"Yeah… I keep telling her she needs to get a divorce, but she doesn't want to do that to the kids, and again, she doesn't make enough money to support herself."
"Yeah… I keep telling her she needs to get a divorce, but she doesn't want to do that to the kids, and again, she doesn't make enough money to support herself."
"I can kinda understand that." Atlas nodded a little to himself. "I just hope things start looking better for her soon then, whatever that may mean."
Rowan nodded and sighed softly. "Yeah… I just don't know what to do for her. I mean, I'm her brother. I feel sort of obliged to help her, but I don't know that there's anything I can do."
"At this point, it doesn't look like there's much you can do besides be there for her if she ever needs you." Atlas smiled softly and pecked the tip of Rowan's nose to lift the mood a little.
"Yeah…" Rowan returned the kiss and the soft smile. "I'll try my best. I care about her a lot, even if she's a stupid bitch sometimes."
Atlas giggled. "Well, I know you'll do a good job, 'cause you're always here for me when I need it." He tightened his arms around Rowan a little, his smile still on his lips.
"Thanks, Atlas." Rowan hugged Atlas tightly and pressed several small kisses to his face. "You always know how to make me feel better, don't you?"
His smile grew with all the little kisses. "I guess I do, huh-"
"I wanna hug too!" Jeremiah had walked past Atlas' room and saw them. He ran inside and hopped onto the bed, hugging both of them.
(Am I making Jeremiah younger than 4th grade?? I have no idea since I literally don't know any 4th graders.)
(Who knows lmao)
Rowan laughed and hugged Jeremiah tightly. "Alright, alright. You want kisses too?" He snickered. "Are we all cuddling now?"
"Ew, no kisses!" Jeremiah revolted. Although, he did keep a very tight hold on Atlas and Rowan. Atlas giggled, hugging Jeremiah back.
"Ah, Miah, don't squeeze us to death with your hugs. I'd very much like to live."
Rowan gagged and choked playfully. "Ahhh! You're strangling me, Miah!" He tousled the boy's hair and snickered a bit.
"OH sorry!" Jeremiah immediately loosened his grip quite a bit. "Is that better?" He asked with wide eyes, looking up at the others.
"Yes, yes. I'm just playing with you, Miah. I'm fine. It'll take more'n that to kill me." He tousled Jeremiah's hair again.
Jeremiah smiled again and giggled. "Also, I'm done with my homework, can we go see Milo now?" He asked, turning his attention to Atlas.
"I don't know, can we?" Atlas smiled, turning the attention to Rowan.
"Mmmmm… sure. Let's go." Rowan got up and stretched, his back cracking loudly. "C'mon, kiddo. Time to go see Milo. Maybe I'll even let you hold the leash."
Jeremiah was already up and off the bed, rushing downstairs to put on his shoes. Atlas giggled, watching his brother. Much slower than his brother, he also got off the bed and walked around it to Rowan. "Maybe you should just move in, Jeremiah's obviously very happy when he sees you and you're really good with him." He smiled and took Rowan's hand as they started down the stairs as well.
"I basically live here anyways." Rowan shrugged, laughing a bit as well. "I hate being at my own house." He laced his fingers with Atlas's and followed him down the stairs. "Officially moving in would be nice, though." He opened the door and went out, starting to lead the group to his house.
"I mean, no one would mind if you did." Atlas mused, looking over at his boyfriend. Jeremiah was at Atlas' other side either listening to them or looking around as they walked. "It's official. You have unofficially, officially moved in." He giggled after he spoke.
"Well, alright then. Guess I live with you now." Rowan laughed. "Y'all mind if I bring Milo? I don't think he'd like being left alone at my house all the time."
"Oh he was already part of the plan. You two are a packaged deal in my mind. So, of course he'll be there too." Atlas had a wide smile and turned his head to plant a kiss on Rowan's cheek.
Rowan blushed a bit and rolled his eyes. "Alright, alright… hopefully none of you are allergic to dogs, because he sheds a ton." He kept walking, swiftly approaching his own house.
"We'll be fine, I think. None of us are allergic." Atlas giggled, seeing Rowan's blush. He thought it was adorable.
"Sounds good to me. We're almost there." Rowan led them up to the house and opened the door. "Milooo~?" He called. The fluffy golden retriever came running and jumped up onto Rowan. "Hey! Down, down. I know, bud. We've got new people and you love people."
Jeremiah's already decently big smile grew even more at the sight of Milo. He ran up to him and started petting him. Atlas smiled brighter and giggled. He went over to pet Milo as well. The two of them usually went to Atlas' house, so he hadn't seen Milo very much, only one or two times before.
Milo was whining with excitement, hopping from paw to paw as he tried to love on everyone at once. "Milo is a huge sweetheart." Rowan said, smiling softly.
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