@ElderGodSwimwithGamers group
Gabe gently nuzzled his nose against Alex's head, letting out a sigh of content. Really, to be sure, he was by no means upset by their situation. However, he'd need to ruin it later.
But not yet.
Gabe gently nuzzled his nose against Alex's head, letting out a sigh of content. Really, to be sure, he was by no means upset by their situation. However, he'd need to ruin it later.
But not yet.
He didn't speak, just stayed snuggled with Gabe. He didn't want to get up or let go of do anything, really.
Gabe stayed laid snuggled down with Alex as long as he dared to let them, but eventually he did shift to pull away.
"Hey," he said softly, hand tangled in Alex's hair.
Alex opened his eyes, peeking up at Gabe. "Yeah?" He asked softly, raising his eyebrows.
"We really need to get going." Gabe lightly kissed Alex's head, moving to sit up more.
He grumbled quietly. "Don't want to."
"Alex…" Gabe let out a sigh. "We don't have enough money to stay here for long."
"I know…" he replied quietly, not moving.
"We really need to get going." Gabe gently motioned for Alex to join him in sitting up.
Alex frowned at him. "I don't want to."
Gabe let out a breath, leaning over to kiss Alex's forehead.
"I know…"
He sat up a little, rubbing his eyes.
"Thank you," Gabe said, moving over to hug Alex. He was glad to see Alex able to do even this little thing.
Alex leaned into him a little.
Gabe ran his fingers through Alex's hair, kissing the man's head.
"Need some time before we completely get up?"
He nodded a little. "Yeah. Please."
"Of course, Alex. We'll take this nice and slow." Gabe settled into his seat next to Alex on the bed, humming softly.
Alex leaned his head on Gabe's shoulder.
This wasn't so bad, was it? Gabe wasn't freaking Alex out anymore, even as a ghost still, which was some improvement to how Alex had reacted to other ghosts.
Alex still missed when Gabe was a person, though. He wasn't…scared of Gabe, no, but there was still a little hesitation sometimes.
Gabe always took things slower when he saw Alex hesitate. He really did wish he wasn't dead, for several reasons as one could guess. Still, there wasn't much he knew of at all that could help him.
He opened his eyes. "I'm sorry." he said quietly. Sorry he had hurt Gabe, sorry that they were on the run now.
"It's not your fault." Gabe kissed Alex's head again, resting his head on top of the human's.
He shrugged faintly.
Gabe closed his eyes a moment, his fingers in Alex's hair falling still.
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