forum Eyes Are The Window To The Soul (OXO Romance CLOSED)
Started by @ShadeStar

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He smiled softly "But I haven't. I've never exposed my abilities to anyone. Never trusted anyone to let anyone see."


She shrugged "it's different for everyone." She sat down next to her notebook and flipped to a section called "Wonderland"


She glanced up at Myrah "i'll be okay, don't worry about me princess." She send reasuringly and started to write what had happened down in her book


Ferris sighed, already knowing that she wouldn't be able to use her powers much or at all after the spell. "fine," she snapped her fingers, conjuring a handful of sand in her hand. Her hands started shaking with effort "see…i..i'm…ok.."


Ferris sighed and hung her head in defeat "I'm sorry, I just never knew anything other than to pretend. To hide my abilities and play off the effects as a temporary sickness or minor problem