A girl cheats on her boyfriend in the summer, and he starts noticing her growing distant. He confronts her, and she blurts everything out.
This is a private RP with @Chogiwae ! Yes, the title and story are based on the song by Shawn Mendes…
Anyway, the template will be posted in a moment!
Yay! I’ll go grab the template. Lol. Unless you already have it?
It’s gonna take me a while to get his form completed.
Me, too. I’m with family right now.
I’m honestly not saying anything. I’m just listening to their stories.
Lol. Me at family gatherings. 😂
All right, I’m working on him right now! It’s hard because he’s not new, but I haven’t done much with him yet. So, like, I feel like I know how he should act, but I can’t describe it…
I understand. I’ll be working on my character later on in life.
Name: Bryce Wolff
Age: 21
Gender: Male
Appearance: 6’ 2”;
Usual Outfit: What’s in the photo above or
Personality: Laid-back, sweet, caring, patient, easy laugh, funny, trusting. (This is one of the lamest descriptions ever, but I haven’t done much with him…)
Flaws: He hides things, like his emotions or secrets, that he should probably share. He might be a little too trusting and patient, which can get him into trouble. Somewhat quick to anger, despite his patience.
Favorite Food/Drink: Pizza or cheeseburgers // Coca-Cola
Favorite Animal: Pretty much any dog, as long as it’s not small and yappy.
Favorite Color: Dark blue
Favorite Season: Summer
Favorite Book(s): He doesn’t read much, but probably something science fiction.
Favorite Movie(s)/Show(s): Um…….. Tbh, I don’t know…
Favorite Song(s)/Artist(s): Not a big music fan, but probably certain rap artists like NF.
Other: Only child, no pets. Overall, he’s a very simple person. He and his girlfriend moved in together after they had been dating for two years, and that was about a year ago. He loves her a lot, but when he found out that she cheated on him, that broke his trust of her. Now, he just wants things to go back to the way they were. But can they?
Name: Joy Cruze
Age: 20
Gender: Female
Appearance: 5’8
Personality: Cheerful, optimistic, talks a lot, impulsive, fearful. She’s the type to wake up at six in the morning, chugs down two cups of coffee.
Flaws: She’s easily manipulated and practically rides on her emotions. She has little self-control.
Favorite Food/Drink: Red velvet cupcakes and mango milkshake.
Favorite Animal: Cat
Favorite Color: Light green
Favorite Season: Spring.
Favorite Book(s): The Maze Runner, Six of Crows.
Favorite Movie(s): How To Train Your Dragon.
Other: She’s an only child, and is allergic to peanuts. Usually she talks a lot, so when she’s upset, she starts talking less. She moved with her boyfriend of two years a year ago, but then cheated on him during the summer.
(She’s great!
Now, how to start this…)
(Also… thank you~ Bryce is awesome, too!)
(Lol. I was going to start, anyway.
Bryce stared at the door, his leg bouncing nervously. He’d been just looking at the door for ten minutes straight, waiting for his girlfriend to get home. Wherever she was, she had been out late. Right now, it was almost midnight.
After two years, he’d asked Joy to move in with him, and they now lived in an apartment together. It had been about a year, but she had been coming home later and later. He was afraid that, one day, she might not step through the door again.
Outside, the heat had died down as the sun sank below the horizon. Now, the stars shown weakly through the lights of the small city. It was calm, peaceful. The opposite of how Bryce felt.
Joy sat herself on the bench, wrapping her arms around herself. She couldn’t bring herself to go back home—if she could call it home, anyway.
She’d gotten together with her lover, Bryce, two years ago, and eventually moved in with him a year ago. But then she messed things up and… didn’t feel like going back home anymore. She felt like she didn’t belong there. She felt dirty. She wished she could find courage to break up with Bryce, but even though she had betrayed him… she loved him all the same.
Finally, Joy pulled herself up and started walking back home, deliberately taking slow steps, dreading the walk back.
The clock on the oven currently read 11:55… Joy should have been home a long time ago. What was happening between them that she wouldn’t come back until this late?
Bryce sighed and glanced at his phone. Maybe he should call her. But… she probably wouldn’t answer. Especially not if she was where he thought she was.
Why couldn’t she just come back to him? Back to his arms, to his love. Back where she belonged…