forum Ineffable Bureaucracy rp? (One on one/limited, Closed, stalkers welcome)
Started by @Oakiin

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(She a german shepherd :D She's a real sweetie! ^^ sorry that took o long, had to come home and vacuum right away too TwT)

"It's…a minor set-back," she bluffed. "Though it does seem strange that the Almighty would let this happen. If it was such a great plan, why did it get so derailed so easily? Surely the Almighty would have…stepped in?" She shuddered at the thought, very glad it hadn't played out that way. Satan had been bad enough, much less God.


(aw cute!) And don't worry about it, I get it if you have something to do,)
Gabriel tilted his head in curiosity "and since when has a demon ever been concerned with what the Almighty does and does not do?" He shook his head and sighed "since Crowly….well since you asked, He works in wonderous ways. He'll step in, in his own way. He does not need to be there physically to change something." He explained, though not too sure as to why


(Thank!! ^^ And thanks again :) Darn chores xD)

"Since the Almighty allowed one of their plans to go awry!" Beelzebub snapped. "It's professional concern at this point. And I'm starting to wonder exactly how wondrous these ways can possibly be. Armageddon wasn't just a little side-show, it's been six-thousand years in the making."
She turned slightly so she could nail him with the full force of her glare. "I want to know why this happened. I was looking forward to running you through."


(don't worry about it, and I won't be on much zuz of a school even)
"Yes a professional concern but not your professional concern. I have this under control without some demon causing problems." He glared back at her with an aposing fire to her ice "you want to know why? Good luck on trying to find out. All of us want to know why. None of know how to."


(No prob ^^ Me neither, we can just reply when ever we get a chance ^^)
"You have it under control, eh?" she said with a slight laugh. "What are you doing on earth then?"
She didn't back down from his glare, challenging him to make even the slightest slip-up.
"You're just as stumped as the rest of us, aren't you? Go on, admit it!"


He held her glare easily, "so what if I am? I'm trying to find a solution to this mess. Which is more than what I can say for most beings at the time." He raised an eyebrow at her, now challenging her to deny doing nothing to help the destruction going on. "Speaking g of which, why are you here? Why are you following me around, demon?"


(Off, sorry so late, I had to work all day yesterday)

She turned away, casting her anger out into the world before them.
"What's the point?" she asked bitterly. "Six-thousand years work for nothing, why bother?"
Casting Gabriel a dark look, she chose to ignore his question as to why she was here.
"And if you must know, I was just a little surprised to see the great archangel Gabriel deigning to set foot on the mortal plane." She let her tone grow mocking, taking out her frustrations on the angel next to her.


He glanced away as well and sighed, giving up his cherade of being under control. Who was going to care if he talked to a demon, who was going do anything if he confided in her? He'd done it before and no one had said a word. No one dared to say a word. "I…I'm not sure. I thought maybe there might have been a solution down here since there seems to be none neither on heveans it in hell."


Beelzebub was caught off guard by his sudden change of tack. It took her a moment to think through his reply, and how she should respond. There were probably a thousand different ways this could go, and she wasn't ready to force one particular path. She was curious where the angel would go if she didn't push him.
"Have you found anything?" she murmured, casting a sly look at him.


He shook his head "no, nothing yet. The only thing of interest is finding you here as well, though nothing very useful has seemed to come from this newduscovery." He gave her a pointed look, a ghost of a smirk on his lips


Beelzebub's gaze hardened into a scowl again. She was well aware he was purposefully provoking her, but she couldn't think of a response that wouldn't sound overly defensive.
"Likewise," she finally snapped, standing abruptly. "Since we're both in agreement over that, I'm going home. Good-bye, Angel."


"I have a feeling we'll be seeing each other again, demon." He gave her a wave before relaxing on the beach and gazing out onto what the world had become, nothing short of disappointing at what it could have been.


(okay, I'm back, sorry! Been super busy xD I had a idea for plot, do you wanna disscuss that stuff in PMs or here?)

Beelzebub was quite determined to make sure they never crossed paths ever again, and went back down to Hell to ensure it. She threw herself back into work, taking out all her pent-up rage and the rioting demons. The discorperation office had never seen so many new files all at once. The Halls of Torments echoed anew as Beelzebub gave Dagon permission to do their worst with the rebels. And not once did she think about Gabriel, or what he might be doing. Not even for a second.


(it's alright! And whichever you want, I'm always down for a good plot!)
After a bit, Gabriel went back to heveans, reluctant to meet with the other angels. With a sigh, he flopped into his chair and glanced at the papers on his desk left by some messenger he couldn't care less about. His mind kept going back to his talk with Beezlebub and distracting him from reading. With a groan he threw the papers on his desk and left to train


(Okay! Might as well do it here xD I was thinking that maybe Heaven and Hell would be angry about the failed armageddon, and then when their respective bosses didn't do anything to restart it, they take matters into their own hands and try to restart the war behind Gabe and Beez's backs? And by the time they figure out what their troops are doing, they're friends or whatever and try to stop them? That's the basic idea anyways. If you wanna add anything, feel free to let me know ^^)


(Okay, awesome!! Yess, they can be the unlikely team xD)

Beelzebub could tell something was wrong. She'd only been gone from Hell for a month, and had been back a little over two weeks, but she knew something wasn't right. The whispered conversations that cut off with nervous looks as she walked by were nothing new, at least, not among the lower level demons. But when she saw Hastur and Dagon muttering together in Dagon's office, she'd grown more suspicious. As she'd headed in to ask them what was up, they'd stopped talking immediately, Dagon looking decidedly guilty.
Beelzebub hadn't questioned them at the time, not sure how they wanted to address the problem. Surely it wouldn't be a full-scale mutiny. Trust wasn't a word she often threw around, but she did trust Dagon, almost implicitly. There was no way they could be getting into trouble.
Call Gabriel.
The thought came unbidden into her mind, and she furiously pushed it away. She wasn't going running to the archangel just because of some minor suspicions. She wasn't that desperate. Instead she chose to trust Dagon, and just let them do whatever it was they thought necessary. She had her own work to be focusing on.


One after another, angels came in and out of his office asking questions beyond his understanding or capability. No he hadn't heard from Gid, she hadn't said a word to h since be let the apocalypse go to literal Hell, and no he hadn't thought of anything to resolve the problem. He ran a hand through his thick hair and sighed "I hope the demon is having better luck than I am." He muttered, chastising himself for thinking about her in the first place. He was an angel and soldier of heveans, he didn't have time to think about his enemy


For a month, Beelzebub tried to ignore the signs, and even by the time she couldn't ignore them any longer she still refused to consider that anyone in the upper council could be treasonous. It was beyond thought. Sure, maybe things were changing, and maybe fear and loyalty were a little low, but it didn't mean mutiny. There was just no way. But she did finally realize she was going to have to contact someone else and see if the dissent had spread elsewhere. And that meant going to Heaven. There was no way she was contacting Michael, if there was one angel she hated above all others, it was the one who had personally thrown her out. Sandalphon was an idiot, as were most of them, and that left only Gabriel.
With heavy heart, she obtained his number and composed a short and unfriendly text, purposefully barbed and scathing.
Gabriel. We need to talk. She hesitated at that point wondering how to make it barbed and scathing without outright saying "I hate you"
Things are changing. And though you're an idiot, you're less of an idiot than everyone else, and you might be enough of a brick wall to bounce ideas off of.
It was terrible, really. It might even be taken as a compliment in the wrong light, and didn't really make sense. But at this point, she didn't care.

(My goodness, these are long xD Sorry! ^^)


(it's okay! I love the detail!)
"For the last time in what has been months telling you this Azrihale, Earth hasn't succomed to any destruction, the apocalypse isn't delayed, it just isn't happening. If anything, Earth is flourishing now more because of the failed apocalypse. The Antichrist is no more and we have lost every leverage in restarting that again! Am I understood or do I need to make things clearer?" He glared up at the angel across from who proceeded to nod and flee from Gabriel's anger. He sighed in relief and glanced down at his phone as a message came through. He tilted his head at seeing the name and half smirked
"I didn't know you cared enough to talk.," He teased "am i an idiot or the only angel ylu care to know?” with that he walked out of his office and headed down to earth


(Yay, thanks :D)

You're an idiot, came the furious reply. Saten, she hated his guts. She thought for a moment about changing her mind, but there was nothing else to do. this was the only way forward that she could see.
She made her way to earth and waited impatiently at the same park bench they'd met at before, slumped down with her arms folded across her chest. She wasn't about to admit it, but she was tired, and probably looked terrible. Even though she didn't need to sleep, it sure did take the edge off sometimes and lately there'd been no time. Somewhere between her work and the residual stress that always came with suspected mutinies, she'd stopped even trying to take care of herself. Her normally impeccable suit was rumpled and even sporting a couple tears, and she no longer bothered trying to hide the deep shadows around her eyes.
It was nice here on earth, with the sun warming her and a cool breeze washing away the stagnant air in Hell. Despite her best efforts, she began to drift off, shifting into a more comfortable position and closing her eyes. Maybe she should come up here more often to just sunbathe.


Gabriel adjusted his suit jacket and tilted his head as he scanned the area. "The only idiot you trust it would seem." He walked through the park before finding Beezlebub on the bench "is this going to be a reoccurring thing? Because people are going to start asking questions." He sat next to her and propped a leg up on his knee "so what do I owe this unexpected pleasure." He asked, sarcasm dripping in his voice as he glanced over at her and flicked am invisible speck of dust from his light blue suit


Beelzebub had been almost asleep when he sat down, and thus jerked awake at the sound of his voice, bolting upright. She glared at him groggily, trying to gather her wits, wholly caught off guard.
"Don't sneak up on me like that," she growled, biting down a yawn. "I might hurt you next time."
She scooted slightly further away from him, uncomfortable at how close he'd gotten before she'd noticed him.
"Don't you even know why you're here?" she scoffed. "Surely even you know something's happening."


"Try me and I'll throw holy water at you." He threated, straightening up and glaring t her. Though he would never admit it, he found the presence of the demon relaxing, at least more than his fellow angels. "I fuly understand something is wrong, especially if someone like you called me, what I don't get is why you called me in the first place, don't you have confidants among your own? surely there has to be someone more understanding than I."


She gave him a snarl in response to his threat, but was too aware of the situation back in Hell to start a fight over it at the moment. She shifted, glancing around to make sure no one was watching then leaned closer so she could drop her voice to a whisper.
"Something's going wrong," she breathed. "I can't trust anyone in Hell, they're all too upset about the failure of a war. I can't even trust Dagon." The words stuck in her throat as she spoke them, realizing how true they were. "I think…I think they're planning something. Some sort of revolution or rebellion. I need to know if Im imagining things, if it's just in Hell, or if you're noticing this in Heaven too."