@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
(Your so adorable XD)
Nikki nearly fell out of her chair and she had to keep herself from yelling "oh my god I think I love you-"
(Your so adorable XD)
Nikki nearly fell out of her chair and she had to keep herself from yelling "oh my god I think I love you-"
(No I am not! I am an evil shithead!)
Jess's eyes light up.
"Oh my fucking god, I might have to marry you."
(Your my adorable evil shithead)
"Shit I gotta call my sister-"
(. . . am not. . .)
(Lmao gotta love when two girls fall in love over music)
Jess laughs.
"We need to at least eat dinner first, before we announce that we're getting married."
(You are~)
(And is there any other kind of love?)
Nikki Snickers
"Is that you asking me out? "
(Am not!)
(Lol nope)
"Yes, actually!" Jess smirks.
(You are!)
(I thought so)
Nikki chuckles a little "well okay then. "
Jess takes a sip of her drink and smiles.
"One last test. Since I know you like that kind of music, how about something tamer?" she says, pulling up "21 Guns" by Green Day.
(and i love you and Nikki loves Jess now)
nikki laughs a little bit and shakes her head
"oh dear lord i love this song i used to listen to it all the time!"
(You already loved me tho 😋)
Jess grins.
"Yep. You're the one." she chuckles.
(yes i did but i love you even more now dear)
nikki smirked a little to herself and took another sip of her drink
"ah my parents would be proud- im joking of course."
(Lol, well, good)
"Why wouldn't they be proud of you marrying a former pop star?" Jess asks curiously.
(Babe- where's the rest of the post?)
(my computer was about to reset i didn't mean to send that-)
"well its not exactly that its the fact id be getting married over music….and that fact that your a girl wouldn't bother my dad my mother would be furious"
(Oh okay)
Jess tilts her head.
"yeah i mean my mother wouldn't be invited to my wedding either way so it doesn't matter if she approves or not."
Jess chuckles.
"I suppose that makes sense."
She falls silent, contemplating who she could invite - if she did marry Nikki, that is.
She had no family, she didn't really have friends anymore. Not since her father had died, and she became distant.
(idk lol)
Nikki was silent as well for a moment before shifting in her seat "so…..that got awkward"
Jess jumps slightly, then smiles awkwardly.
"Yeah, kinda my fault. . ." she replies.
" nah don't blame yourself we just gotta fine something to talk about again."
Jess nods, thinking.
"I got nothing." she eventually says, laughing slightly.
"Yeah… Me either"
Jess tilts her head.
"Fuck it, let's go to a mall or something."
"Why would we do that? "
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