forum I'll be your Sweet Radio Demon
Started by @Fenrir

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Ok so I had this idea solely based on one of the comments on this video
If you can't see the video, it's a welcome to the internet cover by Caleb Hyles but he sings it as Alastor from Hazbin hotel. One of the top comments on the video was basically how it made sense for Alastor, a radio demon, to make a song jabbing at all the potential negatives the internet has, and I was like, yeah, you're right! And now we're here. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Now, I don't know anything about hazbin hotel other than a few songs I've heard people do but I do want to get into it soon so pls no spoilers going into this. Also while I am basing this off Alastor the Radio Demon, the character in the rp doesn't have to be him, but maybe something based off of him

Ok so it's not much but uh here we go!
Character A is a radio demon from hell. They haven't been summoned since the 1920s, having been caught by the angels of heaven for causing the great depression. Now in the present, their sentence has been lifted and, oh? What's this? Their assistance is needed once again. Oh dear.

Character B is a Struggling University student just wanting to survive their last year of college. Having pulled an unhealthy amount of all nighters for their finals, they resort to the last thing they could think of in order to pass the semester. Summon a demon. Not just any demon, a radio demon.
After creating bond, binding character B to A until death do they part, (or A decides to kill B, whichever is more entertaining,) A quickly finds out that B doesn't actually know much about the 20th century. Now crunch for time with their final and stuck teaching B about the past 100 years for fearbif his life ending due to A's boredom, B has no choice but to oblige to the bond he committed his life to.
Uh so yeah! There it is. To literally no one's surprise, I plan on this to be a romance heavy Rp, and if course lgbtqia+ so let me know what pairing you'd like!
A few rules:

  • no smut
  • full paragraphs plz, at least more than three sentences
  • you don't need to know anything about Hazbin Hotel to join (I basically don't 😅) just think of it as a 1920s demon gets summoned in 2021 if it makes it easier
  • template will be up once someone joins. Pls provide a writing sample if you know we haven't rped together yet.

@rui group

(It is! If no one else wants to next period/lunch then I will gladly join! I feel bad if I take it though idk you know lol?)


(that's absolutely ok, always love to rp with you. I'll have a character template up in a bit, would like to be the radio demon or the character who summons them?)

@rui group

(I don't care whichever one you prefer is alright with me, just have a lot of studying to don't know if I'll be on later today, but I probably will knowing my procrastination skills)


(alright! And don't worry same, procrastinating to the fullest atm. Here's a template! I'll most likely fill this out tomorrow morning.)

Name -
Age -
Sexuality and pronouns -
Appearance -
Personality -
Background -
Likes -
Dislikes -
Song to describe them -
Other -


Name - Faybian Leander
Age - infinite
Sexuality and pronouns - pan he/him
Appearance -
Human appearance
Stands around 6'5 in both human and demon form. Short fluffy Black rooted hair with white tips. Pale skin with a splattering of freckles across his cheeks. He has violet eyes but wears contacts to dilute the color when in the human form. He had chosen to go with more of a cute and approachable appearance mostly not to scare his clients and to remind himself of what he used to look like when he was alive.
Demon form - the basic features of his human form stay the same, pale skin (though now flecked with gold freckles,)and violet eyes. Mostly everything else changes. His hair, while still short is now completly black. The whites of his eyes are now also black, essentuating the violet hues and his teeth have sharpened. The tips of his fingers are tinged with black. He usually wears looser fitting clothes to show off his form.
Personality - Fabian is unnervingly two faced. One minute he could be the sweetest person you know while the next he can be stoic and rash. This is more of a cover up since he doesn't really want anyone getting too close to him on a personal level. He keeps up the front pretty well, most never really finding out how he is, even those who have known him for a long while. When alone he's relativly calm and actually a joy to be around. He does have outbursts of passion and doesn't really mean to react so excitedly about things but he can't help that sometimes
Background - Fabian died due to an assassination attempt on his life back in the late 1800s. He was lured into one of his friend's estate and was poisoned (hence the purple hues in his appearance.) And then was burned alive along with the estate. He voluntarily went to hell to get revenge but was never given the chance since those who betrayed him ended up dying days later. When he was asked if he wanted to return to he heaven, he blatantly refused and became a full fledged sinner. Soon he rose high up in the ranks of hell becoming one of the most feared demons. On one of his many trips to the living world, he might have caused the great depression along with a few Lord's of hell and got sentenced to a 100 years of confinement to hell.
Likes - making deals with unsuspecting humans, food, music
Dislikes - fire, needing to trust people, getting attached to anyonr
Song to describe them - cry me a river by Michael buble, "bury a friend" by Billie Eilish, "wrong side of heaven" by five finger death punch "back from the edge" he's arthur
Other - nope

@rui group

(My character keeps getting deleted and I had a lot of stuff to do this week sorry for not responding, uhhhh I might not be able to respond until Sunday because tomorrow I have a shitton of things to do so when I get home I'll probably be tired, so yeah sorryyyyy)

@rui group

(here he is sorry for the wait, I like how we've rped so much that we know which pairings we like)
Name - Alexander (Alec) Wallace
Age - 24
Sexuality and pronouns - bi, trans, he/him
**Appearance - Picture 1. Picture 2, Picture 3
**Personality -
He's narcissistic in a way where will not apologize even he hurt someone. He doesn't like to say or admit when he's wrong. He will try and back up the reasons that make sense but make him seem more wrong. He is stubborn and consistent in what he likes and brutally honest. He will not care whether you're feelings are hurt he will say the truth of what he thinks. You'll find out pretty soon that he is extremely emotionally sensitive. A very logical person tends to analyze things and find reasoning either with science or "just common sense" as he puts it. He doesn't believe in things like love or things that can't be explained. Like action shows or fantasy movies. He always tried to point out what defies science and what doesn't. Beyond this, he is very open-minded and understanding when it comes to just about anything. He'll sometimes very rarely resort to things that have no scientific truth to them. He'll give you the cold shoulder but once you break down his walls he tends to warm up to you.
Background - His parents have always been absent. When he told him that he didn't want to be a girl anymore they simply ignored him even more. So, he took matters into his own hands and got the transition surgery. He knew he needed [rental consent so he tricked them into signing documents and other things. He knew it was going to be hard in middle school and the start of high school, but it was much worse than he had expected. So instead of trying to ask his parents for help, he kept to himself studied hard, and tried to make them proud. But no matter what he did nothing was ever good enough. He stopped being creative and lively after the age of 14. He figured affection and love weren't needed. It wasn't logical.
Likes - Music (Like songs from movies or just songs he stumbles across), sweets and spicy food, McDonald's, Even though he acts as he hates it he really likes it when people talk to or pester him about something other than. homework. He hates talking or admitting how he feels about something or someone because he believes his feelings are irrelevant.
Dislikes - People
Song to describe them - "Some Nights" by fun., "Paralyzed" by NF, "The Search" by NF, "Feeling Good" by Michael Bublé, "LA LA LA" by AREA21. "Legends Are Made" by Sam Tinnesz, "Monster" by Willyecho.
Other - He often listens to his music too loud to let himself have a break from reality.


(it's all good! And ikr? Btw love Alexander and I love Promise Neverland and Ray! A starter will be up soon once I'm outta class)

@rui group

(kk yeah I found a picture of ray and was like this is what I want him to look like lol and put up a starter whenever you're ready, no rush since I'm in class too)


(btw thinking of setting this in the hazbin hotel/helluva boss version of hell, where it's more of a city landscape with different species if demons)
"what is it now…?" Faybian growled, having sensed the imp minutes before he even stepped into the general hallway, the scent of fear could have been detected miles away. "M-more paperwork, s-sir. F-from the royal offices." The imp stammered out, slowly inching forwards and setting the files on Faybian's desk. He merely arched an eyebrow and watched as the imp take a step back. While he had lost most of his sympathy for the creatures of the underworld long ago, there was always that annoying twinge of guilt that resided in the back of his mind whenever he encountered one as scared as the impression in front of him. He breathed a steadying sigh and slowly set his current documents down. He picked up the new ones, delicately holding them up and scanning them over to make sure they were really from the royal family. The last time he had dealt with the royal family, it had been both a pleasure and the worst day of his afterlife. "Thank you." He muttered to the imp, who gave a quick bow and quickly exited the office. Smart one, to not linger long while Faybian perused the royal documents. He put in a pair of spectacles and narrowed his eyes suspiciously. He skipped ahead of the formalities and went straight to the bolded line in the center. "As king of Hell, It brings me great pleasure to release you, Lord Faybian Leander of the Rath ring of Hell, from your 100 year sentence. I hope this brings you great joy in what I can only imagine what was a very grueling sentence. If anything is needed, you know who to come to. - at your service, the Morningstar Family." Faybian slowly stood from his seat as it hit him. He was free. Finally free. A sharp grin spread across his features as he discarded the letter into the fireplace and watched it erupt in red flames, illuminating his features in a sinister red glow. He glanced to his side, sensing movement, only to find a young girl staring into the fire alongside him. "Guenevier." He greeted, the smile still on his features. The girl slowly turned her lifeless gaze to meet Faybian's "so you're free, sir. A cause for celebration" A small smile quirking at her thin lips. Faybian nodded "indeed it is. How about we go up top and cause a ruckus?" His eyes glowed a deep purple, his grin widening unnaturally wide as he grabbed a coat from the wrack and offered his arm to the gurl. Guenevier latched onto Faybian's offered arm as they waled out of the office and off the estate. To anyone else, they were partners, whether sibling related or other. No one would suspect them of anything more dangerous than a fly

@rui group

(lol kk I think this works…)
"This is so stupid…This makes no sense what's so ever." Alexander turned his head towards the guy who lent him the book. He looked at him with disappointment while the other was serious. "No, I'm not taking this." The man didn't talk however persisted and held out his hand, asking for payment. "When I asked you if I could fix my problems, I didn't mean like this. You know what….fine…if I buy this will you get off my back?" The other nodded and Alexander growled in frustration. He reached into his pocket taking out his wallet wishing it wouldn't take so long. "I hate people like you…" He violently placed the money into his hand, trodding off. Alexander looked at the book a couple more times before showing clear disgust on his face. Once he had made it to his apartment he decided to test his hypothesis, to see if the book had worked. He looked through the book with many various types of demons. Labeled in each species. But there was one that caught his eye. "The Radio Demon? What kind of name is that?" However, despite his thoughts, he was intrigued and decided this was the demon he wanted to summon. "Not like this would actually work…I just say his real name? This is such a scam…" he groaned. Alexander got took out a big piece of paper and drew the circle needed. I feel so dumb. Once he was done he stood up straightening his back. He took a deep breath mentally preparing himself for the embarrassment he was about to feel. "Faybian Leander." He pressed his eyes shut, clearly nervous.


Faybian dropped the last of the bodies down the canal, watching as some poor unfirtunate man's body bobbed to the surface and made its way towards the center of the city.
"I miss this side of you Sir. It feels good to get back to normal." Guenevier commented, wiping her bloodied hands on her white dress.
"You are certainly right. Though it is odd, seeing that the world has changed so drastically in my absence." He narrowed his eyes suspiciously, tapping a finger against his lips, tasting the blood of the now dead individual floating down the river.
"The world evolved, sir. Far more than what we saw back in the 20s. Gueneveir replied, glaring off to the distance.
Faybian grunted softly and gracefully made his way back up to the bridges connecting the alleyways and streets. "Unfortunate. I quite liked the 20s." He muttered, helping Guenevier up to the ledge of the bridge so that she could balance on the side. "Hm, it is, but think of it this way sir. There will be more fun to be had with this new generation of humans."
Faybian shook his head, amusingly annoyed that Guenevier could bring such an easy smile to his features. "Right as always my dear." He agreed, stopping suddenly as he felt a sharo tug to his immortal body, nearly toppling Guenevier into the water. "Oh that is pain I haven't felt in a very long time." He breath a laugh, eyes aglow as he carefully settled the girl back down on the floor. "Guenevier dear, go back home. I think I'm back on the job tonight."
"sir you're sure?" The girl ask, glancing up at Faybian with what he could only describe as her own way of showing worry. A slant of the mouth and a slight narrowing if her eyes. He nodded reassuringly "go ahead my dear. You're in charge for the day. I'll report back soon, I promise." He reassured softly, taking a few steps back. She sighed and nodded. "Have fun, sir."
And with that, Faybian disappeared completly down a dark alkey way, set on going to find his new victem.
Turning down a few alleyways and backstreets, he eventually found himself in an empty square. He slowed himsekf down, gathering his composure befire stopping a few feet behind what he could only assume was his summoner. He scanned the are in front of the boy and nearly sagged in dissapointment. "You'd think now a days a new generation would know not to mess with pentagrams." He growled, rolling his eyes as he circled the boy, coming to stand at his front. He crossed his arms over his chest, eyes narrowing. "Now what to do with you." He mused, violet eyes flickering in the moonlight as he took in the boy's features. Cute, in a "I'm dangerous don't come near me OwO" kind of way. He knew far too many people like that in Hell, did he really want to add to those numbers by offing the boy in front of him.

@rui group

Alexander sighed. Although any person would be very much frightened he was calm and annoyed. Annoyed that his time was wasted on some sick joke. His voice was monotone and dry when he spoke. "Alright where the fuck are the cameras. Where are they? I must be getting pranked right?" he closed the book and looked around in the corners of his bedroom. "And you how did you get in my house? I have all the doors locked and windows locked? People wonder why I almost never go outside it's because of weirdos like you and what are you circling me for. I'm certainly not your prey and you are not a vulture. Although you are unusually tall. Mind if I take a sample of your DNA I might need it for future projects." Alexander shook his head. "I'm getting off-topic again, so tell me who are you, how did you get in my house, where are the cameras. If you don't I will be calling the police." He reached over to his phone, typing in the number of the police.


Faybian shook himself out of thoughts and looked around the room. "Cameras? Surely you couldn't fit those monsterous things here. And certainly not completely out of sight. As for this being a joke? I assure you, the only thing funny about this situation is the fact you actually thought we use pentagrams for summoning." He pinned the boy with a flare. "Oh dear, I think you'll find out it very quickly you are prey. And I have been very board for the mast hundred years. I look forward to this little hunt of ours." He settled into a nearby chair, crossing his legs and resting his head against his hand, looking every inch the Hell lord he was. He rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll indulge you. My name is Faybian. But you knew that already from the grimoir. I'm here because you summoned me. Anywhere you are, I'll be from now on until our deal is done. Locks have no affect on me. As for the police. You're more than welcome to call them on your miniature plastic so called 'phone.' that us if you want dead bodies littering your room." He grinned and lazily picked at the dried blood in his nails. He glanced up at the boy and tilted his head sharply. "If you don't believe in us, then why summoned one?"