forum Family Dinners (10/10)
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@The-Magician group

(Holding onto the legs or waist, the other person is more secure that way)

One of Silas' hands tightly held one of Sam's, while his other one had a grip around her waist. He knew it was risky touching her there, but he didn't want her to fall. He pulled her into his room, firmly shutting the window and closing the curtains behind her. With a breath of relief, Silas yawned as he sat on the edge of his bed. "Right, are you planning on heading to your room now then? I can escort you if you want?"

@Moxie group

(Oh yeah that makes sense)

She nodded, flopping down next to him and closing her eyes. "Yeah. I'm probably not very sneaky right now." She opened her eyes to look at him and met his gaze. "Thanks. Thank you, Silas." Tonight could have sucked, but withim helping her and hanging out with her, it didn't.

Deleted user

Nathan frowned. "Who to study next… Maybe Cleo? Is that her name? I have it written down somewhere…" He muttered, holding his notebook close to his chest as he slid down the roof, landing on the back porch. He felt a twinge of pain, but nothing more. The pain was only from the burns on his feet anyhow.

@The-Magician group

"Anytime Sammy, anytime." He smiled tiredly. Standing up from his bed, Silas offered her his hand. "You remember where all the creaks are right?"
The unfortunate placement of Silas' room meant there were a few creaky floorboards in between his room and Sam's. It usually wouldn't have been a problem, but tonight they needed to be quiet or else Des would catch them.

@Moxie group

"Like the back of my hand," Sam said. She grabbed his hand and used him to pull herself up. "Don't worry, I've still got that part down." Sam had snuck out of Silas's room countless times and could probably dodge the creaky floorboards in her sleep.

@The-Magician group

"Good," Silas whispered, opening his door. "Because some idiot forgot to turn the landing light on. We're going to have to move in the darkness."
His grip on Sam's had tightened a little, not harshly, more like he wanted to reassure her that he would be right by her side should anything happen. "Let's go."

Deleted user

Nathaniel walked in through the front door, humming as Des rushes up to him. "Where did you go? You've been gone for an hour!" They exclaimed, Nathaniel shrugging. "I was on the roof, Sam and Silas are drunk by the way. I added to my study." He said, eyes unblinking as Des's face went red. "What!" They fumed, sighing to call themselves down. "Sam! Silas! Get down here!" They turned to Nathan. "I'll deal with you in a moment!"

Deleted user

(Oh yes. Nathan doesn't lie. He doesn't have the emotional ability to feel bad about telling the truth.)

Deleted user

(Nathan doesn't care. In fact, he'll be pleased that he can study Silas while angry.)

@Moxie group

Sam froze. 'Shit. No. Shit shit shit. "No. Fuck. You've got to be fucking kidding me," she whispered. She stood up straight and let go of Silas's hand. "Stay here?" she pleaded. This was her fault, and she really hoped Silas would stay behind, though knowing him he probably wouldn't. She quickly walked down the stairs, leaving him behind. She clenched her jaw tight as she faced Des. "What?" she spat.

@The-Magician group

Silas did as he was told and stayed at the top of the stairs. He could see everything from where he was. Nathan was stood next to Des with a real expressionless face.
That little SHIT! he growled in his mind, his eyes narrowing. Thankfully the darkness concealed his expression from other eyes.

Deleted user

Des sighed, raising an eyebrow up at the stairs. "I know you're there Silas." She called up. "Please come down."

Deleted user

(this is gonna be a good fight indeed. Did you change your character so you could have maximum fucking shit up options?)

(You can't prove anything- No, I actually changed it becuase I didn't like Blake anymore.)

Deleted user

Cleo just happened to be on her way to the bathroom, when she spotted Silas on the landing. "You can hide in here if you want." She whispered, motioning furiously into her room. "Sam's a goner. Damn I would have hidden her too."

@The-Magician group

"I can't just leave her…" Silas whispered, his eyed lowering sadly. If it were anyone else getting into trouble then he would have hid, but he couldn't… Could he?
"I don't care what you say, I'm hiding." Parisa hissed, forcing Silas to go into Cleo's room.
No!! I can't leave her!!! But he couldn't fight Parisa either…

@Moxie group

Sam crosses her arms over her chest. “Why? You don’t need him. It was my fault. Leave him out if this.” Her face was stony and her voice was still, calm.

Deleted user

"All three of you went to the roof, which you know is restricted Kiddo. You could've gotten hurt." Des fussed, making sure Same and Nathan were alright. She turned to Nathan. "Nathaniel, I appreciate you telling me, but you aren't getting out of this because you told me."

Deleted user

Cleo was half surprised that Silas actually followed her suggestion. She stepped away from the door to let him pass. "Make yourself at home!" She whisper yelled, waving a hand vaguely towards her tidy room. The only odd thing about it was the number of clocks and odd surrealistic paintings. Cleo lingered by the door, wondering how difficult it would be to go down and save Sam. She wanted to sleep, but she hated it when the others got into trouble. Rebel at heart with a sunshine face, that was Cleo. Besides, Des had a soft spot for her. Cleo tapped her fingers against her thigh contemplating.

@Moxie group

Sam's nostrils flared at being called "kiddo". She would never admit it to Des, but she hated it when they called her that. "But we didn't. Look!" She held her arms out and spun around. "Not a scratch. I knew what I was getting into. I knew what would have happened if I had fallen. But I didn't." Could she make this about her and make Des forget about Silas for the moment? It was possible.

Deleted user

"No, there is a reason there are rules. I'm loose with them because I know y'all are teenagers." They sighed. "Silas! Please get down here!"