forum Ineffable Bureaucracy rp? (One on one/limited, Closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @Oakiin

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Beelzebub tilted her head, feeling a new-found respect for the angel. Not that she would let him know, of course. There was truth in his words, reminding her how she had hurt the child to save an insect, something that, while not good wasn't as entirely bad as her reputation would want.
"You're making some mighty bold claims about the apocalypse," she said slowly. "Assumptions that your side would have won. What if we had won? What then? Evil is reserved for those who see the horrors nd revel in them. If the angels had been vanquished, we would have pitched the world into unconsolable suffering and enjoyed every minute of it."


He leaned back and regarded her with a calculating look. "You wouldn't have vanquished all of us. No way. No how." He adjusted a cuff on his jacket and sighed softly "those still alive would have done what would have needed to be done to ensure survival. no matter what at that point." he shrugged "But that won't happen." he said matter of factly.


She made a neutral growl, neither agreeing or disagreeing. She realized the fruitlessness of arguing a moot point.
She let the silence stretch out, watching the world go by. She knew she should be getting back to Hell, her absence would be noticed before too long, and she couldn't afford that just now. But the idea was horribly unappealing. It was peaceful here on earth, in the company of this angel. Though she wouldn't admit it, he was relaxing to be around, at least when he wasn't invading her personal space. But that was an excitement of an entirely different nature, and she found she didn't entirely mind.
All things considered, she just didn't want to go. of course, 'want' had always been a lesser priority for her.
"I have to go," she finally said shortly. "I have work to do. As I'm sure you do as well. When can you meet again?"


Gabriel shrugged "anytime you want to talk. I'll take this little meeting of ours over anything that I have deal with in hevean. He stood and rolled his shoulders, as if ruffling his wings from stiffness. "You apparently have my number so you know how to reach me. If I don't answer, try not to worry too much, I'll answer withing the hour." He winked at her and turned on his heel "til we meet again, demon."


She watched him go, then shook her head and descended back to Hell to yell at some slacking demons. This was entirely unprecedented, but she had to admit she was secretly thrilled at the thought of sneaking away, perhaps quite often, to see an angel.
She thought ruefully of Crowley, but assured herself it was nothing like what he had going on with his silly angel. This was business. And it certainly didn't mean her loyalty to Satan was any less. No, she was just looking out for herself and for Hell like she always had.
With that in mind, she held off on texting Gabriel for several days. She didn't want to seem desperate.


During the days Gabriel wasn't occupied with work or with other angel's dilema's he was down on Earth, pafrolig around or just enjoying the serenity. He wasn't sure if he was looking for Beezlebub or for and escape from his celestial life but either way, he was glad for the distraction earth brought


When Beelzebub finally did contact him, it was with solid news. She'd finally managed to averhear one of the whispered conversations between her underlings, and had hardly waited a second before contacting Gabriel
We need to talk, right now. Where's the most discreet place you know? This was too urgent to mess about with her normal insults. She needed him, now.


(awww she needs him!!!!)
Gabriel gldnced down at his phone on his desk, having returned back to heaven after a lovely little stroll through a park in Kansas. He saw how short the message was, thinking it odd at his straight to the point and lacking in insults it seemed. He sighed softly and texted back
"National park Conservatoon trail 56. Lagos texas." He snapped his fingers and waited for Beezlebub at the location texted


(Yesss, I'm so glad you noticed that little detail xDD
And BTW, I LOVE how you're doing Gabe, he's so much fun to rp will :D)

She was there almost as soon as he was. She had teleported as soon as she'd gotten the text, not even bothering to pause ad ensure she was fit to go out. Doubtless she looked even more unkempt than usual, her hair everywhere and her suit jacket unbuttoned, sah nowhere in sight. But currently she couldn't care less.
"Are you sure no one will overhear us here?" she hissed, stalking right up to him. "It is imperative no one knows we're meeting."


(yuuuuuiisssssddssssss and thank you! You're doing amazing with Bee!!!)
Gabriel jumped in surprise at Beezlebub's sudden appearance and then immediate statements "wh-what? No, no one can track us here, it's strictly angel and demon proof. Someone found a loophole a while back and made a trail in this area. No entity can be traced here." He looked her over, concern flashing in his icy blue eyes "Bee what's going on?" He asked, wondering if his concern was for her or for what she had to tell him so urgently "calmly telle what's going on."


(asdfghjkl and now he's worried about herrrr yess xDD and thank-you!! : D I'm so glad we're both having fun xD)

"I told you not to call me that," she snapped, but didn't give him time to reply, starting to pace frustrated circles around the angel, raking her fingers through her hair distractedly. "They're planning something. They're working together, and I don't know what yet, or why, but it's very important, and we are in danger." She had to pause for breath here, stopping her pacing and staring around as if looking for eavesdroppers. Then she was off again, grumbling and muttering to herself as if she'd forgotten Gabriel was there at all.


"Do you know who?" He asked, trying to maintain composure "Maybe we can find them and dispose of them before the rumors get out?" He ran a hand through his hair and sighed "there has to be something…."


Beelzebub didn't respond for a second, too preoccupied by staring at the trees, then she snapped back to focus, whirling to face him.
"We can't do that," she snarled, "because they are to high ranking. Dagon's been talking to Michael. To the Satan-cursed Archangel Stupid Feather-faced warty-haloed Michael. That means both sides are colluding, behind our backs, unless you knew about this."
She drew back, suddenly suspicious.
"Which you'd better not, because if this is a trap, Gabriel, I won't hesitate to make an example of you," she warned, her aura building dangerously around her.


His own aura grew, a faint shadow of his stark white wings rising behind him in wisps "Insult my kind all you want, hell, insult me all you want but never ever insult where my loyalties lie. I know what I'm doing demon even if it seems ludicrous to somI'm not one to keep my e. My brother has made mistakes as we all have but he knew what he was doing. If I wanted you gone, don't you think I would have disposed of you already?" He shrugged, his wings disappearing completely. "But if you don't want my help, fine. I'm sure I could torture some other demon into compliance."


"How angelic," she sneered, but her rage and suspicion were subsiding. "I still think you're being far too trusting of your own kind."
She miricalled a bench, not unlike the one they had shared previously, and sat down, folding her arms.
"Sit," she said. "Let's see if I can't change you mind about a couple things. I'll tell you exactly what I overheard, and then see if you're so ready to leave."


(It's okay!)
"It's one thing you can count on, my trust. Right now I think it's the only thing that's keeping us from tearing each other." He said, turning around a crossing his arms over his chest. He sat down next to her "I'm listening,"


"We'll see," she muttered darkly. "I overheard Dagon talking with Ligur. They were talking about your side, but not in any way I consider normal for any self-respecting demon. Dagon has, as I said, been talking to Michael, planning things. Together. Working together. Does that sound like a good thing to you?"
She glared challengingly at him before carrying on.
"That's not even the best part. Though I'm not sure what they're planning, it's not good for either of us, if the phrases 'Lord Beelzebub did nothing' and 'Gabriel will be easy enough' are anything to go by. I'm sure it's something to do with the Failure. Ligur seemed all too eager about whatever it was, though I might be able to get information from Dagon. They seemed much more nervous and reluctant."
She paused, then sighed. "Thoughts?"


Gabriel faced forwards, taking in all her words as she spoke. He nodded though stayed silent until she had finished "sounds to as if they're all planning to revolt. Much in the same way we are secretly conversing, they are secretly plotting." He rolled his shoulders, the phrase "Will be easy enough," not sitting right with Gabriel. He hated how easily some thought to bring him down as if he were human, one bullet to the head and bam, he was gone. "I'll see what I can dig up from other angels, including Michael." He glanced at her and sighed "why are you doing this?" He asked, turning himself to the side so he could talk to her better "I get the whole balance thing but why me? why not a more compliant angel like Harahail or Baridale?" (Making up angel names on the spot)


Beelzebub hesitated. This wasn't a question she wanted to answer, at least, not truthfully. But she just couldn't come up with a reasonable lie. No matter how she wracked her brain, it all came back down to one thing.
She was alone. He was the only one she had.
Which was a terribly sad statement to make when she barely even knew him, was on the opposing side from him, and certainly shouldn't be trusting him at all. It also was, unfortunately, the truth. She had a hole in her non-existent heart from Dagon's aparent betrayal, and Gabriel filled that hole nicly, as unfortunate as it was.
She mentally scolded herself for getting to soppy, hoping no expressions had given her away while she'd been thinking. Best to be professional. If the truth wasn't ideal, she could still dance around it.
"You were here," she sugar-coated. "I certainly wouldn't reach out to anyone lesser than me, and I'm certainly not about to trust Harahail or Baridale with all Hell's darkest secrets. You were…here," she finished, a little lamely. She found she didn't want to meet his gaze, instead staring off into the trees. She didn't want him so she the weakness she had suddenly felt, entirely alone without one friend in any of the worlds, and hoped the evening shadows were protecting her.


He gazed at her, hoping his icy stare would break down the walls he knew she had around herself as it had with so many others he had pinned the state with. Unfortunately for him, it didn't work. He turned to look around the area and nodded "so a simple case of right time, right place." He concluded simply wondering why he had hoped for a different response. Something a bit more heartfelt and hopefully instead of an empty, one-sided some one. Something so some as 'being there.' "Glad that was convenient enough for you." He said, maybe a bit too sharply, not wanting to hurt her but also not wanting to admit the deflation of Hope in his heart at her admitting why she had needed him


Beelzebub opened her mouth to snap back at him, but closed it again without saying anything. Her hurtful words had died in her throat. She pondered his response for a minute or two before realizing she might have hurt him.
Normally this revolution would have made her gloatingly gleeful, but instead she felt a shot of something not unlike panic. She didn't want to push him away, didn't want him to leave. At the same time, she was terrified of drawing him close, of letting him in. What if he betrayed her like everyone else? What if Hell found out? What if he laughed in her face and left her? The possibilities kept flowing through her mind, and she couldn't find a single thing to say, looking down at the ground and almost shrinking into herself, as if she wanted an out.
She was utterly stumped, overwhelmed by this entirely unfamiliar predicament. But no matter how her habits screamed at her to turn to the comfort of anger, she kept silent, still staring at the ground.

(Gah, I'm so sorry, I'm so bad at writing this stuff xD)


(no! You're doing great!)
Gabriel nodded sharply, exhaling a breath he was holding in Hope of any sort of response from her. Instead he got silence. The ever haunting silence that he'd learn to hate with every nerve in his immortal being. He sat back and shut his eyes for a moment. He'd walked up ever ounce of emotion that perceived attraction, fearing the worst if he let anything effect him, he'd get hurt the worst. He tried to remind himself of this now and shove the disappointment and hurt that threatened to overcome him now. He'd been doing this since the begging and if he went down alone, without a single friend by his side, yelling for his return in the end then so be it.


(hhhh thanks!!! You're so good at it I'm just a little insecure :) But I'm so glad to hear you're liking it! ^^)

Beelzebub found herself hating the sound of his silent disappointment. She longed to say something, but she found nothing to say that wouldn't show her entire hand.
I have to say something, she thought, feeling strangely anguished. She wasn't familiar with the emotion, and it frustrated her. In desperation, she let slip the first thing that came to her mind, voicing her deepest worry.
"Please wait. Don't leave yet." Her tone was flat, but the please was sin enough. Demons didn't beg to angels. And yet she couldn't take back the words, so she just let them hover in the air, breath caught uncomfortably in her throat, almost afraid of his reply.


He opened his eyes at hearing her speak, a bit surprised that she would extend any form of polite words, especially to him. "Then tell me something that'll make me stay." He said softly, completely defeated. What could he do against the world? He always thought it a bit ludicrous that he'd be able to fix every problem God threw at him, thinking that it was his angelic duty to mention the situation, no matter what. He'd face Micharl, he'd face Hell btut hen what? What if someone found out? What if they didn't find out and things went smoothly? What if something happened to either him or Bee?