@Imperfect_Autumn group
"Oh, thanks, Seb," Devon said as she made her way over to him, a glass of orange juice in her hand. "Let's set up in the living room."
"Oh, thanks, Seb," Devon said as she made her way over to him, a glass of orange juice in her hand. "Let's set up in the living room."
Sebastian nodded and made his way over to the living room, board game in hand.
Devon followed him over and sat down on the couch. She set her glass on the table and looked over at Sebastian.
“Who do you think will win this round?” she asked with a slight grin.
"I'm placing my bets on you," he chuckled quietly, glad that she seemed to be herself again. "Game on."
(Skip? Maybe to another date?
Dude, they could go do laser tag… Maybe after they’ve been dating a while, though.)
(omg laser tag
but yeah after a while
wait so how far do you want to skip?)
(Hm…………………… Ugh, idk. If you want to skip a few weeks, that could be good. Or we could skip a month or two, to when they’re closer.)
(Maybe a few weeks for now, I think it would be nice to write them building more trust with each other, if that's okay with you
Maybe they've held hands a few times, but no kisses yet?)
(Yeah, definitely no kissing yet. Lol. I think they’re working up to a hugging stage.)
(lol yeah I figured
so, around two weeks later? or more?)
(Two weeks is good. Were we going to have them go on another date?)
(sure, up to you
maybe a… walk at the lake shore? or… idk
fluff, right?)
(Yeah, fluff is good. A walk sounds nice. At sunset. Lol.)
(ultimate romantic scene xD
is Layla there too?)
(Hm… That might be cute, actually…)
Want me to start?)
(Would you mind? Sorry, I'm technically supposed to be doing math right now…)
(Yeah sure, np Lol)
A light breeze stirred Sebastian’s hair as he smiled and looked out over the serene waters of the lake. He turned back to Devon, biting his lip gently. “Can I- can I hold your hand? Is that okay?”
Devon glanced over at Sebastian, her gaze having been on Layla previously. She gave him a small smile and held her hand out to him.
"Yeah, I'd like that," she said softly.
Flushing, he reached out and took it, brushing his thumbs over her knuckles. Dating Devon, even for such a short period of time, had taken his world to a whole new level. He still couldn’t quite fathom the fact that she had wanted to do this— but the intense gratitude had definitely sunk in by now.
Devon grinned at him softly, feeling her heart skip a beat as he held her hand. Yes, it was a small action to most people, but it was big for her.
Layla toddled over to them, babbling happily. “Bahstin! Pretty!” she exclaimed, pointing to the sunset.
Sebastian chuckled, squeezing Devon's hand and bending down to speak to Layla. "You like it? It's the sun, going to sleep, and tomorrow morning it'll wake up again."
“Sun is sleepy?” Layla questioned, her eyebrows furrowing cutely. She grinned and turned to look at it. “Night night, Sun!”
"Aww.." Sebastian glanced up at Devon. "How do you handle all this cuteness 24/7?" He ruffled Layla's hair affectionately.
Devon chuckled and smiled down at her daughter. “She’s not always this cute. Trust me, she can be ridiculous sometimes… And not in a good way.”
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