@Nyx-is-with-frost health_and_safety brightness_7
" your welcome!"
" your welcome!"
Jess chuckles and starts walking again.
"Well, since neither of us have money, why don't we just peruse the selections and be jealous of people who can afford to live?"
"ahh, I mean… I'm getting read to not be poor but that would probably be better for now….." she walked up to jess walking along side of her with her arms crossed
Jess nods, sighing.
"Dear god, I regret some of my decisions. . ."
" oh yeah and whys that dear?"
"At one point I became a stripper. It was fun - for about two minutes." Jess snorts.
"i- god why, I mean it pays a lot but as someone who beat the piss out of a guy that touched one of my girls at my club… it's not fun"
"It paid a lot, yeah, but I was a look-only. Some of the men - and a woman or two - got a little handsy and I knocked them unconscious with a kick to the throat."
"yeah all of mine are look but don't touch but people don't listen, and I find it funny that I call them my girls but I but I don't own the club yet.." she said smiling a bit
"'Yet?'" Jess asks, confused.
Nikki smiles and crosses her arms "well I might as well tell someone at least, the owner is giving me the place mostly because he's in jail for a reason that should remain unspoken but let's just say he won't be getting out anytime soon, but he can't exactly run a club while in prison so… Yeah but his lawyer said that he had to make a transaction so he told me to give him five dollars and it's mine… "
Jess pauses.
"Y'know, I may just become a hitman."
Nikki let out a chuckle "oh yeah why is that? "
"So I can kill your boss, because I have an idea of what he did." Jess replies.
"no no i don't think you do know calm down he was apart of an illegal drug ring it was drugs jess."
Jess freezes.
"Jesus, I thought he'd done something much worse. False alarm, then."
"yeah I know what you thought it was but it wasn't that so please don't kill him….at least not until I buy the place I singe the papers on Monday morning," she spoke proudly as she reached the end of her sentence
"Okayyy. . ." Jess groans good-naturedly.
"whats your problem huh?" she asked smirking
"Life!" Jess says with a laugh.
"hey when life gives you lemons right?"
"As though life just hands you lemons. No. It shoves them up your ass so hard you can barely get through the day." Jess snorts.
Nikki shorts and covers her mouth "oh dear Jesus.. "
"I'm right!" Jess chuckles.
"Well I never said you were wrong now did I?"
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