@Rainy_day_artist_classic group
She glanced at Jake who she stood beside, trying to ignore him honestly. She tucked the rose behind her ear and crossed her arms standing straighter.
She glanced at Jake who she stood beside, trying to ignore him honestly. She tucked the rose behind her ear and crossed her arms standing straighter.
"Do you know where that is?" She asked, pocketing the stone.
" no," he said. Jake looked over his shoulder.
"It's in space, its galaxy isn't too far from here," Rainbow said, not really caring about what Mal was trying to do.
Ember listened in taking charge while she rubbed my shoulder to take my mind off that painful name for me.
"And what happened to make you leave this 'homeworld?'" Ember questioned
(one look at my characters and you'll know why 'Rose' is a touchy subject)
"We were running from the Diamond Authority, or more specifically; Actinolite." She growled as she said that name, whoever that was, she really didn't like them.
(Actinolite is a touchy subject too)
"Em! Tempy! It's time for di-" A small female child was peeking from the doorway now. THe edge of a light red dress was seen, but it was what she was that wasn't normal. Her face was covered in coffee colored fur with little patches of cream. "O-oh that's a lot of n-new people." The girl meekly muttered
Rainbow looked to the girl and tilted her head. "What are you??" She asked, blinking with a hint of confusion.
The girl eeped and vanished in thin air, as there was a little too many new people in a single room for her
"That was Annabeth, our youngest member." I said, regaining my composure "Dinner can wait a second though. We're dealing with a dark entity ourselves, whatever it is it produces feral like behavior in any infected through blood or saliva contact. Shadows are the most common infected but recent studies have shown that the virus that causes the behavioral and mind alterations mutates to infect a whole range of hosts." I informed Rainbow, my pendant picking back up it's glow.
She still looked confused but tried to ignore it, taking the colorful stone out of her pocket to continue looking at it. Such odd behavior… her face almost looked sad, but why? Why was she so obsessed with this rock?
"Heyo miss? Rainbow? Stay with us here." Ember snapped her fingers a couple of times
She looked up at Ember, "Yeah??" She cocked her head, slightly bothered by the interruption.
Looked at both women and tried to sneak away to get food.
Mallory grabbed his arm. "Stop, you know you can't so just stop." She told jake.
He whines but then listens to Mal. "but My tum tum wants me to feed it."
She rolled her eyes. "Well your tum tum is gonna have to wait wait."
"I was saying we are dealing with some serious shit too." Ember said and explained once again what Haven was dealing with again. "So if we help you with your problems then you can help us."
"I mean once your back in top condition that is." I quickly said "But we're not gonna force that. We never force members or allies to be in the front lines."
"That's why your body is all scarred up." Ember hissed at me
"Thanks, but you can't help me, I'm playing a waiting game, and there's no other way to win," Rainbow responded, pausing before holding out the striped jewel for them to see better. The emotion on her face was hard to read, but it was easy to tell that was just how she worked.
"Well we can provide refuge for you until then." I say as I observe the jewel, both Ember and my pendant flickered a bit around it
"…..Thank you." She responded, glancing away. "You can, um, hold her if you want." Rainbow offered, seeing how curious they looked about it.
"Okay thanks." I said as I gently held it in my arms "She? What do you mean by she? This is alive?" I ask curiously
Rainbow nodded and brushed her long hair off of her shoulder, revealing a stone as well. "Our kind is very different from organics like you. Whenever we get hurt we retreat into our gems, making us able to survive when something might have fatally wounded us. For example, if you get stabbed, you would die, but we would just poof and come back later." Rainbow explained proudly, "She's gonna' come back any minute now."
I smiled happily "Well I'm glad she's gonna be okay" I looked to Rainbow "And I can't wait to meet her."
Ember just smiled a bit at my unrestrained caring manner
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