(ha yeah. Just wanted to check with you. So when should we skip to?)
(ha yeah. Just wanted to check with you. So when should we skip to?)
(uuuh prolly next week tbh- they're gonna need some space -)
(i can start if ya want)
(Alright! And sure)
Fast forward to two weeks later and Kohen is still raising havoc with his friends- at this point, he had forgotten about the incident with Beck- though whenever he would see him in class he tried to ignore him.
It was the morning and he was in his first block. His teacher, Vince, nearly dropped his jaw when he saw Kohen walk into his class for the first time. The kid hadn't attended his class since the beginning of the school year.
Kohen glared up at Vince from his seat which was in the front row. "I can leave-" He started.
"No!" Vince blurted out. "Stay. It'd be a pleasure of having you" He said, quickly going back to his math formula that was on the board.
Kohen's cheeks burned red. He wasn't used to getting attention like this, it was nice…to feel wanted. I guess I could try in this class…it wouldn't hurt, right? He mentally asked himself as he took out a sheet of paper as quietly as he could.
The other students gaped at him as if they were witnessing a miracle- and Kohen, knowing they were staring, whipped his head around. "Is there a goddamn problem!?" He yelled at those who were staring. They all quickly went back to writing frantically.
Kohen huffed and went to writing himself.
In the last twenty minutes of class, Kohen was really struggling with the math problems, fortunately for him, Vince was there to help him every step of the way. Every time Kohen got something right his eyes widened as if he didn't think he was capable of such sorcery.
Vince, on the other hand, was way too excited to help one of the troublemakers- if he could get Kohen to start passing his classes then there would be nothing more that could make his year any better. He couldn't wait to tell his coworkers, they were not gonna believe this.
Kohen ignored whatever it was that the front lady was saying. That was until his name was mentioned.
You could hear the phone hanging up after that.
A shiver ran down Kohen's spin. For the past week, they had been calling out pairs like this for community service hours, Kohen could only pray to his father's god that this wasn't the case.
Vince stood up from his crouched position and nodded at Kohen. "Alright, we'll continue tomorrow if you decide to show up," He said going to his desk and writing him a note.
He came back to Kohen as he packed his stuff and handed him the note. "Best of luck disaster child" Vince teased- he was one of the more light-hearted teachers who everyone got along with- even the worst of kids.
Beckham groaned softly as he was called to the office. God, he hoped this wasn't for the goddamn community service pairings. He hadn't forgotten the things Kohen had said to him. Today his clothes were a bit more toned down than normal, consisting of just some black sweatpants and a grey shirt. The shirt had a pride flag on the chest, but only a small one. He grabbed the homework and mumbled a goodbye to his teacher, heading to the office with his backpack over his shoulder.
One of the English teachers was doing a contest that he was thinking of entering; you had to write a poem or short essay about family, or a specific family member. Beck had asked if he had to write about his birth family. No, the teacher had said, he didn't have to if he didn't want to. But every time he had sat down to work, the only thing he could think of was the way his father had treated him. So he hadn't written a thing for it yet.
Once he arrived at the front office, he waited to be told what to do, his backpack slung over one shoulder. He leaned against the wall, humming softly.
Then Kohen kicked open the door. "What the fuck did I do this time" He announced to the whole office. The lady looked up and glared at him. "Please be quiet and take a seat- we are having a meeting."
Kohen wasn't going to lie, the lady was kind of pretty, she was in her twenties and he wouldn't mind talking to her a little longer. Though, the female already knew his tactics and asked to be excused.
Kohen frowned and huffed, taking a seat beside Beck. He didn't really say anything, he just tried his best not to make eye contact.
"Kohen and Beckham?" A male who was in his forties called from a door. "Can you two please come in?" He said stepping aside and letting the two pass.
Once they were seated in his office, he closed the door and took a seat himself. He took in a heavy breath. "Okay, so I've called you two in today because of-"
"I'm not doing it" Kohen said right off the bat. "I'm not doing whatever this community service trash is- don't you think for one second that I-" Kohen said getting heated for no reason.
"Please calm down Kohen, it's not mandatory. But please know that this will help you with your college application." The man said, folding his hands.
That seemed to get Kohen just slightly interested. Kohen wasn't like the others, he still had a future and he wanted to go to college more than anything. His father didn't expect him to even finish high school but Kohen was determined to prove his whole family wrong.
He seemed to settle down, sitting back in his seat. "Yeah okay, keep going," He said quietly. A small pout on his mouth- something he did when things didn't go his way or he was hushed.
The guy sighed and took out two papers from his drawer. "Here" He slid one to Beckham and the other to Kohen. "It's called pancakes for supper. We'll be doing it this Friday night. Others from our school will be there too but we need all the help we can get."
Kohen looked over the paper. It didn't seem that bad, he could make pancakes…maybe. He had never cooked anything so he didn't really know.
"You two will be a team. If you decide to join you will be rewarded a certain amount of points. If you do enough community service and get enough points, you can later turn it in for a prize at the end of the year."
Kohen raised an eyebrow to that. "What kind of prizes?" He asked.
"So far we have an x-box, tickets to Europe, a skateboard and a possible cash prize, but we are still debating," He said, shaking his head. "It's not definitive."
Kohen's jaw dropped. A skateboard. "I'm in!" He said, slamming the paper on the table. They really got him.
"Remember Kohen, it's only valid if the two of you join together. That means you'll have to work together"
Kohen was not about to let this kid ruin it for him, so he sat there staring at him. "You're joining right?" He asked, the look on his face menacing.
Beckham had listened quietly, head slightly cocked to one side as he listened. At Kohen's words, he took a deep breath and asked the guy, "Where is this going on?" He asked. He glanced over at Kohen, mouth tightening. "And what if I don't? Whatcha gonna do then?" He challenged. He was planning on joining; of course he was. He just wanted to see what Kohen would do if he wasn't.
Maybe that was stupid. Poking the sleeping bear with a stick, so to speak. But he wanted to test Kohen, since they'd be working together for this pancake thing. The smaller boy looked rather fearless as he stared right back at Kohen, his brown eyes unafraid. He'd faced worse than this in his life. His birth father, for one.
Kohen's eyes widened a little, taken aback by Beck's answer. For some reason Beck's answer excited him- no one had ever stood up to him, not even once. Kohen had a newfound respect for Beck but that didn't mean he wasn't going to not beat his ass after they got out of the 'meeting'.
"It'll take place here in the school cafeteria, a bunch of people will be here for it. It's basically to celebrate the people who graduated from this school in 1996, so a lot of elderly will be here" the man responded.
Kohen licked his lips and crossed his legs like a female would. "If you don't? I can't really do anything" A lie. Kohen wasn't dumb enough to admit to something he was going to do in front of a teacher. "I'm just saying it would be in your best interest to accept," He said, eyeing him in a sort of seductive way- even if that seductiveness was meant to radiate murderous intent.
The teacher stared at Kohen. "Stop that Kohen. You cannot threaten another student. If he does not wish to attend then there is nothing we can do." He said getting up.
"You two don't have to decide right away, there's still time before Friday. Just decide before then" He added as he walked to the door and opened it. "You two are dismissed. If you have any more questions don't hesitate to come and ask me" he assured them.
Beckham nodded to the teacher. "Alright, thanks. I'll have to take with my parents before I make a decision." He rolled his eyes at Kohen, and got up, shouldering his backpack and letting out a breath. He did keep a wary eye on the other boy, though, prepared for a threatening movement as they walked out of the office. He ran his hands through his hair, leaving it sticking up in soft-looking red tufts.
He would attend if his adoptive parents let him. And he was pretty sure they would. They usually let him do what he wanted, so long as he was going to be safe. They knew that he would be, though. He always had been, if only because of memories of what his dad had done or would have done. Helping with a pancake dinner sounded rather harmless, though, so why not? It would look good on a college transcript, and that was always a plus.
Kohen followed behind Beck, smiling towards the teacher when he passed by. Kohen waited until he and Beck were out of sight before he shoved Beck into some lockers down the hall. The bell was about to ring too.
"You clearly are a cocky little one, aren't you?" He said, walking towards him. "I'll give you one last warning you little shit. Provoke me again and I'll break that pretty face of yours" He said, looking down on Beck.
(imma make these next ones small since it's dialogue)
Beck blinked slowly, looking up at Kohen. "I'm not little. Just short." he replied, crossing his arms. "And aww, you think I'm pretty?" his voice was teasing, and he was laughing a little bit. "You do realize that threats will accomplish the exact opposite of what you want?" he arched a red eyebrow at Kohen, looking fearlessly up at the taller male. "Your gentleness shall force more than your force move us to gentleness." He quoted, mouth quirked in a faint smile even as he knew he was basically inviting a punch.
Kohen gritted his teeth. yeah he did, but that meant nothing. His blood boiled as he felt these mixed emotions. The defiance made Kohen like the kid even mo- no. He would stand his ground. He would not let his father down, his friends-
Before thinking about the consequences through he was already on top of Beck, landing a punch near his mouth. He would wipe that smirk right off his face if it was the last thing he did.
Then the bell rang. And as soon as the kids pooled out into the hall some started screaming, others hooting for Kohen- others in favor of Beck.
Soon the teachers were on the scene but the kids wouldn't let them through as they watched, making a circle around the two on the ground.
Beck's eyes widened a bit as the punch landed, and then he was on the ground, on his back, staring up at Kohen with wide eyes. Shit shit shit this isn't gonna go well. He knew he didn't have the strength to defend himself, not against Kohen, so he just rolled a little, twisting away and getting his hands in front of his face to defend himself. He kicked his feet a little, but he was effectively pinned beneath the bigger male.
He knew he probably shouldn't have mouthed off, that that had been a bad idea, but hell, it was almost worth it. Almost. Then again, if he went home beat to hell, his parents would be upset.
(sorry i disappeared on ya, got a little something something goin on XD)
Kohen got a few more punches in before he was yanked off the other student. Kohen thrashed around the teacher's arms, trying to go at Beck, but couldn't. This was grounds for expulsion at this point.
Another teacher, Mr. Colburn, helped Beck off the ground- checked to see if he was okay. The teacher gasped a little as he saw the blood drip from Beck's nose. He quickly called the others and helped Beck get through everyone.
Some kids had whipped their phones out and recorded the whole thing. Now that Beck was gone, all cameras were on him. Kohen looked around at all of his classmates, suddenly feeling intimidated. What was he doing? He wasn't some kind of animal, attacking everyone in sight. What was fucking wrong with him? Was he really that damaged? To do this? To an innocent kid?
Kohen was dragged away, the police having arrived and cuffed him. There was no doubt in his mind that he would either get thrown into juvie again or kicked out of school. Suspension was too kind for someone like him- it's what he had heard the teachers say. It had made Kohen come to the conclusion that he was a monster- and as long as they continued to treat him that way, he could continue to act the part. No mercy.
(it's fine!)
Beck was taken to the nurse's office, where he was told to sit down and was handed Kleenex for his nose, and ice for the bruises. He took a deep breath. He wasn't crying, it wasn't that bad, but he was in pain. He also wondered what was going to happen to Kohen. Because yeah, the kid was an ass, but… Beckham had been being an ass as well, with the way he had been behaving.
But in any case, he couldn't do anything about whatever the principal would decide to do with Kohen. Sure, they might ask him if he had any other input, but ultimately the decision wasn't his to make. The nurse was busy helping him, bringing ice and more Kleenex when and if he needed it.
Before both of the guys knew it, they were brought to the principles office. Kohen still in cuffs. Since he had a history of violence they were keeping an extra eye on him. He was unpredictable in the officer's eyes- they were used to dealing with his bullshit.
Kohen didn't look angry or anything, just a little frustrated that he was back in the principles office. He had a little pout on his mouth as the administrator sat in front of them.
The guy didn't even want to look at Kohen so he directed his attention to Beck. He seemed to sigh as he looked at the skinny kid.
Kohen bet the guy was thinking something along the lines of so this is the kid Kohen tried to kill this time. Kohen could only roll his eyes at that thought.
"So Kohen." Mr. Jaxxon spoke calmly. "What's your excuse this time?" He looked back at Kohen.
Kohen didn't make eye contact. "He got on my nerves" He muttered. A part of Kohen didn't want to go back to juvie. He didn't want to get suspended either. He was told that this would be put on his permanent record and it would affect his going to college in the future. He didn't want that, but he didn't really know how to correct his behavior either- it was the only way that people listened to him and he made a statement.
"That's it?" The administrator said flatly, not impressed at all.
After a moment of silence, the adult looked at Beck again. "How did this happen? Did you provoke Kohen?"
"No- it was just me being an asshole, i wanted to get into the community service and i tried to get him to agree with me by doing what i did- can we just finish this so you guys can suspend me?" Kohen said, not really giving a shit. He had a really tired look on his face- a tired but very guilty look on it.
The guy just sighed and got up. "Alright."
Beck bit his lip. "Actually– he wasn't the only one being an asshole." he said slowly, not quite looking at Kohen. "I was…I was being a bit of an ass as well." he ran a hand through his red hair, looking at the administrator. "We were both being asses." he shrugged his shoulders. "Though he's more of a…physical in-your-face and I'm…words. I'm not big enough for physicalness." he let out a faint laugh, shaking his head.
He didn't quite know what to say. He didn't want…he didn't know what he wanted, actually. He hadn't wanted this to be such a goddamn big deal. He hadn't wanted to get punched, either, but here he was. The bloody nose had stopped, but there was still a bit of bruising on his face. Hopefully it would fade, but he wasn't sure how long that would take.
"So, uhm, I kinda did provoke him a bit." He finally added, looking down at his hands for a moment, tugging on his sleeves to make sure they stayed covering his wrists. He didn't want to have to field any questions about the scars there, about the marks he had put on his own body.
(#impaled ahhgggg auhh ghh my heart- i love your boyo so much ohmygosh-)
Kohen seemed to freeze, his eyes widening a little. Why had this kid spoken up? He could have gotten away with it- there was no reason for him to tell the guy that he had provoked him. Sure, he had asked but usually, all the others stayed quiet- waiting for the judgment to fall on Kohen. It only made Kohen feel more miserable- I mean, wasn't he? A miserable piece of shit?
He avoided eye contact with anyone as he stared at the floor.
The administrator nodded at Beckham's response. "I see." He looked at Kohen. "Well, if you two can apologize to each other then I'll let it go and I won't report this incident."
Kohen refused to look at either of them- he didn't want to. He wasn't the apologizing type, but the pressure in the room felt too real. If he didn't apologize, would this be the last time he got to see the school? Kohen's eyes were droopy, he looked like he was on the verge of tears, but was barely holding them back. He bit his lip to keep from being emotional. Why was he feeling overwhelmed all of a sudden? Was it because of what he had done? It really couldn't be that, because he had done this a thousand times and not once had he ever felt this way. He just guessed he was tired.
If his dad found out that he had gotten suspended he would be dead. Done. But. He could stop that right now- just this once he could change that and save his ass, all he had to do was apologize. It was simple. Just an apology.
He slowly shifted, turning to Beck, eyes still trained on the floor. "I'm sorry.." He muttered, barely audible.
The administrator was not impressed. "Kohen, louder so that Beck can hear you. And look up- look at each other. Promise that you won't do this again."
There was a lot of resentment behind Kohen's eyes, but nonetheless he did it. He looked up, eyes sharp. He tried to summon as much rage as he could and said the words. "I'm sorry that I punched you Beck. I won't do it again." But of course, that was only a lie- while he was sorry, that didn't mean that he wouldn't do it again if Beck crossed his path once more.
(Aww thank you!! I feel so sorry for Kohen tho, tbh)
Beck was quiet for a moment as he listened, and nodded slightly. He wasn't sure if he was relieved or not. He could have just stayed quiet…so why didn't he? He shook his thoughts away, and looked over at Kohen. His face was bruised, his lower lip split, and there was still traces of blood on his upper lip from his nose. He didn't really feel like he should be the one apologizing, here, and Kohen's apology didn't seem all that sincere.
But, he should just apologize and get this over with. It was probably the smartest, easiest thing to do. "Sorry for being a mouthy little bitch." he replied, but didn't say he wouldn't do it again. Because he tended to be a mouthy little bitch like that. Like, a lot of the time.
He looked up at the administrator. "Are we done? Can I go clean up and get to class?" he asked, already standing from his chair. Being in here made him antsy. Like he was in trouble. Like he was back with Child Services, sitting in a room covered in bruises and burns from his father, crying because he was so afraid of the future. Afraid of the unknown, afraid of his own father.
He didn't want to remember those days right now, and he locked them away again, crossing his arms across his chest protectively, looking up at the man.
Mr. Jaxxon huffed. "Yes, you two are dismissed."
The lady standing towards the door opened it, letting Beck go first- she had yet to free Kohen of his binds.
Kohen stood there, waiting as the woman fidgeted with the cuffs.
When he was free he walked out after Beck. School was still in session and they were still expected to go to class but Kohen took a turn down the hall towards two double doors. There was no way he was going back to class. The teachers could kiss his ass if they thought he was going back to their boring classes after what had happened.
Instead, he went to meet up with his friends who were undoubtedly waiting for him at a near ice cream shop.
He would hear about his skipping classes later from his father, but right now he didn't want to think about it- right now he just wanted to forget whatever it was he had felt in that room.
And getting shitfaced sounded like just like the thing to help him.
(ahaha, nah, don't, he's got some issues but it doesn't justify his actions- he a lil shiet)
(hm okay lol)
Beck headed to the bathroom and cleaned up, splashing water on his face and scrubbing until the blood was gone. The bruises he couldn't do anything about, but oh well. He headed back to class, plopping down in his seat, though he had a hard time focusing.
His mind had snapped back to six years ago, to his father and the trials. To when he was smaller and trembling and scared of everything. He was still scared of a lot of things, really. Still had issues with people touching him, because if they touched him the wrong way or in the wrong spot he'd have a flashback to his father, and lash out without meaning to because every memory of what his father had done made him feel so small and broken inside.
He knew he should tell the therapist more about that but he couldn't bring himself to talk about it most days. Talking about it felt like nails driving into his throat, and he always, always ended up in tears.
(lmao sorry i tend to badmouth my characters a lot since they reflect some part of me)
A few days later and Kohen had still been lazying around, neglecting his work. Tomorrow would be the pancakes for supper thing and he wondered if Beck would show up to it. He might look stupid showing up and having his partner bail on him but Kohen did not care. He wanted that skateboard and if Beck did not show up- there was going to be hell to pay on Monday.
Kohen had a skateboard, yes, but it was old and worn down and he was saving up to buy a new one but if he could win it, that would be even better. The old thing was nearly four years old.
As Kohen rode to school on his board, he let his mind wander- wind blowing through his hair. Kohen may have been an asshole but that didn't mean he was immune to falling helplessly in love. He had done a good job of keeping his newly found crush a secret but he was afraid that he would make it obvious to his friends with his actions.
Beckham was attractive and the guy's looks were nothing to scoff at. Unfortunately for Kohen, that last interaction had left Beck on his mind and he had started to realize how much his gay ass really liked the kid. It was too bad that he had chosen his adopted father's affection over his own happiness but there was nothing he could do now. He had to roll with it and continue to ignore his feelings.
Kohen would rather die than date another guy in his life. They were all trash. He was trash.
(lmao okay. still gonna feel sorry for him)
Beckham was planning on going to the pancake thing. He supposed he could have just stayed home, just to be an ass, but…he didn't really want to do that. He wanted to go. The bruising on his face had faded by now to just a dull shadow. His parents had been worried as hell when he came home, but he had just responded with "got in a fight, 's not a big deal", and headed to his room. He really hadn't been in a good headspace for that day. Too many memories crowding his brain again.
He let out a breath, shaking his head slightly as he walked into school. He was fine now. He was.
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