@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"Um why the fuck would we do that I'm not taking care of a water bed, I'd pop the bitch in a day"
"Um why the fuck would we do that I'm not taking care of a water bed, I'd pop the bitch in a day"
Jo raises an eyebrow.
"Okay then." they reply, walking over to the door and unlocking it, stepping out to clear the bar of all of its strong alcohol.
10 minutes later, they return and step back inside the room, setting down 3 cases of alcohol.
"Three more on the way, but I doubt will even get through all of these."
Nikki makes herself comfortable on the bed as best she can, sitting up once jo came back "holy shit did you get they at the bar? "
"Technically, yes." Jo grins.
"We got whiskey, vodka, rum, brandy, tequila. . . I think there's even some mezcal here."
"Jesus Christ…. Do we have to give it back? She asked jokingly as she made her way over to the crates and started going through them
Jo pauses, then starts laughing.
"'Return it?' Since when do we return alcohol?"
"Well we're going to have to figure out a place for it remember we have no vehicle. "
Jo tilts their head.
"We'll cross then burn that bridge when we get to it, dear." they reply, grabbing a bottle of something - possibly whiskey - and pops it open, pouring some of the contents down their throat.
Nikki nods and grabs a bottle before walking over the the couch and making herself comfortable in the corner ( she kind of looks like a little kid would if they were sitting in the corner of a couch with a blanket wrapped around them)
(Lol, that's fucking adorable)
Jo watches, then tips his head back, draing half of what's in the bottle with ease.
"Well, that's adorable. You're like a little kid with her juice box." they say playfully.
Nikki pops open the bottle and laughs "oh this it my happy juice. " she scoffed and tipped her head back drinking the bitter liquid
(Like, just knees up at her chest, both hands clutching her bottle like a toddler with her favorite stuffed animal? Hell yeah!)
Jo drains the rest of their bottle, and wipe their mouth, watching Nikki.
"Oh, god. Don't call it that." they groan, laughing, grabbing a bottle of clear liquid - obviously vodka this time - and pops it open, taking a drink from it.
(So damn cute lol)
"Why not it's juice and it makes me happy… I'll call it whatever I please.~" she purrs looking at him before taking a few more sips of her drink
"Honey. . . sweetie. . . it may be tequila, but it isn't juice." Jo groans, flopping down next to Nikki, his back against her.
(😌❤ wholesome content right here bitches)
Nikki rolls her eyes and takes another swig
"I can call it whatever I fucking want too, "
(Even if one of them is wanted on countless charges of arson, larceny, 1st, 2nd and 3d degree murder, it's still wholesome XD )
Jo sighs, tipping the bottle and his head back, taking a deep swig from the bottle.
"Fine, fine. . ."
(Of course it is because this is basically us XD)
Nikki taps the toes of her shoes on the couch and giggles before finishing off her bottle and setting it down "thank you~"
(Lol, it is tho- Jo is me, Nikki is you; I'm a murderous dumbass, and you're constantly stopping me from being a murderous dumbass XD )
Jo laughs, finishing off his own bottle, getting up and grabbing two random bottles - brandy and rum. They keep the brandy, tossing Nikki the rum.
"You're welcome, dear."
(Exactly lol)
Nikki catches the bottle but her face falls into a look of disgust "eww rum I don't like rum. " she tosses the bottle off to the side on the couch and looks to jo "gimme"
Jo laughs, tossing Nikki the brandy, grabbing the rum with an indifferent shrug, popping this one open too.
"Well, good to know. One way to keep you from drinking my stuff is to get rum. Then again, you might just drink it out of spite at that point."
Nikki grabbed it and pops it open gulping it pretty fast before pulling her lips from the bottle "oh really you think I'd want to throw up out of spite, no thank you I'm good ya know emetophobia" she said the last word a little weird but it didn't matter she was 'happy'
Taking a large gulp of the rum, Jo makes a face, but quickly seems to get used to the taste of it.
"True. You have always had an aversion to puking, to the point where it makes me want to laugh on occassion."
"It's really not funny though it like I have a panic attack every time I throw up, " she said talking a free more gulps.
"Yeah, I know." Jo sighs.
"But I have a panic attack whenever I look at a water basin, and I'm not even sure what phobia that shit is. But you laugh every time," they add, tipping the bottle back and draining a pint out.
Nikki laughs "okay but when it's something as ridiculous of getting scared at a water basin I'm allowed to laugh because that's fucking hilarious okay being scared that I'm going to throw up and not be able to stop that's terrifying and not funny. "
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