"We we're watching a movie, I was laying on the couch, he laid next to me, I fell asleep, and then I guess he just encapsulated me. I don't know, I was sleeping."
"We we're watching a movie, I was laying on the couch, he laid next to me, I fell asleep, and then I guess he just encapsulated me. I don't know, I was sleeping."
Rashi chuckled, "Sounds like something my brother would do."
"He's too cute for his own good." She smiled to herself at the thought.
Rashi laughed, "You should see Alzura…"
(Sorry… I keep losing this in a device switch…)
(Nah, it's all good)
"I'm sure he's adorable too." She chuckled. She was sure he meant their younger brother but she didn't ask further, she was sure it was a sensitive subject. She hated talking about her own brother, it hurt too much.
"Adorable is right. I wonder when he'll come back for a visit…" he said, getting a little distracted.
She snapped in his face. "Rashi, stay with me here. Don't need you floating off into space." A slight smile touched her lips, just for a second.
Rashi snapped back to attention. "Sorry… didn't mean to zone out on you.." he said sheepishly.
(I was trying to look for something in here and then got caught up reading, sorry!)
"It's fine, I do the same thing." She tilted her head slightly, like if she looked at the right angle, she'd see something different. "Y'know, you'd look less angry all the time if you smiled a bit more. It lightens up your entire face, softens the harsh edges, make you seem less intimidating. But hey, maybe that's just me." She shrugged. She was a writer, pointing out these things was what she did.
Rashi sighed, "I don't try to seem angry." He said. "I'm usually just tense, focused on keeping my shields up so I don't go insane…"
(No worries!!)
"You look like it. Seriously, you look like of someone dares to even breathe the wrong way, you might punch them. Try to relax a little, I know it must be stressful but you're going to get stress lines if your face is always creased up like that." She pulled her finger along his cheekbone, feeling the tension under under his skin.
Rashi tried to smile for her, though he flinched at the touch. "I guess that's just how I roll…"
A slight smile touched her lips for a second. "Well, you tried, I can say that much."
Rashi sighed. "Yeah… and i do try…"
"Rough work, being an elemental. Any add on just make it harder."
"I don't mind being an elemental" said Rashi, "What's hard is being an empath…"
"I can only imagine. Dealing with everyone's emotions must put a lot of stress on you."
"It does… that's why I try to stay away from people…"
"Yeah, I do the same thing. Only mine is because I'm scared if people really know me, they'll leave. And I can't take the crushing feeling of being left like that."
Rashi sighed, "not everyone's gonna leave you for being yourself…" he said.
"No, that's not what I'm worried about…" It's the bloodied history that I am…
"Then what are you worried about?" He asked gently.
If I tell you, you'll never look at me the same again. "That…I can't tell you. I want to but…" She hesitated, should she tell him?
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