”Capulet. Let’s get this over with.” I faked a sneer, but I couldn’t get my eyes to narrow. All bark and no bite. I had been dying to see her all day. I’d managed a text or two, but it wasn’t the same as having her next to me. Most of my classes were spent staring at the roses and violets culvated on my cast. A couple of my friends had taken notice, but since everyone thought I was dating a girl from another school, no one really cared.
I almost melted on the spot, leapt into Romeo’s arms. But somehow, I kept tight hold of the fragmented pieces of my composure and mustered a matching sneer to his, sitting down.
“Fine, let’s..”
I sat down, purposely moving my chair much closer than necessary to hers so our arms would touch, giving me the contact I craved. I managed an annoyed sigh, opening my notebook and waiting impatiently for Juliet to join me.
My hands began to quiver from the immense amount of self-control I was currently under the hold of. It was almost impossible not to slip into his lap and kiss him till my lips turned blue—but I couldn’t afford to do that, and neither could he.
I fixed a scowl on my face, writing down “I missed you” into my notebook so Juliet could see it.
My eyes darted anxiously around the room. Only after I was satisfied that no one was watching did I read the message, a smile tugging at my lips as I leaned over him to write a tiny reply in my usual looping script.
After school. There's a place—no one knows I go there. Please come with….. I want to kiss you.
I bit down on my lip to prevent myself from smiling. I quickly scribbled a response.
Don’t have to tell me twice. How do I make it look like I’m not following you?
I'll text you the directions. Do you know how to get to Renard Station?
My eyes flickered briefly to him, then back down to the page.
Yes. Wish I could kiss you now.
I paused for a minute before adding something else.
Mercutio was extra grumpy today. Any idea if he had contact with Marina?
Oh god, you have no idea how much she complained to me about him today. My ears are still ringing.
I stifled a tiny chuckle, bumping shoulders with him quickly before resuming my previous position.
I smirked, my face reddening a little at our brief contact.
Did she tell you that she has his phone?
Yup. I even know where it's hidden.
I covered my grin with one hand, eyes flashing with mischief.
I’m officially convinced they like each other.
I brushed my hand against hers, barely grazing the skin.
My heart hiccupped in my chest.
Maybe Mercutio….. I'm more convinced that Marina despises him.
Whatever you say…
I winked at her playfully.
We should probably work on our project.
Blushing ever-so-slightly, I rolled my eyes.
Pfft… who cares about that? Besides, we’re almost done editing the final draft anyways…
You need a good grade in this class.
I began tracing the flowers on my cast with my finger.
I already have one. Besides, he thinks we’re working. And auditions are coming up soon, which will raise my mark.
So you ARE auditioning. Should I assume I’m banned from that since I’m broken?
You’re not broken, I wrote almost instantly. Neither are you banned. Not by me, anyways,
I rest my cast on the desk, drawing a line towards it, writing the word broken underneath it.
I gave small nod of understanding.
No, you’ll be fine. How good are you at dancing?
I looked from Juliet’s message to her face several times. Back and forth.
…what kind of dancing?
Lyrical, jazz, musical theatre.
I shrugged.
The usual.
I’m used to dancing at parties. Pretty coordinated though. As long as I get steps to follow I’ll be fine.