@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
"eh possibly you'll have to find out when we meet."
"eh possibly you'll have to find out when we meet."
Jess sighs, but smiles nonetheless.
"Fine, fine, I'll wait"
"Oh well you have patients! That's great! "
"No, I really don't, I just have an amazing ability to be spiteful towards myself!" Jess replies, snorting to herself.
"oh…well that works too i suppose."
Jess laughs slightly.
"Anyways, gotta get my beauty sleep, so I look my absolute best when I put in my two weeks notice"
Nikki laughs to herself before typing out a message
"yeah yeah you do that im actually getting ready to go to work.."
Jess looks at her phone, bemused.
"Dear god, at this time of night? Have fun with that- I'll talk to you later though"
(im thinking time skip till they meet)
"im a bartender remember? but yeah ill talk to you later tho get some rest"
Jess tosses her phone onto her nightstand, crawling under her blankets and falling asleep.
//Fast forward to the coffee date//
Jess sits in the Starbucks, casually scrolling through Reddit.
She looks up as she hears the door open, and tilts her head at the lady walking toawrds her table.
"You're Nikki?" she asks, incredulous.
"Dear lord, if I had known you were this cute, I would have worn something slightly less decent." she grins.
(https://ibb.co/SRG8Hvw her look but she's wearing a short tan trench coat)
Nikki walked in and immediately spotted Jess at a table she makes he way over slowly and stops at the table "hi… Jess right? I'm Nikki… " her face went red at the compliment but she just looked away
Jess grins.
"Yeah. I'm Jess. The one and only!" she says brightly, noting the blush but not commenting - yet.
Getting up, she indicates for Nikki to follow her up to the counter.
(XD I did that! )
Nikki nodded and laughed before following after her to the counter
Jess orders a random drink off the menu, then looks at Nikki, indicating for her to order.
(what lol)
Nikki ordered an iced chi and honey latte and looked over at jess "so…."
(Nothing lol just that it looks amazing)
"So." Jess replies, laughing.
(Thank you XD)
Nikki laughed a little bit and hung her head
"So.. I'm just really awkward.. "
(Mm-hmmm lol)
Jess chuckles.
"Yeah, I can tell. But I don't bite. Usually." she teases.
Nikki laughed a little and shook he head
"Oh well that's a shame. " she said with a slight smirk
Jess grins.
"Hey, we haven't even had dinner yet. Then again, if we're playing along with this, you could be dinner." she replies.
Nikki is sent into a quiet fit of giggles before looking at Jess again "but dinner it always so heavy why not skip and go straight to dessert"
Jess laughs silently.
"Because dessert is for good girls who eat dinner first."
"Hmm but what if I'm not good? I mean what sounds more enticing dinner or dessert?" She asked raising a brow at the other girl
Jess shrugs.
"I mean, I just like eating, so I may as well eat dinner before dessert."
( are they getting off topic? XD)
"I- but you could just eat dinner afterwards"
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