forum Fnaf rp cause we’re NERDS-
Started by @Eli-the-transboi group

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@VinegarSoup group

(very nice! and it's all good ^^ if you need information on benny (the animatronic oc i made) then you can just look at my characters, i also have his soul up so you'll get to know the man behind the animatronic)

@Eli-the-transboi group

Derik leans back in the foldable chair. “Anyways. Let’s get outta this stuffy place, eh?” He stands and opens the door, only to be met with a cleaning bot. “GAH!” He stumbles back, then huffs. “Damn things-“

@VinegarSoup group

Derik leans back in the foldable chair. “Anyways. Let’s get outta this stuffy place, eh?” He stands and opens the door, only to be met with a cleaning bot. “GAH!” He stumbles back, then huffs. “Damn things-“

he follows him a bit, but the question is still in his mind, /what is he sorry for?/

@Phrog-King terrain

Jasper was in the daycare talking to Sundrop, and they were laughing pretty hard. She noticed Derik walk in and decided to introduce herself. She had just gotten back from suspension, and there were quite a few new faces on the day and night shift. She walked up to him and cleared her throat to get his attention "Hi, I'm Jasper" She said, cooly, with a hint of her usually excitement

@VinegarSoup group

he picked up a ball and accidentally popped it by squeezing too hard, he jumped a bit and stuffed it back in the ball pit, looking around to see if anyone noticed