Emmeline glanced at the floor and sighed, knowing that she'd probably regret her choice. She stood up and walked over to his bed, sitting down on it but not right next to him. "Miles, they're not going to catch you, you're not going to die, everything's going to be fine."
"Not if I do something incredibly stupid…" He growled. Even I'm capable of doing stuff like that…. Miles shifted around uncomfortably before laying back with his head on his pillow. "And with people like hunters, it's almost practically impossible to predict where they're gonna be…."
"I'll cover for you, if they come to the house when you're a werewolf or something, I'll cover for you." She looked over at him and then up at the ceiling, "I can go get food and supplies from town if you need them, I'll go into the woods and get stuff if you want me too since you won't be caught in any traps then."
"But the last thing I want is cabin fever…." He snarled, rolling over away from her. "And I don't want to become helpless…" I still want the freedom of roaming around outdoors and going to the stream and having a dip… He covered his face and almost cried for Pete's sake.
She closed her eyes and pressed her head into her hands, "I don't know ok? I'm trying to be helpful," She mumbled, standing up and looking outside, "I'm going to go for a walk.. I'll be back." She said, heading outside and into the woods.
Miles wept and cried all he could while she was gone. Why do I have to have such a screwed-up life??? He got off his bed, wiping his face off. Damn I need to get my crap together…. He glimpsed at the broken table before sneaking out of his house. I just can't… Afford to loose her, but I feel like I've already screwed up…. He headed into his shed and cried to his heart's content. He knew she couldn't see him like it, so he wanted to get it out while she was away.
(Dang Miles what the heck?)
Emmeline wandered into the woods and found the stream, following it deeper into the woods and letting her mind wander. She closed her eyes and tried to think of what she could to help Miles since he seemed insistent of shooting down all of her ideas.
Miles covered his face, trying to hide his horrendous sobs and hiccups. I swear I'm loosing it…. He wiped his eyes and sat back against the dark wall. The least I can do is stay inside, but I'm a working dude! As much as I want to stay safe I want to get things done! Go out and build stuff! Go shopping! Hunt! Fish! Everything in my power to keep myself from becoming a couch potato… He hugged his knees to his broad chest. I suppose I can't help it. If she's so intent on keeping me safe or whatever, I shouldn't stop her…
"Should I go back?" She asked herself out loud, knowing that she was alone in the woods, "I mean, I've already stayed longer than I probably should've." She said down by the base of a tree and laid her head back on it, "I can go back and tell him that I'm leaving, nicely obviously….should I tell him how I really feel about him as well? I mean, I'll be leaving anyway.." She let the silence of the forest surround herself as she weighed out leaving and helping him stay safe from the hunters.
Miles sighed once he finally stopped bawling. "I won't be surprised if she hates my guts now…." He muttered, rubbing his arms. "Being this whiny crybaby about loosing my life for some convention…" He folded his arms and rested his head on his knees. "But what can I say? I'm a legit wild animal. I'm a threat. But not if I can control by wolf body…."
Emmeline stood up slowly and shook her head, heading back to the house as she thought about how she was going to tell Miles. She stopped at the edge of the woods and looked at the house, the garden and the shed with a small sigh. She shook her head again and came out of the woods, heading for the house.
Miles sat in the shed still, keeping quiet and still at this point. She can't see me like this… She just can't…. He shook his head. I don't care… Whatever she sees is what she gets, no matter what I'm doing.
She walked inside and looked around, slightly worried when she didn't see him. She stepped back outside, "Miles?" She called, heading towards the shed, "Hey Miles? Are you around here?"
Miles still kept silent. I can't believe I let her down like that… Just to give in that easily to something I can avoid entirely…. He flicked his toes around in his boots. I mean…. I can't leave my house… That's a bit extreme… Just as long as no one sees that I'm a werewolf….
"Miles?" She stepped inside the shed and finally saw him, a quick smile flashing across her face when she finally found him. Emmeline looked at the ground and sighed, "I um…I have two things to tell you," She said softly, shuffling her feet nervously.
He sighed hopelessly and sat back. "Lay it on me." Promise everyone you won't start crying again….
She nodded and focused on the floor, "Well…um, I'll tell you this one first.." She blew out a small breath and began quietly, "I..I really like you Miles…you're nice and frankly, you keep me from overthinking things as much..I know you probably don't feel the same back, but I needed to tell you that before I tell you the other thing." She rubbed the back of her neck and felt her face heat up.
Miles just sort of glared at her. Gods, he hadn't been loved by anyone since he was kicked out of the house – and he hadn't loved anyone since the same time. He bit his lip as his face reddened the same. But he stayed quiet so she could proceed as needed.
"The second thing is..I think I'm going to leave, I don't know, I just feel like I don't belong here…I just wanted to let you know..sorry," She sighed and looked up at him, "It was nice staying here though, I liked it." She looked at the door and then back at him.
He chuckled, shaking his head as his face was redder than blood. "Wh–" He stammered a bit. "What's the purpose of admiring me if you're gonna leave me behind?" Do what you want… But I really want to know.
She shrugged lightly, "I just wanted for you to know..now I know that you at least know." She fiddled with the hem of her shirt and nodded, "Do you mind if I take the other clothes that you bought for me?"
He breathed heavily, but with control. "Go ahead. Do what you want. Leave and never come back, never see me again…." Miles shrugged. "Heck, take everything. If you have a place to put it all."
Emmeline blushed harder, "I'm not going to take everything, you need all of it way more than I do," She looked up at him and sighed, "I was trying not to think about not seeing you, but you're making this way more difficult.."
She may or may not have missed my point…. "Well you're making it more difficult just by standing here and talking to me," Miles said curtly, wiping his face with a sweaty palm. "And I'm strongly guessing that you think the way life was without me is better for you."
"..well, no it wasn't better…it sucked, but I just feel like I can't help anymore…plus with this new werewolf thing, I figured you didn't need anyone else to take care of when you have to be on the lookout constantly." She sighed again, "Stop making me rethink this," She mumbled under her breath.