forum Flipping the Script!! / Rp partner needed! Open!!
Started by @ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

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@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia nodded and stopped in front of a door. He unlocked the door and opened it, scanning inside before waving Sam inside. A second later, it occurred to him that it was too dark in there.There was an unnaturally dark patch in the corner. Well, great.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Well, not really. But also, yes." Karia glared at the dark patch. "Ocean Kage, what the hell are you doing in my apartment? I have guests. Well, guest." The dark patch melted away, revealing a small man with blonde curls and a smirk.
"Sorry, you're usually so antisocial. I thought you would be alone." The man glanced at Sam and raised one eyebrow. "Nice guest."
"Shut up and get out. He's staying." Karia made general shooing motions towards the man, though it didn't seem like he was going to be moving.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sam tilted his head a bit as the man appeared. He stayed quiet, the look of indifference on his face remaining. Usually he wasn't very good with social cues, mostly because he didn't care, but he could see Karia wasn't too please with the man being here. He ignored the man for now, turning to Karia.
"Can I deal with him?" Of course, the very first thing that Sam thinks of when people aren't pleasing him- damn them to eternal torment with him!
What? It's been an effective strategy so far in life.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia turned to look at Sam and frowned. From what he knew of Sam, 'deal with him' probably meant turning him into a doll. It wasn't that Karia was particularly fond of Oci, but he didn't want him to get turned into a doll.
"Deal with me?" Ocean stood up.
"Ocean, just get out. Sam, we're good. He's… fine." Karia made shooing motions at Ocean again. He sighed and headed towards the nearest window.
"Fine, fine. I'll see you later." The man opened the window and slipped out of sight.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sam shrugged a bit.
"Alright." He fell silent, not answering the other man's question. He watched them go out the window, then turned back to Karia.
"Who was that?" he asked. He knew their name, of course, but he didn't know anything else about them.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia watched as Ocean left, then looked at Sam. "That was a friend– well, I say friend, but it's weird. We work together sometimes." He didn't elaborate on what they worked together on. "He's annoying and likes bothering me sometimes, but he's mostly harmless. Against me, at least."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia nodded, then clapped his hands to bring his attention back to the present. "Okay, do you want a tour of the place?" He glanced around and laughed lightly. "It won't be very long, but let's pretend this is mansion, hmm?" Karia laughed again, his eyes shifting back to their natural honey color.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Perfect!" Karia nodded. "Well, we're currently in the living room/dining room/reception area." He waved at the area, which contained a couch, armchair and a table. "That's the kitchen," Karia continued, walking towards a hallway and pointing. "Down here we have a bathroom, my room, and a guest room I never thought I needed, which is now your room." He pointed to each room as he said the name, stopping at the end of the hallway and turning around. "That was shorter than I thought it would be. Huh."

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sam followed Karia, looking around. He had just a slight smile on his face, which was a really, really good sign if you knew him. The only thing he really smiled for where his dolls, and to do it for being shown around someone's house was something he didn't really do- he actually enjoyed this.
"Much shorter."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia, seeing Sam's smile, felt his own lips pull upwards. "Well, uh, I guess you can get settled in your room if you want." He waved at the room again. "I'll be out in the reception area if you need me." Karia laughed, gave Sam a thumbs-up, and headed towards the front of the apartment.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Mm, okay then." Sam idly headed into the room Karia said was his, even humming softly to himself. He set his bag down, pulling out his things. He had gotten good at packing and unpacking relatively quickly, setting his dolls out in almost exactly the same way they had been in the factory.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia flopped onto the couch and let out a satisfied breath. This day had taken an unexpected turn for the better and he wasn't so annoyed about it anymore. He stared up at the ceiling, fragments of thoughts whirling around his mind.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

Sam was pretty relaxed, something that was very rare for him. Especially when he was in someone else's home, who could easily counter his attack if it ever came to because he had explained how. Still, he was, perhaps, even enjoying himself? Strange indeed.
He headed out of his room when he was all set up, leaning against the entrance to the living room as he looked at Karia. He was silent still, having nothing of worth to say.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

Karia glanced up to see Sam leaning against the wall. He had no idea when Sam had appeared, but it didn't bother hum too much. "Oh, hey! Did you finish settling down?" He asked, still stretched out on the couch. "Is there anything you need?" Karia added, wanting Sam to be as comfortable as possible.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Yeah," Sam said. He pushed off the wall, stepping into the room.
"No, nothing for now." He sat down on the couch arm. "Is there much to do around here? I'm probably gonna get into a lot of fights at some time."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Wonderful!" Karia grinned at Sam. "If you ever need anything, then please tell me, okay?" He watched Sam sit down, but made no move to get up. "I mean, basically the only thing to do around here is get into fights, so…" Karia laughed softly.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Ha!" Karia exclaimed, a big smile on his face. "I don't think anyone would miss them, to be honest. I know I would be happy to have a few less stupid people around here."

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"I will when I see her," Karia said, his eyes narrowing slightly. The woman in mind was extremely annoying, but he couldn't touch her for fear of starting a small war. But since Sam wasn't involved in anything– that he knew of– then nothing particularly bad would happen if she disappeared thanks to him.

@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group

"Someone particular in mind? What all did this she do to get on your bad side?" Sam hummed softly, not really caring if it meant another doll. Still, it'd be a bit of fun to find out her background before he took her.

@MarDeColores this is not it kids

"Oh, yes. Harina Black. She is constantly getting in my and Oci's way." Karia wrinkled his nose. Harina was a very annoying thorn in his side, but he was unable to do anything about her. "And her name is stupid." He added, laughing lightly.