable xDD He could probably yeet her into the sun lol)

"We have to investigate," she insisted. "It feels…I don't know, important. Big. Something we can't just ignore. Especially with everything that's been happening lately."
As if to prove her point the air began to vibrate with some strane energy. Beelzebub hated how it set her on edge. She grabbed Gabriel's wrist and pulled him after her as she set off.
"Come on," she growled. "I can track it. We need to figure this out."


(true, true. That's a lot of trust XD)
"Obviously, but where do we even begin?" He steadied himself as the air vibrates with energy that spread throughout his body and wings. "What in all creation was that?!" He glanced down in surprise as Bee took his wrist and dragged him along. He expected for the area she touched to burn because of their nature, anything unholy touching something holy would ultamatly burn one or the other. He guessed he wasn't as holy as he thought. He let Bwe drag him along, trusting her lead them the right way