(Awwwww my gawd Beee!!!! poor baby!!)
After Gabriel recovered from most of the pain he went down the Earth. He needed to be away from everyone he thought he knew best, everyone he had turned his back on for what he believed was right. "Forgive me brothers and sisters…" he murmured, walking through the park. He could feel something eat away at his heart, something far worse than the pain in his wing. He pulled out his phone and texted Bee
"I know we said we wouldn't talk for a while but can there be an acception…please?"
(I know, I feel bad for writing it tbh xDD God, that's long, SO SORRY AGAINNN)
Still winded, she couldn’t verbalize how painful the action was, barely managing a few weak gasps. She heard her phone chime, but a sharp slap brought her attention away from it, pain still coursing through her wing, burning like nothing else. She could feel the demons attacking her, beating and tearing at any part of her they could reach until she was on the verge of succumbing to the injuries. As she wheezed against the claws cutting through her neck, the blood trickling into her throat and making her choke and cough, she realized she had about three seconds to save herself, or there’d be no more prince of Hell.
A blood-filled gurgle turned into a growl as she summoned what little energy she had left to revert to her true form. Her broken body shrieked in protest as it began to change, growing and darkening. Hundreds of twisting, black horns pierced through her skin and her shattered bones assumed new positions, rattling and scraping together painfully. Fur and scales grew across her as she used a new, animalistic force to throw her attackers across the room. The form came into full effect as more wings sprouted, thousands of eyes snapped open, all dilated in rage, and multiple fanged jaws opened in threatening snarls. Three pitch black spinning rings surrounded her, the entire form too dark to make out any depth or definition. Blood poured off her, spattering the floor as though it was raining, and two of her wings were still heavily damaged, but she stood without shaking, claws raking through the stone ground as though it were nothing. The demons dropped back in terror, cowering away from her form.
She didn't give them time to flee. She ripped into them, the tables suddenly turned. With hardly any effort, she finished them off, backing the last one into the corner to meet his terrified gaze.
Right as she was rearing up to kill him, he fumbled in his pocket and pulled out a small glass vial, throwing it at her. It shattered against her chest, and instantly, a cold burn began to spread from the liquid inside.
Holy water, she realized with a burst of terror. But there was only a few drops, and it wasn't enough to destroy her. She looked up at the demon as he realized the same thing, then tore out his throat, letting him fall to the ground.
Morphing back into her human cooperation, she stumbled back across the room, collapsing onto her desk and reaching for her phone with shaking hands. She read the message and barely had the strength to reply.
Where are you.
(Ahh no I love the detail!!!)
Gabriel had found an alcove in ally to hide while he mended to his broken wing. Once he was sure there was no one around, he pulled off his suit jacket, leaving him in his white button down shirt. After painfully deglamouring his wings, he sat against the wall and pulled the wing to his front so he could work with it easier. Half of his wing was black with bruises and most of the main feathers were bent or crooked. Some had even fallen out. He gingerly plucked out the ones that were non-salvageable, causing more pain and even some bleeding. He breathed inand plucked a root wing, not being able to keep the yelp inside this time. He growled in frustration and shoved his broken wing behind him, not caring if it hurt him. Better to feel the pain and drown than face the truth. He yanked out his phone and relaxed slightly
“earth, Forelle St New York.” he set his phone down and leaned his head back on the cool wall
(I'm glad, thank-you!! I'm loving Gabe's side of things too btw, you're an amazing writer ^^)
Beelzebub used the last of her strength to teleport directly to the area, collapsing into a wall, leaning heavily on it as she tried to get control of her limbs. Her gaze roved the alley, looking for Gabriel. She barely even noticed that it was relief that coursed through her upon seeing him. She tried her best to give a grin, but it was much more a grimace.
"Hi, Gabe," she rasped, spitting out blood and coughing.
By the time Bee had gotten to where he was, Gabriel was sitting in a pool of his own angelic blood, deep crimson mixed with silver. He glanced up at Bee and straightened, taking in the sight of her. Normally he would have been elated to see such a demon tortured and broken to their bare being, but somehow when it came to Bee he felt new rage grow in his heart. The feeling in his stomach felt like lead as he took in her damaged state. "What did they do to you?" he asked softly, not having enough strength to talk properly. He wanted to move closer to her but the pain coursing through his wing and back wouldn't allow him
"What's they do to you?" she countered, dragging herself towards him, still leaning against the wall. She finally let herself fall next to him, her torn body shrieking in protest at being forced to stay in one piece.
"I guess we're in the same boat, eh?" she murmured, struggling to stay conscious. "Your side's definitely helping mine, they had holy water…"
Gabriel, despite his better judgment and option on angel and demon relationships, wrapped and arm around Bee and draped his good wing over her broken body. “Same as you but more mercifully .” He held her close to his body, careful not to cause her any more pain. “Usually I’d congratulate anyone who’d managed to rip apart a demon like this….” he trailed off, not wanting to finish the statement, not wanting to admit he felt something more towards demons, towards Bee than he’d ever thought. He moved his crumpled wing out of the way with a gasp before glancing back down at her “holy water, huh?”
Beelzebub hesitated for only a second before leaning into him, too exhausted to pretend nothing had changed between them. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax for a moment, trying to match her ragged breathing to Gabriels.
"Your wing look like crap," she finally said bluntly, reaching across him weakly to touch the injured appendage. "Your wings are pretty, they shouldn't look like crap."
She sighed and let her hand fall. "Do you think my side will have given yours Hellfire?" she mumbled, closing her eyes again.
He was going to say something about her appearance before shutting his mouth when he heard her second statement. He wrapped his good wing around her a bit tighter. The tip if it brushing her bruised and bloody cheek.
“I’m not sure,” he said softly after a while, thinking it over. “Most likely. Both holy water and Hellfire are hard to acquire. Neither side would give up their weak pen without a fair trade.” He reasoned, checking in his bruised wing with a ginger hand
"We're screwed then," Beelzebub realized. "We're clearly on our own here." She looked up and gave him a wry smile.
"Just each other. What a coincidence, huh?"
For a moment more, she allowed herself to be comforted by his presence next to her, pressing closer and trying to soak up as much of his warmth as she could to banish the freezing cold of Hell. Then she pushed herself up, not standing, she couldn't manage that, but sitting upright, so she could think clearly. Away from some very distracting thoughts.
"We need to get help," she said.
Just as he provided warmth for her cold, corpse like body, she provided a numbing coolness for his burning and boiling blood. “Just each other doesn’t mean we’re alone.” He muttered. He glanced down at her when she’s pulled away. He lifted his good wing and let his arm drop to his side as she sat and watched her carefully in case she collapsed.
Where? No demon or angel will help us, at least none we can ensure full loyalty to. And no human would help us either, not that I want to ask them for any help.”
(Quick aside, this could be a good place to have them go to Crowley and Aziraphale, if we still want to bring them into this at all! I'm good either way, so whatever you want!)
(Sure, I’m kinda at a loss on who to ask for help besides those two so sure! Let’s bring them in? Who’s playing who or isn’t one of us playing both?)
(Okay! We'll o them then :D We could both be one, if you want? Up to you though :)
Also, I'm going afk until saturday, just since I'm super caught between work and school rn :/ But I'll talk to you then!)
(Oki I’m down with being both if you want? Unless you have some plot including them? And yeah of course! Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you after Saturday!)
(Sure, go for it! ^^ And not really, they're just too fun to not include, I feel xDD Thanks for understanding!! <3)
"The traitors," Beelzebub realized bleakly. "They're the only ones who might even consider helping us now."
She allowed herself to sink back down, leaning on Gabriel again and closing her eyes. For some reason the thought of turning to their old enemies for help made her injuries seem all that much more unbearable. Maybe it was just the embarrassment though, she couldn't tell.
(Ya Of course! Sorry for not answering sooner!)
Gabriel shook his head and wrapped Bee in his wing again. “There has to be someone else. Trusting those two with anything remotely related to any of Heaven’s and Hell’s order of way with only influence them more in their own peace world thing they’ve started.” He looked away, not wanting to admit that they really did need their help or that Heaven’s great plan didn’t work and that all this time, the traitors were right.
(Np! It's all good! ^^)
"If you can think of a better idea, I'd love to hear it," Beelzebub snapped. "But I'm kinda about to discorperate here, and I don't think Hell's likely to grant a replacement that quickly under the circumstances."
A dizzy spell gripped her, and she closed her eyes, pressing closer to Gabriel in an attempt to ground herself.
"How's your wing?" she asked, gritting her teeth through the spinning sensations.
He gritted his teeth In annoyance and wrapped an arm around Bee to stabilize her. “It’ll be fine, don’t worry about it.” He said quickly, not wanting to focus on himself for once. He thought over the plan to meet the traitor demon and angel, knowing there was no other way to get help for either of them. “Fine. We’ll go to them but you need to rest.” He shifted slightly so his wing was more comfortable and pulled Bee to his chest. “Do you thing you can move?”
(Sorry, I've been pretty low lately. I think I'm coming back though!)
Beelzebub allowed him to pull her closer, resting her forehead on his chest and closing her eyes. Though she wouldn't have said it, it was nice to have someone to lean on.
"I don't know," she grudgingly admitted. "I…don't think so."
She didn't like this plan anymore than he did. There was no guarantee the traitors would actually help them, but there was nothing else for it. They had nowhere else to go.
(it's okay! Respond when you can, i get it.)
He breathed a sigh of slight annoyance through his nose and shifted so he wasn't against the wall anymore. "can you glamour?" he asked, Shifting so that she was in his arms, bridal style. "I don't think I can glamour both of us." he grimaced when his broken wing dragged behind him with a sickening crack and was forced to sit back down
(Thank-you so much <3)
With a grimace, Beelzebub forced a glamour, hiding her wounds behind an illusion of normalcy. The effort made her head throb again, and she took another deep breath to calm the spinning.
"You sure you're going to be alright?" she asked, failing to keep the genuine concern from her tone. She was too exhausted to hide her true emotions, and found she cared about this angel's well-being. "You don't look so good."
“I can say the same about you,” he retorted with a grimace as he stood with her in his arms. Gabriel forced a glamour as well and walked to the nearest hotel he knew of. “We’ll stay here until we we find them.” Before they went in, Gabriel glanced down at Bee “disregard anything you hear as acting.”
Beelzebub managed a smirk at that. Even though she could no longer deny that she liked the angel, her demonic vindictive nature couldn't help but hope whatever was going to happen next would wind up embarrassing Gabriel somehow.
"We'll see, angel. We'll see."
He rolled his eyes and plaster a smile on his face as he walked up to the lady at the front desk. He was forced to Bee down, hoping he didn’t cause her too much pain.
“Good evening sir, what can I help you with today?” The man at the counter asked politely
“I’d like to get a room for me and my lovely wife for a few nights.” He said, looking over at Bee with a wink, hoping he sold the loves truck idiot part to the front desk man
“Of course, and how many nights will you be staying?”
“I’d say about a week, our plane for the honeymoon got canceled so we’ll be staying here a while.”