Dmitri studied her for a long moment. "You've got guts, girlie. You know that?" he arched his eyebrows at her, those cold blue eyes studying, discerning. "You attacked me, and you tried to take on four people at once."
Dmitri studied her for a long moment. "You've got guts, girlie. You know that?" he arched his eyebrows at her, those cold blue eyes studying, discerning. "You attacked me, and you tried to take on four people at once."
A chill ran through her at this, though why, she couldn’t say. Elissa did her best not to show her discomfort. “I don’t know if I’d call it guts,” she said slowly. “Maybe stupidity. But you did kill my grandmother, and…” She throat closed up before she could finish, and she did her best not to cry in front of this murderer. She could not cry.
Dmitri shrugged. "Right. But when you attacked me, you had no way of knowing that. I mean, the second time yes, but the first time…" he shrugged again, shaking his head.
"Well you were lurking about and I had this gut feeling…never mind," Elissa stopped herself before she said anything stupid, though she had the feeling that she already had said something dumb. She waited for him to say anything else.
Dmitri's lips twisted in a faint little smirk. "A gut feeling?" he shook his head a little bit. "How terrifying. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be off." he stepped out of the room, locking the door behind himself. He needed to deal with Fox and the other dissemblers.
Elissa watched him go with annoyance, her fear beginning to subside somewhat. Her eyes were narrowed as she heard him lock the door and leave. She sighed, finally by herself and awake. This was not her best day, to completely oversimplify things.
Dmitri headed out to the main room, sending a message to Fox to meet him. There was a small window in the cell that looked out into the main room, and it was currently open. Elissa could see, if she wanted to. He took off his glove, flexing the cybernetic hand.
After a minute of sitting and sulking, Elissa decided to use the small window of the cell to try and see what was going on. She stood, peeking through the window with an expression somewhere between bored and angry. Of course, she was also afraid, in pain, and sad, but she shoved those feelings down.
Dmitri moved around, the metal of his left hand catching the light. He was silent unt Fox arrived, the redhead looking ill at ease.
"What is it, sir?" Fox questioned.
"I've heard you're upset." Dmitri said calmly.
Elissa could see them talking, and strained to be able to hear through the thick door, but it was no use. There was no way she would really know what was going on, so she made up dialogue for them in her mind. It was a bit dumb, but it was better than staring at the wall.
Fox frowned a little bit. "Well…yes. Under your father, those of us in the higher ranks used to be more privy to what's going on. You just give orders without telling us why."
Dmitri bared his teeth in a snarl. "I am not my father." he bit out. "I will not run the Pack like he did. If you don't like it, go cry to someone else."
Elissa was beginning to imagine this as a sort of soap opera. That was evidence to her that she was clearly light headed from the blood loss or something. Her grandmother had just been murdered and here she was imagining a soap opera. She really needed to get it together.
Fox snorted, not seeming all that scared. "Yeah? You killed your old man. All you needed to do was defeat him, and you killed him. Some of us are wondering who's next. Who's the next one you're gonna kill, Wolf?"
Dmitri's hands curled into fists as he remembered the fight that had taken place in this very room. The way his blood had sprayed out on the floor. The way he'd plunged that knife into his father's body until it was hardly recognizable, the Pack staring in shock. "The next one who challenges my right to lead." he growled, taking a step closer to Fox.
Things were clearly looking tense. Elissa perked up a bit, trying less to not to bored and more to actually understand what was happening here. She concentrated on their body language and reading their lips. Of course, Elissa wasn’t very good at reading lips, but at least it was something to try.
Fox looked up at Dmitri. "Yeah? You gonna kill everyone who challenges you?"
Dmitri's hand was moving, holding a dagger to Fox's throat before the other could move away. "Depends. How far you going to take this, Лиса?"
(translation: Fox)
Elissa gasped. There was fighting within their own ranks, and the Wolf, or whatever his name was, was willing to kill one of his own. She had no idea what to think about that.
Fox froze, looking at Dmitri. "How far are you going to take this? You don't tell anyone anything, make us all guess. You've got a girl in there," he gestured to the cell. "And no one knows what you're going to do with her, because you haven't told us Shit."
Dmitri snarled, face twisting in a cold rage. "I have not made a decision about her yet." he replied, eyes cold as ice chips.
Elissa’s pulse spiked when the boy gestured to her. Shit, were they discussing her? She pressed her lips together. The leader already said he wouldn’t kill me, she thought. Yet.
She refocused on the scene at hand. She couldn’t spiral into those thoughts if she wanted to know what was happening here.
"Yeah? We killed her granny, what do you think she's going to want? She's going to want to bring us all down, or at least kill you." Fox said, sneering. He didn't seem all that afraid of the knife at his throat.
Dmitri pressed the blade in deeper. It nicked and bit at Fox's skin, sending blood down his neck.
While Elissa guessed they were probably still discussing her, she was fairly certain that this was about something much bigger. There were forces at play here that she knew next to nothing about. She would just have to bide her time and hope she wasn’t about to witness another murder. Of course, a divided enemy could work to her advantage.
And then suddenly the two were fighting. Fox was smaller than Dmitri, shorter and thinner, but he was strong, and fast. They ended up on the ground, though Dmitri obviously had the upper hand. They were full-on fighting for perhaps five minutes, before Dmitri slammed Fox's head into the ground. Fox went limp, unconscious. Dmitri stood, wiping blood from his face.
Elissa instantly ducked out of sight after that, not wanting to see any more. Was the smaller guy dead or just unconscious? She suspected the latter, but didn’t want to check. She would probably find out for sure soon anyway. Elissa huddled in the cell, wondering what would happen next.
Dmitri picked up Fox's limp body, and tossed him into the cell beside Elissa's, his blue eyes unreadable. He watched Fox for a moment, then closed the door. Between the two cells was another little window, that the two could have talked through if they chose to.
Elissa looked into the little window, a bit surprised to see the motionless boy that Wolf had been fighting. So he was alive, because she figured there was no reason to put a dead body in a cell. Sure enough, as she continued to stare, she noticed his chest rise and fall. Maybe the two of them could figure out how to take the others out together. But he was one of her grandmother's murderers. Elissa shuddered, trying to push the feelings down.
Dmitri watched Fox for a moment, then vanished again, walking away and heading upstairs.
After a few minutes, Fox woke up, blinking and staring at the ceiling.
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