forum I'll be your Sweet Radio Demon
Started by @Demigod_Fenrir

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@rui group

"Is that so? I never really thought of it like that. Well, if that's the case, I'm glad you trust me. But you are cute when you're possessive." Alexander's tone was light and teasing as they walked into the ramen shop, an on-campus spot that offered a cozy, dimly lit atmosphere with subtle music playing in the background.

"Table for five, please?" Richie requested in a much softer voice than he had been using earlier. The woman at the front nodded, gathered five menus, and led them to a table off to the side of the restaurant. She placed the menus down and quietly left.

"You’ve got to stop doing that every time you see an attractive girl; it’s misleading, you know?" Daphne playfully nudged Richie as she sat down, with Emily on her right and Richie on her left.

"I'm the only single person here; do you know how sad that is?" Richie groaned, leaning his head on the table while glancing at the menu. "When Alex joined us, I was excited because he was single, but now we find out he's not, which is awesome—and Alex is such an awesome person—but that doesn’t make me any less single. Let me live for once!"

Alexander chuckled as he took a seat across from the three and pulled out Faybian's chair. "Well, even still, a girl wouldn’t want to find out that you act differently when she's around. She’d want you to be your true self, which is why you shouldn’t fake how you act. Maybe that’s why you’re still single," he teased, laughing as he set his bag on the ground between him and Faybian. Leaning on Faybian's shoulder, Alexander began to peruse the menu. "I don’t know what to get; everything looks so good. Could you pick for me?" He put down the menu and looked up at Faybian, using this as an excuse to admire his soon-to-be husband for longer.


"I'll have to keep that in mind for the days you want to wake up early," Faybian murmured with a teasing grin, taking in the restaurant as they arrived. He had been expecting a typical on-campus restaurant where the student would gather in hoards and turn the place upside down by midnight but he rather liked the quieter atmosphere. He stood back with Alexander as Richie asked for a table, curiosity sparking inside him when he noticed how subdued he seemed to suddenly be around the waitress. It only made more sense when Daphne chimed in about Richie being single. He wasn't clinging to Alexander because he was interested in him romantically, but because until recently he had thought Alexander was single. And while Faybian couldn't entirely rule out that Richie wasn't interested in Alexander, Faybian did find the situation amusing.

For the briefest moment, just a millisecond in time, Faybian wondered if Richie would be willing to make a deal. After all, it was Faybian's specialty. He made dreams come true but for a price. Well, he used to. He smiled softly at his fiance and settled in the offered chair. "You know I'm supposed to be doing that for you, right?" He kissed Alexander's knuckles and flipped open the menu, starting to look through the appetizers and entrees. He lightly rested his head against Alexander's and gestured towards the ramen options. "you did say you wanted to try authentic ramen," he suggested. "Usually the bowls are huge portions so we'd have ramen for days. If you want to order the ramen I don't mind ordering something different to have variety." He said, already eyeing the tonkatsu options and rice dishes. "Unfortunately I'm not on this menu, darling," he murmured, peeking over at Alexander and gently squeezing his hand underneath the table.

@rui group

Faybian chuckled, shaking his head at Alexander's playful remarks. "Oh please, I can do something for you every once in a while," he mumbled softly, nodding along, though his thoughts seemed half elsewhere. "Yeah, well, you should be. I’m sure you taste much better than this ramen ever could. But I am starving, so how about we get a rice dish and a ramen dish? The soy-glazed chicken with rice sounds good, and I caught you eyeing the tonkatsu, so we could get that too. Whatever you want to eat, I’ve got enough money for it." He smiled and gave Alexander’s hand a gentle squeeze, finding comfort in his touch. The day had been long, and his social battery was running low, but with Faybian beside him, he felt a bit more at ease.

"Pleaseeeeeee, get a room! Don’t make me feel more lonely!" Richie groaned dramatically, pointing at various dishes on the menu. "Since you wanna act all lovey-dovey, you’re paying today."

Alexander chuckled, shaking his head as he laced his fingers with Faybian’s. "Sorry, but that offer only stands for my fiancé. You have money, so you can pay for yourself."

"What? No fair!" Richie protested, pouting at the injustice.

Emily leaned forward, teasing Richie with a smirk. "Actually, it’s completely fair and makes sense. I wouldn’t want Daphne to pay for you. Unless you like her or something!" She playfully pulled Daphne closer, as if to shield her from Richie.

Daphne smiled, pressing a hand to Emily’s cheek and kissing her forehead. "I only have my eyes on you. No need to bring Richie into this."


"I'm flattered you think I'm as delicious as ramen but considering you've only had the micraveable stuff I don't know I should accept the compliment." He teased, leaning in close and whispering in Alexander's ear. "Besides, you and I both know I'm the dessert," he kissed Alexander's cheek and nodded, "I think I'll go with the tonkatsu then." Faybian set their menu off to the side and settled more comfortably in the booth, switching hands so that he could hold Alexwnder's hand with his right and wrap his left around around his shoulder. He drew soothing circles on the back of Alexander's hand as he took a moment to look around the restaurant. Faybian chuckled softly "thank you, dear, but I can cover tonight. Consider it my treat for being invited." He reassured.
"So are all of you in the same degree as Alexander or do your classes overlap?" He asked, not wanting the entire night to about just their relationships, or in Richie's case, lack of relationship. He had been keeping a warry eye on the waitress who had seated them, tracking the lulls in time when she wasn't at a table.

@rui group

Daphne crossed one leg over the other with a casual air, glancing at Richie and Emily. "Well, I'm in the same degree, but Richie and Emily’s classes just happen to overlap—requirements and all that," she explained, her tone relaxed.

Richie leaned back, running a hand through his hair. "Yeah, it kinda sucks. I only get to see these girlies a few times a day. I’m a mechanical engineering major, and Emily’s an art major. But it’s cool when our classes line up sometimes. We get to walk together every now and then." He grinned, then squinted at Faybian, curiosity shining in his eyes. "So, Faybian, are you also in college? How’d you two meet? And now that I’m thinking about it, Alex is getting his doctorate—does that mean you’re also going for yours, or have you already finished school?"

Alexander shifted in his seat, exchanging a brief glance with Faybian before looking back at Richie. "Well, um…"

Before he could continue, the waitress approached notepad in hand. "Are you guys ready to order?"

Alex visibly relaxed, thankful for the interruption. "Yeah, I’m ready. Can I get the soy-glazed chicken rice bowl, no vegetables, and a plain Japanese soda, please?" He flashed a smile at the waitress before nodding towards Daphne, signaling for her to place her order next.

Daphne smiled politely, her posture straightening a bit. "I’ll have the spicy miso ramen and an iced green tea, please."

Emily smiled, "I'll have the same but with a strawberry Japanese soda."

"Yeah, I'll have the Kaisen Ramen, please," Richie answered next his voice becoming a lighter tone than before.


Faybian flicked his gaze around the group as the conversation was redirect to him. He hadn't planned on telling them where he had come from. Of course he had his whole fake story when he would make deals and stay long-term with contracts but that was a rare occurrence and never happened with someone who went to college. He cleared his throat and straightened a bit, glancing at Alexander for a moment, "Well, we…" Faybian snapped his attention up to the waitress, a small sigh of relief escaping him as he took a moment to look at the menu while everyone else was ordering.
"Just the Tonkatsu and a pot of Oolong tea for me, please." He handed their waitress the menu, watching her go before he turned back to the group.
"I got my degree a while back as an exchange student. I'm a toxicologist for a research company now. I only just came to the university a few years ago and needed a place to stay. Since Alexander is in a similar degree and lives off campus my team reached out to the residential life here and put me with him. Now since I've been here for a while I'm considering taking up a position as a part-time professor." He explained simply. He didn't feel particularly comfortable with lying to Alexander's new friends, since if they did further research on him they'd most likely find holes in his story. He did have a degree in science though it was fake and there could be some vague well well-placed references to a Faybian Leander as a part of a small research team from Canada but fir the most part none of it was true.
"I'll admit, at first it was not easy getting along with Alexander but eventually he melted my cold heart and I think I eventually won him over with my cooking." He kissed Alexander's temple lovingly before making room as the round of drinks were brought to the table.
(Was looking back at the character sheets to see if I had put Faybian's nationality (I didn't) and completely forgot how Alexander transitioned, now I just want a scene where Faybian learns and tries to understand Alexander more and just be supportive)

@rui group

(ahhhh yeah I don't think I did for mine either but I put him in my head as Latino, hence the Spanish outbursts but yeah all for the scene honestly I forgot too because I haven't been here in like a month so no worries, wait does Faybian know he's trans? Maybe we should start with that first because I don't think he does ToT)

Alexander nodded along, trying to mask just how impressed he was with Faybian's story. "Yeah, it was quite a shocker when I got that email. Honestly, I never would’ve let him in at first, but I figured it could be my chance to network and maybe break out of my shell a little. Before meeting you all, I was… well, a wreck. My apartment was a mess, my fridge was barely stocked, and I lived off instant food for every meal. And don't even get me started on my old habit of overanalyzing everything." He chuckled, his fingers toying with the cap of his Japanese soda. "I’m a researcher at heart, but looking back, I took it to an extreme."

He paused to pop the marble cap down into the soda bottle, taking a sip before continuing. "But Faybian, he helped me a lot. I met you guys because of him, and he’s been there supporting me throughout my career. I try to support him just as much, of course." Alexander smiled, feeling a sense of relief after getting all of that off his chest.

Daphne sighed wistfully, leaning into Emily. "Ah, I’m jealous you two live and even work together. You guys seem so close. I wish I could live with Emily, but, well, family stuff. Her parents aren’t exactly thrilled about the whole 'your daughter is gay' thing. Slowly but surely, though, we’re working on it. And that’s what matters." She kissed Emily's forehead, a soft smile on her lips.

Richie cleared his throat, quickly jumping in to shift the conversation. "Well, you know my professor dumped a ton of homework on us today. But I got lucky—he gave me less work 'cause I actually pay attention in class… unlike some people," he trailed off, avoiding eye contact with the group.

Emily smirked and jumped in with a teasing tone. "Or maybe it’s because he likes you. I mean, we’ve been saying it for a year now. He’s young, one of the few actually attractive professors. Don’t even get me started on his chest—I didn’t even know a man could have a bigger chest than me! It’s honestly tragic every time I think about it," she sighed dramatically, sipping her soda.

Richie’s cheeks flushed, and he quickly waved off the idea. "Oh, please! If he wanted anyone, there are plenty of other girls. Not that I care either way! You all need to stop with these weird fantasies. Just because he’s two years older than me and maybe gay doesn’t mean he likes me! Besides, what makes you think I’m gay?"

Emily raised an eyebrow, her tone turning more pointed. "Richie, we’ve been friends for two years, and you know what I’ve noticed? Every time someone mentions sexuality, you get defensive. Nobody does that unless there’s something going on."

The food arrived just in time, cutting through the playful tension. As Daphne and Emily continued their light-hearted teasing, Alexander couldn’t help but glance over at Faybian’s plate, eyeing the food like a child tempted by candy. With a grin, he leaned closer and nudged Faybian gently. "I can have some, right?" he asked with a cheeky smile.


(I'll keep him Canadian then. No I don't think he does, yeah that probably would be a smoother transition than just dropping it out of nowhere that he suddenly knows.)

"We both weren't our best when we first met. It took a lot of work and more than a few mistakes for us to even begin to try and understand each other. But in the end, I think we both found a way to work together and even enjoy each other's company. It took a while but I'm glad we're here." Faybian smiled over at his fiance before pouring himself a cup of tea, holding it in his hand for a few moments before he took a small sip, savoring its warmth and herby taste.
Faybian tipped his head curiously but stayed quiet about his own opinions on relationships. He understood it wasn't easy for everyone to express themselves and how they chose to love another person to the rest of their family or society. "I hope everything works out for you two." He chimed in softly, genuinely hoping for the best for the couple.
"So you were right about the rumors of students getting together with their professors." Faybian said to Alexander with a laugh "I just never expected Richie to be the first." he arched an eyebrow as he grinned. "Perhaps not only attracted to men," he mused, nodding towards their waitress a few tables down. "it doesn't take a genius to notice how naturally sociable you are with everyone. Maybe that's just how you are or that could contribute to who you find attractive, men, women, or those outside of that spectrum." He shrugged "Just speculating I suppose. I don't know you well enough to make assumptions."
Faybian set aside his tea and unwrapped his utensils as the dishes were placed in front of everyone. He chuckled softly and handed Alexander the fork. "Go ahead, dear. But this means I can try some of yours too. I've never had soy-glazed chicken."

@rui group

"Told you, the funniest thing is this is my first time hearing about this." Alexander chuckled, breaking his chopsticks with a practiced snap. He picked up a small portion of noodles, hesitant as usual when it came to trying something new. He slurped up a few strands, nodding with wide eyes. "This is so good! I wish I'd ordered that!" He pouted, then turned back to his own dish, spearing a bite of sticky rice and chicken. "But you can definitely have some of mine," he added, offering a piece to Faybian with a smile.

Richie, watching the exchange with narrowed eyes, softened his expression and suddenly grasped Faybian's hands. "See? He gets me!" Richie grinned, basking in the moment. "I'm just a social, likable guy—it doesn’t mean I’m into guys!"

Alexander slapped Richie’s hands off Faybian in mock offense, rolling his eyes. "I don’t think that’s what he meant, Richie," he said, unable to hold back a smirk. "But believe what you want. Honestly, it doesn’t matter who you like. It’s just… your personality kind of gives off vibes, like you're into both genders. And now that I think about it, I see where they’re coming from." He raised an eyebrow, amused. "Hate to break it to you, but… it's okay if you like men."

Emily and Daphne had been trying to hold back, but at this, they broke into silent laughter, shaking with amusement. Richie, his cheeks flushed with irritation, picked up his chopsticks and angrily stabbed at his food. "You guys are so mean to me," he grumbled, his voice muffled by a mouthful of noodles. "I'm straight, and that's final!"

Daphne, with a sly grin, chimed in, "Yeah, for now."

"Taste it," Alexander took a spoon with rice and a piece of chicken on it and held it up to Faybian's mouth with a hand under it to catch any food that might fall off.


As much as Faybian prided himself on knowing many things and having various talents, chopsticks unfortuneately were the bane of his existence so save him of embarrassment and possible disrespect, he opted for the fork. "I'm glad you like it, dear." He cut into the fried pork cutlet and set a but aside for Connor before digging into the dish, the noddles and crunchy bready very tasty and comforting.
"Well, I didn't exactly say that. There is definately something there." Faybian waved to Richie vaguely, gaze snapping to Richie immediately when he grasped Faybian's hand. Thankfully Alexander shooed Richie away before Faybian broke his wrist. He relaxed slightly and continued eating, not wanting to upset Richie any more than he seemed to be. "As straight as a circle perhaps." He muttered with a light laugh, joining in with the girls before he turned to Alexander. "You're too kind, doll." He carefully held Alezander's wrist as he took the bite of rice. "That amazing, more flavor than I thought." He marveled, already trying to identify the ingredients to see if it could be replicated at home. He offered a piece of his Tonkatsu to Akexander and snuck a bit more of the salmon and rice for himself.

@rui group

(I hate to add more writing but I really wanna do a side relationship with Richie and the teacher ToT THAT WOULD BE SO CUTE, but if you don't want to I might just write it on my own yk)

Alexander eagerly took the piece of tonkatsu from Faybian, savoring the flavor before flashing a grateful smile. "This is all so good," he said, a hint of excitement in his voice. "Thank you for recommending this place. I’ve found a bunch of new things I like!" He finally focused on his bowl, setting aside his habit of sneaking food from Faybian’s plate, and dug in with enthusiasm.

Across the table, Daphne grinned and joined in, enjoying her ramen bowl. The atmosphere was warm and casual, the conversation flowing as they continued to eat and laugh together. After about thirty minutes, with their empty bowls, Daphne leaned back and wiped her mouth with a napkin. "Are you sure about paying for all this?" she asked, glancing at Alexander with concern. "I don’t mind pitching in, especially since ramen can be kind of expensive." She offered a small smile.

"Yeah, are you sure you want to pay for all this? You don't have to really." Alexander took Faybian's hand in his, interlocking their fingers.


(Awe that would be cute! I actually have a professor character who's really sweet. Gotta age him down a tad bit could work! Please send it if you end up writing it regardless!)

Faybian watched Alexander for a moment, a small smile flashing across his features before he dug into his plate food. He thought he had seen Alexander happy at home tinkering with his projects or setting up another addition to extensive computer set-up. But he had rarely seen Alexander this excited about being outside with friends enjoying a night out. He only wished he had encouraged this sooner. Faybian was glad that he had agreed to go out to meet Alexander's friends, glad to know that other people in Alexander's life made him happy.

Faybian fell back into conversation with the group, asking more about their college experiences and offering what he could about his own life, trying to make it sound believable. The parts that involved Alexander were easier than personal questions so he tried to steer the conversation towards that as much as he naturally could. By the end of the night he had Finished off most of the plate, setting aside a few pieces of tokatsu for Alexander's lunch tomorrow and a bit for himself if he got hungry throughout the day. "I'm touched by the concern, my dear but I can cover it just fine. Not to worry. it's my pleasure paying for dinner." He reassured, pressing a kiss to Alexander's hand before finding the small dessert menu and scanning through the options before passing it around.