forum I need another fecking RP // OxO // Closed
Started by @ElderGod-Icefire

people_alt 72 followers


(oh good lol i was like "that,,,, seems abrupt but okay?")
(yeh sure! maybe the first attempt fails somehow (maybe he notices that the drink tastes odd or whatever) but then by the time the second attempt happens they've caught enough feelings to warn and save him? idk)


(lol yes i have brain cells today)
(That could work, but I'm honestly not sure how I would have them catch feelings? Like, what would she see in him? Like, either she starts liking how he is now, or he by some chance shows them that he has some sense of kindness and compassion deep down, and she starts thinking that he isn't so bad. Or heck, its like a bastard x tired "they're my bastard" kinda dynamic? idk)


(good lol)
(mm yeah that makes sense. tbh i was thinking it's a mix of both? 'n maybe he catches a little bit of feelings first so he gets a little bit nicer and she's like "???")


(Lol sorry I’ve been busy)
About a moth had passed, and an opportunity to initiate the rebellion’s plan had not seemed to show itself. Even if Prince Riven had arranged to leave or do something with someone elsewhere, Indigo had to wait until the poison was ready. They had taken to listening intently whenever someone came to meet the prince, eavesdropping for anything that might seem useful.
She didn’t see Lor again, if only because the toilet did not have any further problems and that the poison wasn’t ready yet. Indigo fell back into normalcy somewhat, but with that hopeful anticipation of what they had planned coming to pass.


Today, most of that would change. Riven was asleep still, despite the late hour, and so he didn't care when Lor knocked on the door, waiting for Indigo to answer it. They had a bag slung over their shoulder, and in the bag was the poison, carefully wrapped and packaged so it would not break or leak inside of it. All that remained was for it to be given to Indigo, so she could somehow give it to Riven.


At the moment, Indigo was cleaning the sitting room, picking up clothes and papers from the floor and random furniture. They almost dropped the clothes they were holding when she heard the knock. Silently hoping it wasn't a bold lover of the prince's, she opened the door.
She blinked. "Oh, Lor, it's you. Good to see you again."


Lor gave a quick, tight smile. "It is. Can we talk?" they asked, holding onto the bag carefully. They did not want to drop it and break it. That would be…well, a disaster, considering its contents.


Indigo glanced back inside the room. The prince was asleep, but Lor could only could only be here for one reason, and she didn’t want to risk it. “Yeah, sure,” they said, stepping out and closing the door behind them.


Lor stepped back, clearing their throat. "I have the, ah…" they glanced around. "The declogger. For the drain." they blinked at Indigo, hoping that they would understand. "It will need to be added to the toilet," consumed, "and then sit for six hours." essentially, it would take six hours to kill Riven.


At first, Lor’s words were extremely confusing. Indigo blinked back at them, their eyebrows knotting up and her mouth forming a thin line. She waited for them to finish, and after thinking on their words, they were able to get it. Her expression relaxed, and they nodded. “Good to know. Um, do I need to tell you when the… uh, the declogger is added?”


(just realized my metaphor thingy essentially called Riven a toilet lmao)

Lor nodded faintly. "Yes, preferably. Just in case there are any….complications that would need to be dealt with." They replied. They slipped the strap for the bag off of their shoulder, and carefully held it out to Indigo. "It's in here. Be careful with it; if it gets on anything it will discolor it."


They thought about that for a moment. "Just…send me a message about a toilet. Or come to the meeting place again, if you can remember the way there." they knew it was quite likely that she would not remember, which was fine.