Ferris laughed "I'm not showing off, ok maybe a little, but not completely " she defended, waving her hand to make disappear the feathers
Ferris laughed "I'm not showing off, ok maybe a little, but not completely " she defended, waving her hand to make disappear the feathers
"You're totally showing off," Myrah said with a slight laugh.
"am not, I'm just releasing some pent up magic." She argued, a smile on her face
“But you’re doing it in such a showy way,” Myrah countered as she pulled out her sketchbook from her bag.
"that's normal. I always do that. I just never had an audience." She said with a wink
"I see," Myrah grinned back as she began to sketch something out. It wouldn't be as nice as she would like it, but it should still be impressive.
She tilted her head in interest and sat next to Myrah "now look who's showing off," ferris teased, seeing the intricate design
Myrah glanced over at Ferris as she finished the bird before letting it fly off the page and around Ferris, "It's only fair."
Ferris followed the bird with her head, watching it as it flew about. she laughed softly "its beautiful, it looks like it has real feathers!"
"Well the sketch did, so the bird did," Myrah responded watching the bird as well.
"but they look so real! Not like paper," she said, disbelief and wonder in her voice. She reached out a hand for the bird to land on
The bird landed on Ferris's hand and looked right at the girl. It's little head tilting a little as it studied her. Myrah looked at the bird with a slight laugh, "Yeah. That's what my power does."
She laughed and brought the little bird close. She raised her other hand conjured another bird made of leaves and flowers
Myrah looked to the bird that Ferris had created and her own bird hopped over to where the false bird was, "You're abilities are impressive, but I can tell that isn't a bird."
"I can't make things come to life as you can dear." She said, holding the two birds in her hand
"Yes, well it takes a lot of energy," Myrah responded as her bird disappeared back into the sketchpad.
Ferris lifted her hand and let the materials discourse back.into the air. She leaned her head on myrah's shoulder as a dark melodic song came on.
Myrah smiled and listened to the song play. She let Ferris do whatever she wanted.
She nodded along to the song, standing at one point and heading to the center of the clearing. She closed her eyes and lightly swayed to the music, waving her hands as a conductor would. She let her magic manifest into dark particles of black sand, forming then.into scenes that fit the atmosphere of the song
Myrah watched as sand began to form and move with the music. She wasted no time to begin a flowing sketch that matched the music, as she drew more and more came to life like an endless melody.
Ferris glanced as she saw myrah's sketch flow around her own creation. She smiled softly and jerked her hand up at a climax in the song, causing the sand to violently disperse in cloud before coming back to it's whisky form
Myrah grinned as she watched Ferris and matched the sudden change before going back to her original sketch pattern.
The song came to a point where it mellowed out and ferris' magical black sand clouded around the area, covering the place in a thick black sheild
Myrah let her sketch become a smooth line that flowed around bouncing every once and a while.
The music picked up again, accompanying a female voice singing through cords, letting her voice drop before sharpening onto a melodic sound. Ferris' sand collected around her and disputed with a wave of her hand
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