forum Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (OXO Romance CLOSED)
Started by @ShadeStar

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"so my suffering entertains you, pretty flower?" She laughed softly and waved a hand, conjuring a small shell


Her eyes drooped, hypnotised by the movement of the crown, intracatly weaving itself with other flowers that materialized out if nowhere


She frowned slightly and disasembled the flower crown. standing up, she ran a hand through her hair and paced the length of the clearing, eyes flashing between purple and their natural brown


"piercing headache." She muttered, her magic spasming around her. "I call it the wonderland effect." She said between heavy breaths. Metal shards fell to the ground but before hitting the ground they turned to water and created puddles


She shook her head "not that I know of. I've just let it happen and that seems to cause the least damage." She spun on her heal and laced back, white and red roses falling in her path


As she turned, water fell along with gold flakes. She smiled softly at Myrah "hey, it's ok. It'll be done in five minutes." She reasured


The black sand started to swirl around them again, only the purple from Ferris' eyes could be seen through the darkness of the sand with a piercing screen everything went still. The sand disapeared, leaving Ferris on the ground