forum Fnaf rp cause we’re NERDS-
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@Phrog-King terrain

"Of course." smiling gently. "Are you waiting for someone?" She asked, slowly sitting down on the edge of the ball pit next to Benny, trying not to make too sudden of movements

@Eli-the-transboi group

Sun coos and claps his metal hands together. “Oh how cool!” He beems.

Soon, there was a cough from the entrance of the daycare, and a very tired Mason trudges in. “Hey guys.” He rasps.

@Eli-the-transboi group

He smiles weakly and looks at it. “Oh wow…nice.” He still had a hospital bracelet on, and he smelled like one too.

Derik opens his eyes and frowns. “I thought- dude-“

Mason shoots him a look and shakes his head.

@Avhira-The-Eldritch-Horror group

Asani shook her head. "No you didn't, don't lie. do you need more money? I have more! I set out a tip jar and saved all the money from it for you." Totally didn't search under, over, or in random things. totally didnt break into a vending machine.

@Phrog-King terrain

Jasper looked over from where she was sitting with Benny. "Hi Mason!" She said, she wasn't sure if he remembered her, since it had been a while since she had worked. He didn't look to good

@Phrog-King terrain

"Holy crappola you remeber me." She said with a smile. She got up and walked over, looking Mason up and down. "You sure your okay?" She asked. If he said he was fine she wasn't going to push, but he was still her friend and she wanted him to be okay