forum I'll be your Sweet Radio Demon
Started by @Demigod_Fenrir

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"it is, though I'm starting to regret that nap earlier. I feel like I could stay up a few more hours with you." He murmured, pressing kisses to Alexander's hands and palm, his eyes fluttering shut at the sensation of Alexander's gentle caresses. Faybian chuckled softly, opening his eyes to watch Alexander before shaking his head slightly. "I mean exactly that, dear. You're worrying over nothing. I'm not alone in this world, not anymore. I have you to look forwards to every time you come home. I'll admit working around the apartment has become a bit routine but that's partly my fault for not leaving exploring the city more often. Your main worry when you're out having fun should be you friends." He pressed a gentle hand Alexander's cheek "believe me, any day spent with you is exciting. I've never been happier." Faybian gently tugged Alexander back towards him, peppering his features in kisses and caressing his fiance's tired body. "All mine, hm?" He purred with a knowing grin. "I love the sound of that, having you all to myself before we go and meet your friends." He murmured, finger's threading into Alexander's hair as they kissed goodnight.

@rui group

(Sorry for not responding I've been playing Wuthering Waves and got sidetracked trying to get this 5-star character good news tho, I got her, and for my sanity, I'm not gonna be playing that game for some time ToT)

He nodded gently as his eyes began to close, his body growing heavy as he drifted into a deep sleep. The next morning, he woke up feeling refreshed and unusually well-rested. He woke up a bit earlier than usual, just moments before the alarm clock went off. Rubbing his eyes gently, he stared up at the ceiling, savoring the peacefulness of the morning. Sunlight bled through the blinds, casting a warm, golden hue over the room. Alexander couldn't help but reflect on how much he had changed. There was a time when everything seemed gray and meaningless to him, and relationships always seemed to fail. But now, he felt like he had a more well-rounded personality.. He sat up slowly and placed the palms of his hands on Faybian's cheeks, his touch gentle and affectionate. His raven hair fell to his right side, tickling Faybian's neck. "Wakey, wakey," he called quietly, softly kissing Faybian's forehead. "As beautiful as you look sleeping, it’s time to get up," he whispered, his voice filled with warmth and love. He glanced at the window with the closed blinds, an amused smile on his lips. "Maybe if I open the blinds and blind you with sunlight, you'll answer my calls?" he teased gently.


( no worries! Glad you're enjoying the game, from what I looked up it looks fun! Sorta like Genshin Impact? Looks gorgeous! woo!!! No being obsessed with a game,😅)

Usually Faybian slept pretty well beside Alexander, barely stirring from slumber, only needing to adjust every so often but remaining asleep. Tonight was barely any different, despite having gotten some sleep beforehand. Save for his vivid dreams. His mind waded through events, too hazy for Faybian to grasp onto, himself still human and alive, the fire that took away that life and humanity, heaven's offer and his outright decline, Lucifer's deal, Alexander with the faintest outline of wings behind him. They weren't necessarily nightmares since most were vague recollections of memories but also couldn't say he slept well either, the dreams leaving behind a wave of uncomfortable finality as morning came closer. He only managed an hour or two of genuine, peaceful sleep before he was being woken up by Alexander. He leaned into Alexander's gentle touches, lazing throwing his arm over his fiance's waist to keep him close while he attempted to wake up. "It's far too early to be making threats, sweetheart." He mumbled into Alexander's hair. "It's not time yet, the alarm didn't go off." He argued, tangling himself with Alexander so he'd stay just a few moments longer. Faybian would have never called himself a romantic or a particularly sefless individual, having never really dated or had the desire to do so beforehand but being like this with Akexander, sharing a morning together and making plans for their future, whether that be later on in the afternoon or later on in life, made him realize just of desperately he wanted to be with another person. He wanted that connection, selfish as it may seem, to have a person to come home to, to have someone he could love and be loved by. For him, Alexander was that perfect person, even if he teased about waking up during the hours where no sane person functioned normally. He pressed a kiss to Alexander's forehead and have a warm, if not tired little smile. "What I would give for the weekend to come faster, just so that I can keep you right here without anything needing your attention except for me." He sighed whistfully and properly kissed Alexander good morning before slowly starting to detangle themselves from the blankets and each other

@rui group

(Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh it is super fun but also tiring. I felt like I was losing brain cells the more I played ToT, I was like scrounging for these gems, and when I finally got her, I was broke and forgot I had to build her, so I'm in the process of doing that right now)

"It's never too early for a few threats, dear. After all, you used to make them for me all the time," he teased with a mischievous glint in his eye. Suddenly, he yelped as Faybian playfully pulled him back into the warmth of the blanket. "Te juro que eres el más lindo de la mañana," he murmured, unable to suppress a little giggle. "Well, today is Tuesday, so you need three more days until the weekend," he continued with a hint of resignation. "Unless you can fast-forward time, the only thing you can do is wait. For you, and because the alarm hasn't rung yet, I can stay a little longer…" He sighed contentedly, giving in to Faybian's embrace, feeling his frame wrap around him. "For breakfast, you should make something new," he suggested, his voice softening as sleepiness began to take over. "Like something I haven't tried before… which is most things…" His words trailed off, becoming a quiet whisper as his eyes fluttered shut. "You know what I mean. I was looking at the bakery, and they had all kinds of options, so much so that I wanted to buy everything. And yesterday's chicken was really good, hence why it's called good Chicken. I just mean, I feel like there are so many things I'm missing out on… I want to get to know the world better. I want to know my neighbors better, my professors, and my new friends." Suddenly, he sat straight up, his eyes wide with excitement. "Today feels like it's going to be so exciting!" he practically yelled. "I can't go back to sleep knowing all the people I get to talk to today!" His enthusiasm was infectious, filling the room with a vibrant energy that seemed to chase away the last remnants of sleep.


(awe no😅 wait you have to build her once you unlock her omg so much work🥲 ooh good luck!)

"Yes, used to. Now I try and reason instead of threatening you unless of course a certain someone hasn't eaten since dinner." He gave Alexander a pointed look for all the times his fiance had come home starving from class having only eaten breakfastand nothing else. He fetures gave way to a slow grin as leaned in to press kisses to Alexander's neck. "Deberias verme por la noche, adorado." He murmured, eventually pulling back just enough to relieve Alexander of any further embarrassment. "Unfortunately I cannot but I'll be patient, you're worth the wait." He smiled softly, trailing light fingertips along Alexander's spine as he sleepily rambled about breakfast. "I was debating on whether to make crepes or cinnamonbuns though they might take a bit." He replied, smiling fondly at his beloved. "You have all the time in the world to explore everything you want my love. There's no need to cram everything into one day." He reassured, lifting his arm when Alexander suddenly sat up. He assumed that meant the end of their morning cuddling. "I'll start breakfast then." He groaned softly, letting his body wake up for a few moments before pulling himself out of bed and heading to the kitchen settling on making the cinnamonbuns

@rui group

(Yeahhhh thank youuuu, I was listening to One Spark by TWICE while reading your response and when I tell you I got so excited I almost squealed Faybian is so cute ToT)

"Hmm, I guess you're right." Alexander got out of bed after Faybian and gently touched his back as he left the room, a silent gesture of affection. As he dressed for the warmer weather, choosing light and breathable fabrics, he realized halfway through changing that Faybian had spoken Spanish earlier. This revelation filled him with excitement. Quickly finishing his outfit, Alexander practically ran to the kitchen. His heart raced with anticipation as he approached Faybian from behind, wrapping his arms around him in a tight embrace. "No sabía que hablabas español!" he exclaimed, his voice brimming with excitement. The thought that he could communicate with Faybian on a deeper level, using his native language, thrilled him. Even though Spanish is a common language, it felt like their secret way of connecting, a private bond that brought them even closer together. His heart swelled with joy at this newfound intimacy, grateful for the deeper connection it allowed them to share. "When did you learn? Or did you always know how to and you never told me. How come you never told me?!" He hit Faybian's shoulder playfully as he released his grasp on him.


(I'll give it a listen! And awe! I'm glad you like him, I love Alexander and the small gestures always get my heart both of them together are so cute!)

As much as Faybian would have loved to say he made cinnamon rolls from scratch, Faybian hadn't planned that far ahead. Thankfully in the modern day, someone had smartly invented Pillsbury instant pastries. Faybian spaced the premade cinnamon buns out on a sheet tray and added a bit more cinnamon and sugar, trying his best to hide the off, prepackaged taste. He slid the tray into the oven and set a timer before starting on a quick glaze and trying to think of something else to pair with a sweet breakfast. He let out a surprised laugh as Alexander tackled him from behind. "Solo un poco." He admitted sheepishly, "I'm not as fluent as I want to be, I can read and write better than I can speak but I've made it a point to learn the basics." He grinned and pressed a kiss to Alexander's head "I didn't think it was relevant until now! How come you haven't spoken Spanish until now?" He asked curiously finding vegetables and starting to chop them up to have something a bit more healthy for breakfast.
"We're still meeting your friends after class, right? and getting lunch?" He asked over his shoulder, taking a moment as always to appreciate his fiance now that he was more awake before focusing back on breakfast.

@rui group

"Yeah, of course. We should be done with class around 1:30, and you can come over then," he replied, inhaling the delicious aroma of Faybian's cooking. "Well… I used to speak Spanish a lot more," he continued. "But as I got older and more distant, I didn't have many people to talk to in Spanish. So when I complain, I use small phrases in Spanish. Like that time you killed a bunch of people and made me throw up. I have to say, that was not your finest moment. Why did you do that? Were you trying to scare me away or something? Because it didn't work. If anything, it just made me feel really disgusted—not at you, but because of the smell and everything." He looked up at Faybian, realizing they had never really addressed that incident, treating it like some unspoken historical event. "Sorry, you don't have to answer that. The point is, after I locked myself in the lab, I started cursing in Spanish and ranting to myself for a while. I got so into it that I almost typed half my report in Spanish. I was in the zone but also really angry."


Faybian's gaze grew slightly distant as he kept chopping the rest of the vegetables. Thankfully he was skilled enough not to cut himself by accident. It had seemed so long ago when he had killed those people in the alleyway. People no one would miss, people already halfway to heaven or hell, begging to die already. In some twisted way, he was carrying out what heaven wanted from him. To guide souls to their ineffable end and reach salvation. In that moment, Faybian hadn't cared whether the people he was killing saw him as an angel or a demon, he just wanted to feel like his old self before Alexander had come into his life.
"I guess I was. I was trying to prove to you I wasn't someone to befriend or to sympathize with. I had lived my life however short and was now beyond human problems like feelings and college life." He reasoned vaguely, slowly setting the knife down. He breathed a small laugh and glanced over at Alexander "it's okay if you were. What I looked like wasn't pretty and what I did wasn't either. I frankly didn't care what you thought of me, or at least that's what I told myself, as long as we had a deal you couldn't get out of, you were mine and I could do whatever the hell I chose without that changing." He turned back to take out the cinnamon rolls and set them off to the side to cool. He paused in making breakfast and leaned against the counter. "It's alright dear, you've deserved an explanation for a while. I don't think about you in that way anymore, as just another one of my deals. You mean far more than that to me now and I'm trying not be like I was before." Faybian cautiously took a step towards Alexander, offering an outstretched hand "well, at the very least you managed to write an amazing report."

@rui group

He sighed in relief when he turned around. Now able to see Alexander, he took his hands and listened intently to what he had to say. Faybian understood in a way because he also didn't want to change. "You and I are not so different after all." Faybian stepped closer, his movements slow and deliberate, and wrapped his arms around Alexander's neck, their height difference making the embrace slightly awkward yet intimate. Alexander jumped a little, his lips brushing Faybian's cheek in a tender kiss. "I guess I was so used to being alone that I didn't think there could be any other way to live." He breathlessly laughed, the sound tinged with both sadness and relief. "Just listening to myself say that sounds awful, and even when I started working, I was always alone. Summoning you was my last resort to feel something—a cry for help I didn't even realize then." Alexander rested his head on Faybian's chest, tracing the neckline of his shirt with delicate fingers. "Who knows, maybe because of this, you'll be redeemed and go to heaven if you die. I still don't believe in this magical bullshit, though. I believe in you and hell, but I haven't seen heaven, so how do I know it exists?" His voice softened, filled with a genuine sincerity that belied his usual cynicism. He paused, his brow furrowing slightly as he continued, "Do you still get urges like that? To kill people or take your anger out on them? It's okay if you do. I get them too, but I mean to the extent of following through with it?" He moved his head and looked up at Faybian, his eyes searching for answers in Faybian's gaze. He traced the lines of Faybian's face with his eyes, memorizing every detail and contour as if grounding himself in the moment.


Faybian pressed a kiss to Alexander's brow, lifting him slightly so he was on Faybian's feet. He gently laced one of their hands together and slipped the other securely around Alexander's waist, guiding them slowly in a waltz around the kitchen. "Despite how we started off this relationship, I'm glad we're here, like this." He murmured against Alexander's hair, leading them towards the stove top so he could briefly attend to the sauteed vegetables before focusing his attention on his fiance. "I will admit summoning me may have been a bit too far. Perhaps therapy or something else comes before summoning someone but I understand that desperation." He lovingly ran his fingers through Alexander's hair, promising softly he'd fix it in a bit. "Oh, it exists, dear. If there is a hell, there is a heaven. Though its not all sunshine and rainbows like humans like to think." He scoffed softly and shook his head, disgusted with the self-righteous ideology heaven held at such a high standard. Hell was no walk in the park but at the very least they were honest. Hell knew its residents were terrible, not incapable of changing but neither promoting self-betterment either. You could always count on Hell to give you the harsh truth and a reality check. "I don't die, at least not anymore. I'm more corporeal, I suppose. Neither a being of the living or the dead. Just a soul that ended up in Hell." He shrugged and gave a small smile even as the terms of his deal raced through his mind. "I'm the closest thing to heaven as I can get, with you as my very own angel." He led them both over to the counter, setting Alexander on the counter while he prepared breakfast, plating up a cinnamon roll on a plate along with a drizzling of icing and seperate bowl of roasted veggies. He passed the dish to Alexander while he plated breakfast for himself and gave a small shake of his head. "Not as much as before. And not as brutally. That episode I had was the last time I actively wanted to hurt anyone. Since then I've sort of filtered out those thoughts." He leaned against the counter beside Alexander and kissed dhis cheek. "I suggest not following through with those thoughts, dear. Otherwise, you'll soon end up in the same place I am and believe me, you don't want to, you don't deserve that. Try not to focus on those thoughts dear. You have a good life with a strong future ahead of you."

@rui group

He nodded as they danced around the kitchen like an old married couple growing and gray. He let faybian guide him onto the counter, feeling empty as Faybian's hand left his waist. "Oh, so I'm dating a ghost. I can't wait to explain that to my friends," he chuckled, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Oh yeah, and would that be so bad? You said it yourself: Heaven isn't all sunshine and rainbows, so why should I go there? Besides…" He started swinging his legs playfully before taking the dish handed to him. "I wouldn't want to go to heaven if you weren't there. I mean, come on, you've changed. Heaven can see that, can't they?" He walked over to the table, setting his dish down before taking a seat. "I'm just saying, what good would it be if no one I know is going to be there? Sure, I have friends now, but who knows how long those friendships will last? Besides, I’ll be graduating soon and probably get a better job than I have now. My point is, I have a bright future, but if you weren't in it, I wouldn't want it." He paused, then raised his fork and pointed it at Faybian with a determined look. "AND! What if Heaven can redeem people? Look at you; you've changed. I don't think you deserve to be in Hell. And if you don't, I'll go to hell with you. I mean, come on…" He took the fork and stuck it into one of the cinnamon buns, taking a bite. "It can't be that bad." He smiled as he chewed, his eyes never leaving Faybian's. "You're worth it. Every single bit of it."


Faybian rolled his eyes playfully "No, you're not dating a ghost." He shook his head and pressed a gentle hand to Alexander's cheek, tilting his head up slightly for his attention. "You're marrying a former demon lord of hell. Doesn't that sound far more interesting?" He dipped in for a kiss, tasting the sugar and cinnamon from the cinnamon roll on his fiance's lips. "As far as you're friends are concerned I'm human and all that should matter is that I love you, deep;y and without condition." He smiled softly, kissing Alexander's cheek before following Aleander to the dining room table. "You're right, I did say that. But that doesn't mean Hell should be the end goal." His smile faltered but he tried to play it off by eating a piece of the cinnamon roll. "Heaven's not big on change. You could become the best person on Earth and all Heaven will see is a tail and horns. Besides, my situation was a bit different than most sinners." He mumbled, brows furrowing. He didn't like the idea of Alexander brushing off his current life just to look forward to an afterlife, one that Faybian wouldn't be a part of. He reached over and laced their hands together. "You have a life, Alexander. A really good one, one I would have jumped at the chance to have when I was still alive. Do not throw it aside just the possibility of an afterlife with me. I-" he paused, his throat closing slightly per his contract conditions. "I can't guarantee we'll end up together in the afterlife." If anything, Faybian had guaranteed they would never be together with the deal he had struck with Luce but Faybian couldn't admit that yet to his fiance. He took a deep breath and gave his best smile, standing with his half-eaten breakfast, suddenly not hungry anymore. "Believe it or not, my dear. Hell isn't a place most people willingly go to." He glanced away and gave a brief smile as ruffled Alexander's hair. "And I would choose you over heaven every time, dear." He murmured, pressing a kiss to his head before starting the dishes, needing to clear his mind for a moment.

@rui group

Alexander's eyes widened as he realized he had hit a sore spot. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. All I meant was…" He got up from his chair and gently touched Faybian's shoulder. "I would go to hell and back with you if I could. I didn't mean to say I would throw my life away because what good would that do? That means my time with you would be cut short. I don't want that. I know you can't guarantee that we won't be together in the afterlife, but you can't guarantee that we won't, so who knows." He ducked under Faybian's arms and wrapped his own around Faybian's neck, pulling him into a comforting embrace. "Sorry, I made you think about this stuff. I guess I'm curious in the morning, and I still don't know how this whole heaven, hell, and demon thing works. I want to know how you work, you know." Alexander's voice softened, filled with earnestness. "I just want to understand you better. Maybe then, this whole mess will make a bit more sense. And maybe we'll find a way to make it work, no matter what happens." His eyes searched Faybian's face for any sign of reassurance, hoping his words had eased some of the tension between them. "Now kiss me before I leave? I will be taking a cinnamon roll with me."


Faybian took a deep breath, relief washing over him as his airway opened to normal again, the feeling of cool rushing water over his hands grounding him to the present. He was here with Alexander, that's all that could matter to him right now. He'd figure things out with Luce and make sure Alexander was safe. After all, he didn't become a demon lord or out of nothing, Faybian had to fight for what he had wanted all his afterlife. He would fight for Alexander just as hard. He glanced over his shoulder at felt Alexander touch his shoulder, a small smile appearing on his face. "I suppose that's true. You have nothing to apologize for, doll. You're adorably curious. I'm honestly impressed you're taking all this in so well." He chuckled, lifting his arm for a moment before scooping Alexander up and setting him back on the counter, but instead of going back to doing dishes, Faybian stayed with Alexander, burying his face against his fiance's hair and trailing a gentle hand along his back. "It's okay, Alexander, really. It's going to take a bit, opening up to anyone has never been something I've been willing to do. I'm glad it can be with you. Someone I love and care for very much." he smiled softly, dipping down to press a kiss on Alexander's neck. "all I ask is for a bit of patience, my love." He tilted his head back just far enough and gave Alexander a loving smile, taking in his features. He gently cupped his fiance's cheek and pressed their brows together for a moment. "But of course, my dear," he murmured, leaning in and brushing his lips against Alexander's, slow and soft at first but then slowly adding pressure. His hand migrated into Alexander's hair greedily tugging him closer to his body. "There's no way I'm convincing you to take a sick day and stay here, hm?" He slowly let go of his fiance and nodded already finding tupperware to pack Alexander a few of the rolls. "For your friends as well."

@rui group

Alexander's eyes fluttered shut, the kiss sending an electrifying shiver down his spine. "Ah-okay, I will do my best to be patient, but kissing me on my neck as a distraction…" He looked up at Faybian, locking eyes with him. "Will not make me any less curious." He hummed softly and let himself be overtaken by Faybian's kiss. He turned his head to deepen the kiss, his body moving in sync with Faybian's as he felt his temperature rise, enjoying the short yet fervent moment. "Well, when you do that… it makes me want to stay, but college waits for no one." His body cooled down as Faybian released him, earning a sigh from Alexander. He took the rolls and stood there momentarily, staring at Faybian with a dissatisfied look. "You… have got to stop leading me on like that. I mean… I… it's not fair." he huffed, "I'm only human, you know, so when you kiss me like that and ask me to stay with you, I—" Alexander turned away, his voice trailing off as he walked towards the door. "I think of things…okay….things that make my work very sloppy because I'm too focused on…those thoughts." He paused at the threshold, glancing back over his shoulder with a mix of longing and resolve in his eyes. "But, I can wait. I can be patient." He nodded and grabbed his bag. "I'll see you later. I love you." He put the rolls into his bag so he wouldn't be tempted to leave them somewhere and forget his fiance's home-cooked breakfast.


Faybian grinned as he passed Alexander his lunch, "I will gladly try and answer any questions you have." he promised, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned against the counter to watch his fiance go. "I would never lead you on, Alexander. Consider my short lived kisses as a promise for later." Faybian gave a small tilt of his head as he started to dry the dishes he had cleaned before. "oh? do share, my dear. What sort of thoughts rush through your mind when I give you affection?" He teased, following Alexander to the door with a knowing smile. As much as he claimed to be above human emotions, there was something Alexander did to him that completely disarmed any aspect of who had previously been as a demon and got down to his most human self, something he thought he had lost long ago. Faybian tugged Alexander back and properly closed his bag as well as gently tugged the few stray hairs that got in between him and the bag. He dropped a final kiss to ALexander's brow before finally letting him go. "I love you too, my dear. Have a good day." He waved and blew a kiss before closing their apaprtment door and went back to tidying the apartment. Not having much to organize, Faybian eventually found himself curled up on the couch, determined to find classes in order to complete a teaching degree, that or see if enrollment at Alexander's school was still available.

@rui group

Alexander sprinted to the campus, eager to start his day. As he arrived, he spotted Emily and Daphne comparing schedules under a large oak tree. They greeted him warmly and, after a brief chat, discovered they shared several classes.

Three classes later, Alexander headed to his favorite one. Mixing chemicals had always been his specialty. He couldn’t help but share his excitement with Emily as they entered the lab.

"Emily, remember how yesterday I didn't go out with my fiancé?" he asked, glancing at her.

Emily nodded, pushing up her glasses. "Yeah, what about it?"

"Well, he's coming to pick me up from this class today. He said he'd love to meet you guys. Then we're headed to the café I saw the other day. So, I guess you could say he's making up for it."

Emily squealed with delight, shaking Alexander by the shoulders. "Oh my god, this is exciting! I love meeting new people. I'll finally see him since you don't have any pictures of you two together. Now I can't wait until this class is over. You should've left it a surprise," she pouted playfully.

"Hey, what's going on? I heard yelling?" Daphne approached, wrapping her arm around Emily's waist.

"Ah-We're meeting Alex's boyfriend r-right after class. He's picking him up," Emily stumbled through her sentence, her face red.

"Oh? Can't wait! However, you’d better get back to work before the professor makes us stay late," Daphne warned, returning to her station.

Alexander teased Emily, "So, do you get like that every time Emily’s around or just when you're flustered?"

"Oh, you shut up!" she retorted, playfully hitting his shoulder. Alexander chuckled, the light banter lifting his spirits.

Suddenly, he realized he hadn't told Faybian where his building was. Quickly pulling out his phone, he kept his back to the professor. "As soon as you walk in, my building is the first one to the right, third floor, room 310." He sent the text and returned to his experiment. As the clock ticked closer to the end of class, Alexander’s anticipation grew. He could hardly concentrate, his thoughts drifting to the moment he would introduce Faybian to his friends. The idea of them sitting together at the cozy café, laughing and chatting, brought a smile to his face.

Finally, the professor announced the end of the session, and students began to pack up their materials. Alexander quickly cleaned his station, his heart racing with excitement. He could barely contain himself as he gathered his things, ready to meet Faybian and share this special part of his life with Emily and Daphne.


Faybian was starting to regret liking humans, not to any point where he'd go back to hell, but customer services were testing his patience. After what felt like an eternity and then some, Faybian finally found an opening for a minor teaching certificate. He wouldn't be a full professor but could at least sub for classes. Even better was that his classes were on the same campus as Alexander's and he could possibly teach at the campus for at least until the wedding and the move. Needing a much-deserved break from dealing with people for hours, Faybian decided to start looking for inspiration for the wedding. If he were a demon lord this would be easy, with just a snap of his fingers he could make anything they'd want but now he had to be a bit more resourceful. He realized he'd probably have to deal with more people but if it was for their wedding, and to make Alexander happy, there was very little he wasn't willing to do.
Speaking of his beloved fiance, Faybian was in the middle of changing when he got the text messages. "Thank you, dear. I'll find you soon." Wanting to make a good first impression on his friends, Faybian opted for cream colored button down and slacks, wanting to look a little more put together than just sweaters and jeans. Putting on a few pieces of jewelry and grabbing a light jacket from the closet, Faybian slipped into a pair of short boots and headed out for the get-together. He wasn't sure when the last time he'd felt this nervous about meeting new people but he hoped things would go well.
When he got to the campus, Faybian slipped into the building, needing to double-check a few times he got the right one before finding the stairs and heading up to the third floor, scanning the crowds of students for Alexander. He eventually found the right classroom and debated standing outside until the class was let out or finding a place less suspicious to wait but the labs caught his attention. Despite most of his ability being stripped away, his affinity for the sciences would never truly leave him, especially for the art of chemistry, all the different substances and beakers calling him to explore and discover what they could do.

@rui group

Emily was in the middle of a story as they walked out of class, her eyes alight with amusement. "And then it jumped at Richie! Oh man, when I tell you he's afraid of anything that moves, it's true. His reaction was priceless!"

Alexander started laughing, easily picturing Richie's terrified face. His laughter was so consuming that he almost didn't notice Faybian standing nearby. But he looked up just in time to see his handsome fiancé, Faybian, mesmerizing the other students with his presence. He stood there for a minute and fell in love with faybian all over again. He's used to seeing clothes in my house, and he almost forgot what it looks like when Faybian goes out.

"Oh my god, who is that? I didn't know people were born that tall. He's cute too," Daphne looked at Emily, nodding to Faybian.

"Faybian…" Alexander yelled, running towards him and wrapping his arms around Faybian's waist tightly. "You look…really good. I mean, you always look good, but like in this outfit, you look really good," He took a deep breath and snapped out of his staring. "I'm glad you made it to the right building. I couldn't check my phone the whole time to see if you answered, but anyway, Emily, Daphne, meet my fiancé Faybian." Alexander beamed, his arms wrapped around one of Faybian's.

Emily pushed up her glasses, her eyes widening as she took in Faybian. "Oh my god, Alex, you weren't lying! He's real, and he's gorgeous!" She nudged Daphne, who smiled warmly.

Daphne extended her hand to Faybian. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Faybian. Alex has told us so much about you."


Faybian had wandered around the hallway a bit, distracted by the displays and boards of information about the history of the college and how the sciences were the proud foundation of the student's education. There was comfort and vague nostalgia in being at the college, being surrounded by classrooms with so much potential and students looking to reap the benefits of a higher education. He looked up from what he was reading on the display board in time to see Alexander running towards him. "Hello to you too, doll." he easily caught Alexander in his arms, squeezing him close and kissing his hair. "Thank you, dear. I was hoping you'd approve." He leaned in for a moment so that only Alexander could hear. "Dear, at least introduce me first before you keep undressing me with your gaze." He murmured, kissing Alexander's cheek before straightening and continuing as if he hadn't said anything. "I didn't realize how big the college was but I did promise I'd find you." he mused, following as Alexander tugged him towards the pair waiting a few feet away. Faybian had never really been one for social interaction. Meeting new people outside of his deals was rare but then again everything involving Alexander had been a first: falling in love, living a normal life after so long of being a demon lord, and taking chances on a human, all of it was new but exciting.
He hesitated for a moment before taking Daphne's offer hand and shaking it in greeting. "Alexander has been gushing about his new friends for weeks now. I'm glad I finally get to meet the people who've made him so happy, you have no idea how much he's needed this." he smiled warmly, vaguely realizing he didn't have to force it, that he was genuinely happy to meet Alexander's frineds.

@rui group

"I was not undressing anything," Alexander huffed, playfully hitting Faybian on the arm. "It's not my fault you came here looking so handsome." He put Faybian's arm down and intertwined their fingers. "Oh, stop, I was just really excited," he added, his tone lowering as his cheeks reddened.

"So, are you like this all the time or only when Faybian's around?" Emily retorted, earning a playful slap on the shoulder from Alexander.

"Hey, guys! I was waiting for you outside but decided to come in!" Richie burst in, immediately draping his arm over Alexander's shoulder. "Hey, Alex. Woah, who's this?" Richie looked up, meeting Faybian's strong gaze.

Alexander grinned, his cheeks still slightly flushed. "Richie, this is Faybian, my fiancé. Faybian, this is Richie."

Richie extended his hand, his eyes wide with curiosity. "Nice to meet you, Faybian. Alex has been keeping you a secret, huh?" He gently hit Alex's chest, adding with a teasing smirk, "When you told me you had a fiancé, I didn't think you meant someone like this. I didn't know you were into that type." He ruffled Alex's hair, earning a glare in return, but Richie was always this comfortable around people, so he didn't think anything of it.


"But of course, my dear. I was coming to see you." He replied smoothly, gently squeezing Alexander's hand and kissing his hair. Faybian breathed a laugh and gave a small shrug. "Almost always, though he does manage to turn the table every now and again," he replied, glancing up as another one of Alexander's friends came rushing over. He took a half step to the side to avoid colliding with the other person but tried to keep a pleasant look on his face instead of the mild shock and annoyance that sparked within. He wasn't against Alexander having friends, in fact, he encouraged it for Alexander's well-being but something about Richie's level of comfort with Alexander rubbed Faybian the wrong way. He met Richie's gaze evenly before taking his offered hand and shaking it once. "Likewise," he replied, tilting his head curiously at the mention of Alexander's supposed type but he let it go for now. He looked towards Alexander, unable to hide a small smile from surfacing as he smoothed down Alexander's tousled hair. "Where to for dinner?" he asked, looking around at the group. "Alexander mentioned a cafe you all went to yesterday but if you want to try something new I'm more than happy to follow with."

@rui group

Daphne glanced at Emily with a tentative smile, searching for a sign of approval. When she saw Emily’s less-than-enthusiastic response to the suggestion of Western food, she quickly proposed an alternative. “How about we go for Ramen instead?” Her eyes brightened as Emily’s face lit up with a radiant smile and a vigorous nod of agreement.

Richie grinned broadly and said, “You know I’m always down for anything edible.” With that, he pulled out his phone and began strolling toward their usual ramen spot.

Alexander, glancing at his watch, chimed in with a nod. “That’s fine by me, as long as it’s okay with you, Faybian. I’ve only ever had instant ramen before, so this will be a treat. Just make sure we’re back here before the bakery closes—I’m looking forward to a date with Faybian at the café.” He checked his watch again, visibly calculating the time to ensure they would have enough to enjoy both the ramen and their planned visit to the café.

“Don’t worry, you'll have plenty of time,” Daphne reassured him, taking Emily’s arm with a gentle tug. They started walking together behind Richie, their pace leisurely and relaxed.

Alexander turned to Faybian with a playful smirk. You had no right coming here dressed like that.” he teased, his eyes twinkling with mischief. “You did this on purpose didn't you? After what I said this morning you couldn't help but tease me huh. Well when we get back you better not hold back.” He leaned in close, pressing a lingering kiss to Faybian’s lips, their lips lingering for a moment longer than usual. “Are you okay with joining us for lunch?” Alexander asked, his voice softening. “ I would really like it if you all got along. I saw you were looking at Richie—don’t worry, he means nothing to me. Play nice okay? Besides, you’re the only one I’m focused on today for multiple reasons. And I have to say, seeing you a bit jealous is a good look on you. Very attractive.” He added a quick, affectionate peck before standing upright, taking Faybian’s hand in his own, and guiding them toward the ramen restaurant.


Faybian relaxed once there was a bit of distance between Alexander and Richie and grinned at his fiance. "Of course it's alright. Any chance you get to eat delicious food that isn't pre-packaged, I will gladly indulge with you." He shook his head fondly and gently lowered Alexander's arm. "Your friends are right, doll. We have more than enough time to both enjoy time as a group and later on just the two of us," he reassured, quirking an eyebrow when Alexander didn't follow his friends to the restaurant. He tilted his head innocently but his eyes shone with mirrored mischief. "I aim to please, my dear. Why wouldn't I show up in something I know you like to our little date. Just because we're getting married certainly doesn't mean all effort is suddenly abandoned. If anything, my efforts have doubled." He leaned in close, his lips hovering over Alexander's "can you blame me? I love seeing you blush and flustered." Faybian melted into the kiss, vaguely aware that they were still out in public. "As you wish, my angel." He murmured, straightening and lacing their hands together. "I don't know how to play nice, dear. But for your sake I'll try and ignore him for now, wouldn't want to ruin a nice evening out." He kissed Alexander and shook his head "I'm not jelous, I hope it doesn't get to that point. Besides, that would insinuate a lack of trust in you which isn't true in the slightest."