He sniffled faintly, nodding a little.
He sniffled faintly, nodding a little.
He sniffled faintly, nodding a little.
Have kissed Alex's head again.
"You'll be okay." He offered a very small smile.
He tried to smile back, biting his lip.
Gabe cupped Alex's cheek.
"You don't have to smile like if you don't feel like it," he said softly.
He nodded a little, leaning into Gabe's touch. "Okay."
Gabe kissed Alex's head lightly, pulling himself closer to hug the man.
Alex leaned into Gabe, closing his eyes.
Gabe rubbed Alex's back, quiet. He just wanted things to be okay again…
Alex let out a faint breath, hoping that they would be safe here.
Thankfully, there was no one who tried to disturb them now, and it seemed like this were looking up. They had been before, though, as well. Gabe rubbed Alex's back again, sighing some.
Alex moved to sit down on the bed, leaning into Gabe. "I love you." He said quietly.
"I love you too…" Gabe kissed Alex's head, holding him gently.
He closed his eyes, letting out a faint breath.
Gabe held one of Alex's hands in his, resting his head on Alex's.
Alex stayed curled up close to him, biting his lip.
"I love you so much…" Gabe nuzzled Alex's head lightly.
Alex released a quiet breath. "I love you too."
Gabe raised their joined hands, lightly kissing Alex's.
Alex smiled faintly at him.
Gabe smiled just a touch in turn.
He hummed for just a moment.
Gabe kissed Alex again.
"Things will be okay."
Alex gave him a tiny smile, nodding.
Gabe gave just a small smile in turn, hugging Alex.
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