"As long as I can." Samuel sighed deeply. He'd keep her safe from them finding out. Fallen or not, many demons would still despise her. Not to mention her own kind would to now.
The demon kissed the top of her head. "Yeah, power of not it makes you a target for your kind. Demons don't have souls, is an angel is just passing they'll sense that you don't have one." He pulled away just enough so he could look her in the eye. "Higher angels will be after you too at some point, you're gonna need a soul to hide yourself."
She smiled up at him, tugging him down so she could nuzzle her face into his neck. “Thank you.” She purred, humming as she ran her fingers through his soft hair.
When he spoke again she frowned. “Yes… they’d know for sure. It’s too hard to hide from them without a soul but, I think I can hide myself for small amounts of town.”
"You're going to be the death of me." Samuel said with a joking tone. But in a way it was almost true. In order to keep angels from sensing her, he'd have to make sure they stayed in places angels wouldn't dare be at. Besides that he'd have to let all demons know that she was off limits. Though he was pretty sure just being around him would make the others keep their distances.
"Now, about that date? You mentioned hot springs?" The demon wanted to chance the topic. He didn't want the angel missing her home more then she already did.
She smiled weakly and gave a half-hearted laugh. “I hope I am not. I would rather you live.” She smiled and patted his cheek softly.
“Oh! Yes! Hot springs! Wouldn’t they be wonderful to visit?” She asked softly, her eyes studying his face. “We could relax and destress.”
(I'm gonna move all my RP's to pm.)
(Its not letting me make a different chat. :0 so I guess this one will just stay on the forums???? Cuz I kinda don't wanna mix our pm and our RP? So idk.)
"That sounds wonderful. Shall we then?" Samuel knew very well the suit had been a bad idea now. But he quiet enjoyed dressing nice. It was what he was used to. Or more like, had been.
(Oh dang. Want me to make a pm for this?)
She didn’t mind her dress much but knew it was excessive. Oh well. “I know of some that the angel’s don’t know about, too! Hot springs are a big Angel tourist location. I shouldn’t call it a ‘tourist location’ because it’s more of a distressing area. The warm water relaxes wings and cleans feathers.” She explained. “We can fly there… it’s been so long since I’ve stretched out my wings…”
(Nah its chill. I have the name of our RP in my clipboard so if I ever lose it its easy to search.)
"Distressing sounds great." Samuel said with a smile. Though if it was a hot spot for angels- he tried not to think about it. After all, he didn't need to actually stress himself out. If anything he didn't actually feel stressed out.
"And flying sounds wonderful." He could use a stretch too. The demon could practical feel his wing itching to burst from his back and take him into the sky.
(Oh ok good! Sorry for the wait. I had some stuff going on)
The angel seemed to visibly relax when he agreed. She was extremely tense, and still wondering if he was truly serious about them or if he was only playing with her. She worried he’d be a little too possessive.
“Thank you! I haven’t flown in ages!”
(You have no right to apologize. Espesilly after how long I was gone. xD)
Samuel raised an eye brow, but dismissed her relaxation as really wanting to go. Maybe she was stressed out and really needed this.
"Shall we then?" The demons wings sprung from his back. Streching out as they did so.
(Hey no you’re alright! The wait is ok! You have some stuff going on)
She nodded curtly, allowing her own silvery wings to sprout out. She sighed as she stretched them out, groaning. “It’s been so long.” She purred, running a hand through her ruffled feathers. She hadn’t been able to take care of them at all with the whole being-kidnapped-by-a-demon thing. They looked awful.
“My poor feathers.” She pouted, noting the dirt and dust that coated the tips of her wings. “I really need this…”
(I'm sorry I'm filling really unmotivated in this RP right now. Like I love it to death. But at the same time my brain is dying.)
"Don't forget to cloak yourself from the humans. They may be drunken, but that doesn't make them completely stupid."
(You're ok. If you’d like we can put it on pause or stop it completely. I love it too but if it’s hard on you then I don’t want you stressing over it, okay? Your health matters more to me than this.)
Rosemarie turned to look at him and smiled cheekily. “Oh I know, I just thought I’d stretch a little before we head out.” She purred, stretching out her arms and wings at the same time.
(Ah Idk. Its not my health that's getting in the way of this. Its just my brain laughing at me and saying no. Like in my other RP's its fine. But just this one. Sjfhxhbsnsnxj. Idk. Maybe we could drop this one and pick something else up?)
(It’s okay we can drop it. If you’re not up for it then it’s not going to be good for your mental health.)
(Ah no its not my health. ^^ like I said, my brain just hates me. Besides that I'm pretty used to planing out a whole RP. Coming up with every possible answer from the other person, and plotting muahahahah
But I just didn't do that for this one????? And my creativity died pretty fast- so that was totally my fault. Rip.)
(Ah that's aright. We can stop this and drop it. Its alright.)
(Would you like to do another? It’s completely alright if not. I understand having no creativity for another rp ^^’ it’s hard to overcome.)
(We totally could if you want. Because you're health is important too. D:<
we can discuss it in pm???)
(Sure! I’m up for one if it wouldn’t be too hard on you.)